
802.11; see Wi-Fi

911 269

Adobe Systems 62, 94, 281, 306

“Airplane” 44

Afghanistan 135

Aker, Jenny 129 ff.

Akerlof, George 36

Analytics (data) 303309 7, 14, 17, 27, 62, 6669, 75, 113, 115, 116, 157, 164, 184, 186, 197, 205, 221, 224, 225, 227, 238, 240, 263, 272274, 276, 277, 326, 343344, 349, 361367, 374, 384, 386

American Airlines 165

Anderson, Chris (TED) 368

Anderson, Chris (Wired) 66, 293, 393

Android; see Google

Angry Birds 20, 372

Anonymous 346, 355358

Apple 68, 14, 15, 17, 23, 27, 30, 31, 50, 59, 60, 62, 70, 7980, 94, 95, 118, 129, 134, 166, 181, 182, 185187, 195, 205, 224, 226, 263, 281283, 285, 286289, 322, 331, 332, 340, 372, 373, 374, 380, 381, 384, 385

Ariely, Dan 36

Assange, Julian 354355

ATMs 153, 155

AT&T 30, 59, 60, 62, 111, 165, 171178, 253, 254, 255, 287, 331, 374 226, 380

Baran, Paul 255256

Batteries 290

Baumol, William 156

Beaufort wind scale 316

Behavioral economics 3541

Bell, Daniel 144

Bell, Gordon 187

Benkler, Yochai 90, 118

Best Buy 365

Bezos, Jeff 362

BitTorrent 184, 374

Blackberry 284, 285, 287, 289, 351

Blinder, Alan 91

Bluetooth 285

Bolles, Richard Nelson 336

Bowie, David 94

Boyd, Danah 27

Boyd, John 352353, 355

Brands, sports teams 382385

Brin, Sergei; see Page, Larry

Brynjolfsson, Erik 68, 93, 157

Brooks, Fred 235

Bundling (of information goods) 4648

Bush, Vannevar 16

Business models 163169

California 109, 110

Carnegie Mellon University 142, 325

Cellular phones, see Smartphones

Cerf, Vint 187

Chesbrough, Henry 166

Chessboard, second half of 3

China 353, 372, 381

Christensen, Clayton 166168

Cisco Systems 60, 74, 267, 346

Cloud computing 15, 271278

Coase, Ronald 88

Coburn Ventures 275

Condorcet 122

Cowen, Tyler 6

Craigslist 335

Crawford, Matthew 147149

Cross, Rob 187

Crowds and crowdsourcing 110, 115124

Cusumano, Michael 57

DARPA 38, 124, 369

DHL 131

Dating, online 318, 333336

Dell 7, 8, 12, 50, 141, 157

Dematerialization (of information goods) 349

Demographics 2532

Descartes, Rene 148, 211

Dev Team (iPhone) 95

Digital natives; see demographics

Disney 39, 182, 225, 288

Doerr, John 289

Dunbar, Robin 336

DVD 12, 15, 46, 52, 194, 196, 386

Dynabook (Kay) 16

ERP 285, 305

Earth Liberation Front 379

eBay 7, 20, 62, 67, 69, 116, 175, 176, 295, 322, 343, 386 97

Economist, The 18, 108, 133, 155, 205, 382

Eisenmann, Thomas 58

Electronic Arts 40

Erdős, Paul 337

Facebook 4, 6, 7, 14, 15, 27, 28, 29, 32, 38, 39, 62, 74, 75, 113, 115, 117, 164, 165, 168, 181, 182, 184, 185, 225, 237, 238, 240, 250, 259, 260, 263, 264, 273, 304, 321, 322, 325, 326, 327, 331, 337, 339, 340, 344, 345, 349, 351, 367, 372, 374, 380, 387

Farmville 39, 197, 223, 234

Finland 6, 20, 259

Flash crash 303, 347

Flickr 27, 115, 116, 184, 187, 237, 238, 287

Florida, Richard 142, 146

Foldit 119

Ford 108

Foursquare 39, 187, 224, 322, 372

Frankowski, Dan 68

Friedman, Thomas 18, 143, 293

Gates, Bill 165, 206, 227

Gawande, Atul 218

Gawer, Annabelle; see Cusumano, Michael

General Electric 6, 15, 104

General Motors 67, 165, 263, 266

Gilder, George 3

Gilt Groupe 226, 380

Globalization 6

Goodnight, James 16

Google xvi, 6, 7, 8, 1213, 14, 17, 27, 28, 43, 62, 66, 70, 74, 75, 94, 129, 134, 142, 157, 164, 171, 181187, 203204, 250, 260, 263, 264, 265, 272, 273, 281, 284, 286, 289, 293299, 304, 305, 308, 322, 326, 327, 331, 334, 337, 343, 344, 345, 349, 357, 365, 374,

Gore, Al 5

Government 103113

GPS 4, 14, 28, 60, 62, 224, 244, 250, 263270, 284, 287, 304306, 324

Granovetter, Mark 336

Grateful Dead 54

Guardian newspaper 115116

HP 7, 267, 272

Hamel, Gary; see Prahalad, C.K.

Hatch, Orrin 190

Health care 209219

Hollywood Stock Exchange 120, 121

IBM 5, 6, 12, 61, 179, 272, 273, 276, 281, 286, 303, 305, 3123, 314, 341, 357

Illinois 107

India 6, 32, 128, 129, 130, 132, 141

Information goods 4350

Innocentive 367

Intel 60ff, 167, 387

Interactive Corp 299

Internet 4, 5, 67, 73, 25326, 267

Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) 9798

Intrade 122

Iowa Electronic Markets 120, 121

iPad; see Apple

iPhone; see Apple

iPod; see Apple

Isenberg, David 177, 258

Jacobs, Jane 143

Jobs, Steve 17, 100, 195, 286

Kagermann, Henning 164

Kahneman, Daniel 36

Kay, Alan 16

Kelly, Kevin 236, 296

Kenya 127137

Khan Academy 23

Kickstarter 9394, 372

Kindle; see 9596, 224

Kuhn, Thomas 168

Kundra, Vivek 112

Kurzweil, Raymond 165

Latinos 27

Lessig, Lawrence 233, 236

LinkedIn 4, 62, 117, 260, 326

Linux 12, 20, 37, 46, 59, 60, 62, 70, 100, 101, 118, 164, 176, 181, 234, 346, 356, 373, 375, 378379

Lock-in 4950

Long tail; see Power laws

MIT 16, 38, 60, 68, 141, 149, 157, 246, 304, 369

MTV 191193

Malone, Thomas 149, 379

Mandel, Michael 78

Mauboussin, Michael 66

Mbiti, Isaac; see Aker, Jenny

McKinsey Global Institute 297

Memex (Bush) 16

Metadata 237240

Microsoft 6, 7, 12, 45, 49, 57, 61, 62, 74, 94, 164, 167, 179188, 273, 274, 276, 281, 286, 287, 299, 305, 306, 314, 325, 332, 373, 374, 378

Milgram, Stanley 338

Moneybatt 304

Monier, Louis 187

Moore's law 3, 177

Motorola 129, 288, 374

mPedigree 136

M-Pesa 134

MP3 4, 12, 190, 195, 284, 288, 294, 327, 349

Music industry 189197

Napster 12, 51, 117, 167, 189, 192, 194, 209, 221, 375, 378

National Basketball Association 119120, 385

Netessine, Serguei 6869

Netflix 38, 67, 68, 70, 100, 116, 326, 334, 365, 386

Netscape 12, 60

Network effects 45, 184, 260

New York Times xvi, 18, 164, 199, 202

Newspapers 47, 199206

Nike 248

Nintendo Wii 62

Nokia 8, 20, 129, 173, 182, 263, 282, 284, 285, 286, 288, 374, 384

Norman, Don 79

Nortel 7

Obama, Barack 153, 159

O'Reilly, Tim 118, 184, 234

Oracle 31, 94, 183, 185, 274, 305, 314

Organizations 20, 93100, 380381

Outer Banks, NC xvxvii

Page, Larry 299

Parking meters 248249

PayPal 62, 176, 343, 356, 387 110

Pennsylvania 105ff

Perez, Carlota 2223, 371, 398

Pink, Dan 100, 150

Platforms 5763, 200, 285, 367, 373375, 378

Porter, Michael 377

Postrel, Virginia 67

Power laws 6570, 293

Prahalad, C.K. 90

Privacy 321328

Private aircraft 328

Procter & Gamble 117, 341

Productivity 153159

Quora 117, 300

RFID 245, 250, 305, 322, 324

RIAA 189, 191, 193

RSA Security 357

Radio 193, 199, 259

Radiohead 196

Railroads 86

Raymond, Eric 183

Real estate 227229, 296

Reich, Robert 146

Research in Motion; see Blackberry

Risk 7381, 387

Romer, Paul 293

Roomba 246247

Ruhlman, Michael 149

Rural Sourcing 142 182, 183, 273

SAP 31, 62, 94, 164, 183, 185, 274, 305, 314, 341, 386

SQL 308

Schmidt, Eric 304

Schneier, Bruce 7781, 239

Search 291301

Second Life 345

Sensors 243251

Services sector 10

Shannon, Claude 5

Shapiro, Carl; see Varian, Hal

Sharks 76

Shirky, Clay 21, 37, 70, 127, 237

Shopkick 223, 225, 344, 372

Skyhook 264, 266

Skype 14, 18, 29, 100, 101, 175, 176, 221, 332, 346

Sloan, Alfred 88

Smartphones 9, 13, 281290

Smith, Adam 8586, 153

Software copying 5155

Soulja Boy 69

Sports brand equity 382385

Square (payments) 111, 224

Starr, Paul 203, 206 123, 217

Strategy, business 377378

Strategy, military 375377

Stuxnet 354, 357

Sunstein, Cass 36, 121122

Surowieki, James 115, 121

Symantec 74

Systems thinking 19, 78

Tagging 298

Taleb, Nassim Nicholas 67, 75, 122, 293

Tapscott, Don 2628

Taylor, F.W. 87

Teledensity 19

Thaler, Richard 36, 122

Thurow, Lester 60

Titmuss, Richard 212

TopCoder 118

Trimble 267

Tufte, Edward 314, 317

Tversky, Amos; see Kahneman, Daniel

Twain, Mark 17

Twitter 4, 29, 38, 62, 165, 187, 223, 273, 325, 327, 337, 343, 351, 367, 381

UPS 19, 344

USB 61

Usability 7980

Ushahidi 133, 367

Vail Resorts 250

Varian, Hal 43

Veblen, Thorstein 143144

Verizon 49, 129, 174, 176

Versioning (of information goods) 4648

Visualization (data) 306, 311317

Vonage 269

Wall StreetJournal 44, 269, 325, 328

Weather Underground 250

Web 2.0 27, 184

Weber, Max 88

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) 14, 174, 269

Wi-Fi 13, 62, 74, 180, 284, 327

Wikileaks 113, 354

Wikipedia 6, 20, 37, 70, 101, 111, 115, 118, 164, 184, 298, 373

Windows operating system; see Microsoft

Wishvast 132

Wolfram Alpha 306308

Work 139150

Xerox 5051, 65, 165

Yahoo! 7, 1213, 66, 75, 117, 122, 165, 186, 274

YouTube 14, 62, 67, 117, 205, 238, 273, 294, 332, 340

Zappos 166

ZigBee 305

Zipf, George 65

Zittrain, Jonathan 340

Zuckerberg, Mark 326

Zynga 223, 374

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