Final touches

You may have noticed that the toolbar buttons don't look very good now that we've wired them with the Link component. You don't need to have button components here since Blueprint allows us to style other elements, such as hyperlinks, so that we can make them look like buttons.

To use Link components without button wrappers, we need to update the code for the application component so that it looks as follows:

className="bp3-button bp3-minimal bp3-icon-home"

className="bp3-button bp3-minimal bp3-icon-document"

Now, the application toolbar should look much better:

Congratulations—you have an initial React application project wired with the Electron shell! You have also integrated an external UI toolkit to save time creating components and focus on the business logic.

In the next section, we are going to build a similar application with another highly popular framework: Vue.js. You are going to explore the differences in project configuration and libraries for the user interface and decide which application stack to use for production.

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