AbitibiBowater Inc.

Accelerated depreciation methods


accrual basis

acquisition method of

cash basis



discretion in


equity method of

fair value

mark-to-market inventory

pooling of interest method of


Accounting equations

balance sheet

explanation of

income statement

statement of retained earnings

use of

Accounting goodwill

Accounting policies

changes in

disclosures regarding changes in

Accounting process

accounting records and

accruals and

financial statements and

illustration of

valuation adjustments and

Accounting profit

differences between taxable income and

differences between taxable profit and

explanation of

Accounting standards

case study anticipating effects of changes in

for cash and cash equivalents

effect of differences in

organizations involved in

Accounting systems

debit and credit

discretion in

flow of information in

spreadsheet approach to


chart of



explanation of

Accounts receivable

analysis of

explanation of

Accrual basis accounting

cash basis vs.

explanation of



analysis of


cash-flow-statement-based aggregate

decomposition of

entries for

explanation of

Accrued expenses

Accrued interest

Accrued wages

Accumulated benefit obligation

Accumulated depreciation

Accumulated other comprehensive income

Acer Inc.

Acquisition method of accounting

for business combinations

explanation of



cost at

explanation of

Activity ratios

calculation of

definitions of commonly used

evaluation of

interpretation of

Actuarial gains and losses (AGLs)

explanation of

on pension and other postretirement benefit expenses

Adjusted trial balance

Adjusting journal entries

Advertising, as expense

Akzo Nobel AG

Alcatel-Lucent (ALU), consolidated financial statements and notes of

Allowance for bad debts

Altria Group, Inc.

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)

Ameritrade Holding Corporation



cash flow statement and

of excess purchase price

explanation of

of intangible assets

of long-lived assets

Amortized cost

AMR Corporation

Analyst adjustments

framework for

related to goodwill

related to inventory

related to investments

related to off-balance-sheet financing

related to property, plant, and equipment


role of

types of


Annual reports, management commentary or analysis in

Anticipating effects of changes in accounting standards (case study)

Antidilutive securities

Apple Inc.

balance sheet of

cash flow analysis of comparables of

cross-sectional common-size analysis of

earnings release by

revenue recognition and

strategy change reflected in financial performance for

war chests and

Asahi Breweries

Asset age ratios

Asset base composition (Nestlé case study)


cash as



determining the tax base of

disposal of

evaluation of

explanation of


impairment of



long-lived (see Long-lived assets)

manipulation of

measurement of

net operating


revaluation of

securitization of


temporary differences at initial recognition of

Asset utilization ratios. See Activity ratios

Associates, investments in

Audit committees

Audit opinions

explanation of

on internal control systems

types of

Auditor’s report

example of

explanation of




international standards for

Available-for-sale investments

explanation of

fair value decline of




Balance-sheet-based accruals ratio

Balance-sheet-based aggregate accruals

Balance sheet exposure

net asset

net liability

temporal method and

to translation adjustment

Balance sheet ratios

Balance sheets

cash flow statements and


common-size analysis of

components of

current and noncurrent classification on

current assets on

current liabilities on

defined benefit plans on

equation for

equity on

examples of

explanation of

foreign currency transactions on

function of

goodwill on

indirect method of cash flow statement and


International Financial Reporting Standards requirements for

liquidity-based presentation on

noncontrolling interest on

noncurrent assets on

noncurrent liabilities on

off-balance-sheet liabilities and

ratio analysis of


warning signs of issues in

Bank regulation

Bargain acquisitions


Basel Accords

Basel Committee on Banking Supervision


Basic earnings per share

explanation of

on income statement

B+H Ocean Carriers

BHP Billiton (BHP)

Bias, back-testing and

Bill-and-hold sales


Board of directors


explanation of

face value of

issued at discount

market value of


Bonds payable

bond amortization, interest expense, and interest payments and

bond issuance and

current market rates and fair value reporting option and

debt covenants and

debt derecognition and

explanation of

long-term debt presentation and disclosure and

Book value, investment costs that exceed

Bottom-up analysis

Branches, investments in

Business activity classification

Business and geographic segments

reporting requirements and

segment ratios and

Business combinations

accounting for

acquisition method for

comparability impairment and

on consolidated financial statements

deferred taxes and

explanation of

financial statement presentation subsequent to

intangible assets acquired in

pooling of interests accounting method for

types of


Capital allocation (Nestlé case study)


of borrowing costs

expensing vs.

explanation of

of interest costs

of ongoing purchases

of software development costs

Capital leases

Capital markets

financial information influencing

operating income and

regulation of European

Capital One

Capital structure

analysis of

explanation of

Carpenter Technology Corporation

Carrying amount

of asset

explanation of

Case studies

anticipating effects of changes in accounting standards

long-term equity investment

off-balance-sheet leverage from operating leases


on balance sheet

evaluation of sources and uses of

explanation of

paid for income taxes

paid for interest

paid for other operating expenses

paid to employees

paid to suppliers

received from customers

from sale of equipment

Cash basis accounting

accrual basis vs.

explanation of

Cash conversion cycle

Cash equivalents

Cash flow ratios

Cash flows

analysis of

classification of

converted from indirect method to direct method

direct method to report

explanation of


illustration of profit vs.

indirect method to report

from investing activities

from operating activities

of pension and other postemployment benefits

Cash flow statement analysis

case study of

cash flow ratios and


evaluation of sources and uses of cash and

free cash flow to firm and to equity and

Cash-flow-statement-based accruals ratio

Cash-flow-statement-based aggregate accruals

Cash flow statements

classification issues for

direct method for

direct method under IFRS standards

example of

explanation of

financing activities on

function of

IFRS vs. GAAP requirements for

income statements and balance sheets and

indirect method for

indirect method under IFRS standards

investing activities on

omitted investing and financing activities and

operating activities on

prepared under GAAP

real earnings management activity and

steps to prepare

Cash ratio

Caterpillar Inc. (CAT)

CFA Institute

evolving standards and role of

Standards of Practice Handbook (SOPH)

Charles Schwab Corporation

Chart of accounts

Chevron Corporation

China Construction Bank

China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation

Cisco Systems

Class action lawsuits

Classified balance sheets

Clean-surplus accounting

CNH Global N.V.

Coca-Cola, Inc.

Commercial receivables. See Accounts receivable

Committee of European Securities Regulators (CESR)

Common shares. See Common stock

Common-size analysis

of balance sheets

of cash flow statements


explanation of

of income statements

relationships among financial statements


Common stock

change in

explanation of

Company disclosures

regarding changes in accounting policies

relating to critical and significant accounting policies

Completed contract method

A Comprehensive Business Reporting Model: Financial Reporting for Investors (CFA Institute)

Comprehensive income

explanation of

in income statement




Conceptual framework

barriers to

convergence of

Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting 2010 (International Accounting Standards Board)

function of

objectives of

usefulness of financial information and


Consolidated financial statements

business combination with less that 100% acquisition and

explanation of

goodwill impairment and

noncontrolling interests and


Contingent assets

Contingent consideration

Contingent liabilities

Contra account

Contracts, accounting information in

Contributed capital

Convertible debt

Convertible debt outstanding

Convertible preferred stock

Corning, Inc.

Corporate earnings announcements

Cost flow assumption

Cost formulas

Cost method, depreciation in

Cost model, for investment property

Cost of goods sold (COGS)

Cost of sales

explanation of

inventory valuation method and

Cost recovery method

Coupon rate

Coverage ratios

CRA International, income statement for

Credit, in accounting context

Credit analysis

credit rating process and

explanation of

financial position and

function of

quantitative factors in

ratio comparison and

research on ratios in

Standard & Poor’s and

Credit rating agencies

Credit risk

accounts receivable and

assessment of

explanation of

Credit scoring

Cross-sectional analysis

for balance sheets

explanation of

of past financial performance

relationship between financial statements and

Current assets

on balance sheet

explanation of

Current cost

Current exchange rate

assets and liabilities translated at

explanation of

Current liabilities

accounts payable as

accrued expenses as

deferred revenue as

explanation of

income taxes payable as

notes payable as

Current rate method

explanation of

temporal method used with

Current ratio

Current tax assets

Current tax liabilities

Customers, cash received from


Data collection

Data processing

Data-snooping bias

Days of inventory on hand (DOH)

Days’ sales outstanding (DSO)

Debit, in accounting context

Debit/credit accounting system


derecognition of



with warrants

Debt covenants

Debt securities

accounting for investments in

explanation of

reclassification of

Debt-to-assets ratio

Debt-to-capital ratio

Debt-to-equity ratio

Deductible temporary differences

examples of

explanation of

Defensive interval ratio

Deferred income. See Deferred revenue

Deferred revenue

analysis of

explanation of

Deferred tax assets

assessment of

creation of

explanation of

recognition of

Deferred tax liabilities

charged directly to equity

creation of

explanation of

recognition of

Defined benefit plans

balance sheet presentation of

change in assumptions and

explanation of

measuring obligations of

pension liability for

projected unit credit method to calculate

underlying economic expense of

vesting and

Defined contribution plans

accounting treatment of

explanation of

vesting and

Dell Inc.

analysis of cash flow statement of

cash flow analysis of comparables of

cross-sectional common-size analysis of

evaluation of liquidity measures for



accelerated methods of


amortization and

analyst adjustments to

cash flow statement and

diminished balance method of

double declining balance


explanation of

on income statements

of long-lived assets

methods to calculate

of property, plant, and equipment

in revaluation model

straight-line method of

units-of-production method of


of debt

explanation of


Deutsche Bank

Diebold, Inc. (DBD)

Diluted earnings per share (EPS)

antidilutive securities and

explanation of

on income statement

treasury stock method to calculate

when company has convertible debt outstanding

when company has convertible preferred stock outstanding

when company has stock options, warrants, or equivalents outstanding

Diluted shares

Diminished balance depreciation method

Direct financing leases

Direct method

cash flow conversion from indirect method to

for cash flow statement

for cash flow statements under GAAP standards

for cash flow statements under IFRS standards

to report cash flow from operating activities

Direct write-off method

Dirty-surplus accounting

Dirty-surplus items


of changes in accounting policies

of critical and significant accounting policies

of debt covenant

of debt extinguishment

of depreciation and amortization

of equity method investments

of foreign currency financial statement translation

of foreign currency transaction gains and losses

of goodwill

of income tax related information

of inventory

of leases by lessee

of long-lived assets

of long-term debt

of pension plans and other postemployment benefits

of stock options

Discontinued operations, on income statement

Discount rate

to estimate pension obligations

explanation of

Discover Financial Services (DFS)

Dividend payout ratio

Dividends, on cash flow statements

Double declining balance depreciation

Double-entry accounting

Doubtful accounts

Downstream transactions

Dreamworks Animation SKG

DuPont analysis. See also Return on equity (ROE)

explanation of

for Nestlé case study


accrual component of

manipulation in reporting of

mean reversion in


persistence of


reverting property of


Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT)

Earnings expectations management

Earnings game

Earnings management activity

Earnings per share (EPS)


changes in


explanation of

formula for

interpretation of

simple vs. complex capital structure and

Earnings quality

analysis of

applying simple measures of

company comparison of

explanation of

measures of accrual component of earnings and

reporting of

Economic goodwill

EDGAR system (Securities and Exchange Commission)

Effective interest rate

Electrolux AB

Employee compensation. See also Pension plans/postemployment benefits

Employee Retirement and Income Security Act (ERISA)

Employees, cash paid to


cash from sale of

depreciation of


components of

evaluation of

explanation of

recognition of current and deferred tax charged directly to

return on

statement of changes in

Equity analysis

explanation of

financial statements as foundation for

income statements and

industry-specific ratios and

research on ratios in

valuation ratios and

Equity method of accounting

challenges of

disclosures for

explanation of

at fair value

with goodwill

for impairment

with sale of inventory

Equity securities

Europe, capital markets regulation in

European Commission

European Financial Reporting Advisory Group

European Securities and Market Authority (ESMA)

European Securities Committee (ESC)

European Union (EU), capital market regulation by

Exercise date, stock option

Expenditures, capitalizing vs. expensing

Expense recognition

deferred expenses and

depreciation and amortization and

doubtful accounts and

financial analysis implications of

general principles of

for information service provider

warranties and


accrual basis accounting and


classification of ordinary expenses as nonrecurring or nonoperating


explanation of

on income statement



warning signs of issues in reported

Expensing, capitalizing vs.

Exposure to foreign exchange risk

External auditors

Extraordinary items, on income statement

Exxon Mobil Corporation

Face value, of bonds

Fair value

of assets and liabilities acquired in business combination

of bonds

equity method of accounting at

explanation of

for investment property

investments designated at

Fair value reporting

Faithful representation of financial information

FASB. See Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)

FASB Accounting Standards Codification

FASB ASC Topic 323

FASB Interpretation 46, Revised (FIN 46R)

Fiat S.p.A.

FIFO (first in, first out) method

adjustment for a company using

conversion to, from last in, first out

exchange rates and

explanation of

inventories and

Finance leases. See also Leases/leasing

accounting of

explanation of

impact for lessee

impact for lessor

operating leases treated as

operating vs.

Financial Accounting Foundation

Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)

anticipating changes in accounting standards of

on convergence of standards

evolving standards and

explanation of

on fair value accounting

on financial reporting standards

on intercorporate investments

on special purpose entities

Financial analysis. See also Financial statement analysis

of accounting choices

articulating purpose and context of

computations vs.

depreciation and amortization and

financial notes and

function of

information sources for

model building and forecasting as

objectives of

revenue recognition policies and

segment ratios for

segment reporting requirements for

Financial analysis case studies

in anticipating effects of changes in accounting standards

in long-term equity investment

in off-balance sheet leverage from operating leases

Financial analysis techniques. See also specific techniques

business and geographic segments and

common-size analysis as

credit analysis as

equity analysis as

graphs as

model building and forecasting and

overview of

ratios as

regression analysis as

Financial asset investments


designated at fair market

held for trading



overview of

reclassification of

Financial assets

accounting treatment for

explanation of

measurement of

Financial leverage

Financial leverage ratio

Financial notes

Financial performance

evaluation of

example of strategy change reflected in

function of projecting

input to market-based valuation to project

projecting multiple-period

Financial position, evaluation of

Financial reporting

accounting standards boards and

barriers to single coherent framework for

characteristics of effective

classification of business activities for

constraints on

disclosures in

discretion in

estimates in

function of

manipulation of information in

mechanisms curtailing abuse in

objective of

qualitative characteristics of

quality warning signs in

regulatory authorities and

supplementary information for

Financial reporting quality. See also Earnings quality

accrual component of earnings and

balance sheet issues and

cash flow statement issues and

earnings quality and

expense recognition issues and

explanation of

fair value reporting for

framework to quantify

mean reversion in earnings and

revenue recognition issues and

Financial reporting standards

comparison of IFRS with alternative reporting systems and

convergence of global

framework for international

function of

monitoring developments in

Financial Services Agency (Japan)

Financial Services Authority (FSA) (U.K.)

Financial statement analysis. See also Financial analysis

analyst adjustments to reported financials and

to assess credit risk

to evaluate past financial performance

framework for

function of

misrepresentations and

to project future financial performance

reports and supplementary information for

reverting property of earnings and

scope of

to screen for potential equity investments

Financial statement analysis framework

Financial statements. See also specific financial statements

auditor’s report

certification of


elements in

financial notes and supplementary schedules for

function of

general requirements for


manipulation of information on

measurement of assets and liabilities in

relationships among

subsequent to business combination

supplementary information for

types of

underlying assumptions in

used in security analysis

Financing activities

on cash flow statements

determining cash flows from

explanation of

First in, first out (FIFO) method. See FIFO (first in, first out) method

Fixed asset turnover ratio

Fixed-charge coverage ratio

Fixed costs

Fixed-income analysis

Footnotes, financial

Ford Motor Company


consistency in

errors in

example of

future operating profits

principles of

Foreign currency financial statement translation

analytical issues in

conceptual issues in

disclosures related to

functional currency approach to

highly inflationary economies and

illustration of methods of

methods of

retained earnings and

using both methods at same time

when foreign subsidiary operates in hyperinflationary economy

Foreign currency transactions

disclosing gains and losses in

explanation of

with exposure to foreign exchange risk

with intervening balance sheet date

reporting of gains and losses in

with settlement before balance sheet date

Foreign exchange rates

Foreign exchange risk exposure. See also Foreign currency transactions

Foreign subsidiaries

explanation of

financial statements of

operating in hyperinflationary economy

Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements (IASB)

Free cash flow

Free cash flow to equity (FCFE)

Free cash flow to firm (FCFF)

Functional currency

explanation of

factors considered in determining

foreign currency as

illustration of

parent’s presentation currency as

GAAP. See Generally accepted accounting principles (U.S. GAAP)


in foreign currency transactions

on income statements

net income and

warning signs of issues in reported

General Electric (GE)

General ledger

Generally accepted accounting principles (U.S. GAAP)

on accounting policy changes

on balance sheet requirements

on bonds

on business combinations

on cash flow statement requirements

comparison of IFRS and

on comprehensive income

on convergence of standards

on depreciation

on disclosure

on earnings reporting

explanation of

on financial assets

on foreign currency financial statements and transactions

on goodwill

on impaired assets

on income statement requirements

on intangible assets

on intercorporate investments

on interest expenditures

on inventories

on investment property

on investments in associates

on joint ventures

on leases

on long-lived assets

on pensions and other postemployment benefits

on reconciliation requirement

on revaluation model

on stockholders’ equity

on taxes

on treasury stock method

General Motors

German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority


Going concern



analyst adjustments related to


explanation of

impairment of

measurement of

ratio comparisons for

recognition of

value assigned to


Grant date, stock option


Gross margin

Gross profit

explanation of

inventory valuation method and

Gross profit margin

explanation of

inventory and

Gross reporting approach

Group Danone

cash flow statement for

income statement for

Grouping by function

Grouping by nature

Growth investors

Health care costs, assumptions about trends in

Heineken NV

Held-for-trading investments

Held-to-maturity investments

Hewlett-Packard Co.

cash flow analysis of comparables

cross-sectional common-size analysis of

Highly inflationary economies, foreign currency translation in

Historical cost

Historical exchange rates

explanation of

stockholders’ equity accounts translated at

Horizontal analysis

Hurricane Katrina (2005)

Hurricane Rita (2005)

IASB. See International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)

IAS No. 1, Presentation of Financial Statements

IAS No. 12

IAS No. 21

IAS No. 27

IAS No. 28

IAS No. 29

IAS No. 31

IAS No. 36

IAS No. 39

Identifiable intangibles

If-converted method

IFRS. See International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

IFRS Foundation

IFRS No. 3


equity method of accounting for

explanation of

of financial assets


of intangible assets

of long-lived assets

of property, plant, and equipment

reversals of




explanation of


taxable (see also Income taxes)

Income statement ratios

Income statements

accounting policy changes and

analysis of

basic equation underlying the

cash flow statements and

common-size analysis of

components and format of

components of

comprehensive income on

defined benefit plans on

discontinued operations on

earnings per share on

equation for

example of

expense recognition on

explanation of

extraordinary items on

function of


multistep format for

noncontrolling interest on

nonoperating items on

presentation of information on

reporting income on

revenue recognition on

single-step format for

unusual or infrequent items on

Income taxes

accounting profit vs. taxable income and

cash paid for

change in rates of

IFRS vs. U.S. GAAP requirements and

overview of

presentation and disclosure of

taxable profit vs. accounting profit and

tax base of assets and

tax base of liabilities and

unused tax losses and tax credits and

Income tax paid

Income tax payable

Indemnification assets

Indirect method

balance sheet changes and

cash flow conversion to direct method from

for cash flow statements

for cash flow statements under GAAP standards

for cash flow statements under IFRS standards

Industry-specific ratios

Infrequent items, on income statement

In-process research and development (R&D)

Installment method

Installment sales

Intangible assets

acquired in business combination

developed internally

explanation of

goodwill as

long-lived assets as

measurement of

purchased in situations other than business combinations

Integrated financial ratio analysis

decomposition of ROE and

explanation of

illustration of

Intercorporate investments

accounting standards for

in associates

in business combinations

categories for

explanation of

in financial assets

in joint ventures

variable interest and special purpose entities



capitalization of

on cash flow statements

cash paid for

coupon rate of

effective rate of

market rate of

Interest coverage ratios

Interim reports

Internal auditors

International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)

anticipating changes in accounting standards of

Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting 2010

on convergence of global standards

evolving standards and

on expenses

on fair value accounting

on general requirements for financial statements

on income statements

on intercorporate investments

management commentary and

on special purpose entities

International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC)

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

alternative reporting systems vs.

on balance sheet requirements

on bonds

on business combinations

on cash flow statement requirements

on comparison of U.S. GAAP

on comprehensive income

on convergence of standards

on depreciation requirements

on diluted earnings per share

on disclosure

on earnings reporting

on financial assets

on foreign currency financial statements and transactions

general features of

on goodwill

on impaired assets

on income statements requirements

on intangible assets

on interest expenditures

on inventories

on investment property

on investments in associates

on joint ventures

on leases

on long-lived assets

on pensions and other postemployment benefits

on percentage-of-completion method

on procedure for new standards

on reconciliation requirement

on revaluation model

on statement of changes in equity

statement of compliance with

on statement of comprehensive income

on taxes

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Framework

constraints on financial reports and

objective of financial reports and

overview of

for preparation and presentation of financial reports

qualitative characteristics of financial reports and

International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO)

function of

management report and

International Paper Company

International standards for auditing (ISAs)


adjustments to

analysis of

analyst adjustments related to

costing methods for

cost of

equity method of accounting with sale of

exchange rates and

explanation of

overview of

turnover of

Inventory management evaluation

illustrations of

inventory ratios for

presentation and disclosure and

Inventory systems, periodic vs. perpetual

Inventory turnover ratio

Inventory valuation methods

calculation of cost of sales, gross profit, and ending inventory

changes in

comparison of

effect of choice of

first in, first out

function of

last in, first out

periodic vs. perpetual

specific identification

weighted average cost

Investing activities

on cash flow statements

explanation of

Investment Advisers, Ltd. (IAL) (example)

simple accounting system


Investment property

explanation of

methods to value

Investments. See also Intercorporate investments; specific investments

accounting treatments for

analyst adjustments related to

in business combinations

categories of

in financial assets

in joint ventures

reclassification of

in variable interest and special purpose entities

Investments in associates

amortization of excess purchase price and

analysis issues with

disclosure and

equity method of accounting and

explanation of

fair value option and

impairment and

investment costs exceeding book value of investee and

transactions and


J.M. Smucker Company

Johnson & Johnson (JNJ)

Jointly controlled assets

Jointly controlled entities

Jointly controlled operations

Joint ventures

financial statements for

function of

investments in

types of

Journal entries

Kahn Distribution Limited (KDL)

Kolenda Technology Group

Koninklijke KPN N.V.

Kraft Foods

income statement for

profitability of

Last in, first out (LIFO) method. See LIFO (last in, first out) method


advantages of

direct financing

explanation of

finance vs. operating

lease vs. buy decision and

off-balance-sheet financing and

sales-type leases



Lenovo Group Limited


accounting and reporting by

explanation of

financial statement disclosure of leases by

financial statement impact of finance vs. operating lease by

financial statement impact of treating operating leases as finance leases for


accounting and reporting by

explanation of

financial statement impact of direct financing lease vs. operating lease for

financial statement impact of sales-type lease for

Leverage ratios

Liabilities. See also Noncurrent liabilities



determining the tax base of

evaluation of

explanation of

measurement of

temporary differences at initial recognition of

LIFO (last in, first out) method

adjustment for a company using

conversion to first in, first out from

exchange rates and

explanation of

for inventories



Line graphs

Liquidations, LIFO


evaluation of

explanation of

level of needed

Liquidity-based presentation

Liquidity ratios

calculation of

definitions of commonly used

evaluation of

explanation of

interpretation of

LM Ericsson Telephone Company

Local currency

Long-lived assets

acquisition of

amortization of

capitalization of interest costs of

capitalization of internal development costs of

capitalizing vs. expensing of

depreciation of

disposal of

disposed of other than by sale

explanation of

impairment of

as intangible assets

investment property as

leasing and (see also Leases/leasing)

presentation and disclosure of

property, plant, and equipment as

revaluation model to report

sale of

Long-term contracts

explanation of

revenue recognition in

Long-term debt

change in

disclosure of

Long-term equity investment (case study)

accruals and earnings quality and

asset base composition and

capital structure analysis for

cash flow relationships and

conclusions and recommendations for

data processing, analyzing and interpreting for

decomposition and analysis of company’s valuation and

defining purpose for analysis of

DuPont analysis for

follow-up for

input data collection and

segment analysis and capital allocation and

Long-term liabilities. See Noncurrent liabilities

Look-ahead bias


in foreign currency transactions

on income statements

net income and

warning signs of issues in reported

Management’s discussion and analysis (MD&A)

disclosures and

explanation of

inventories and

Management report

Marketable securities

Market-based valuation

Market-oriented investors

Market rate of interest


Mark-to-market inventory accounting

Matching principle

explanation of

warranties and


Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.

McLeod Russel India Ltd.

Mean reversion in earnings


of assets and liabilities

variations in approaches to


Micron Technology, Inc.

Microsoft Corporation


Minority interests

Model building

Monetary/nonmonetary method

Moody’s Investors Service

MTR Gaming Group

Multinational operations

foreign currency financial statement translation in (see also Foreign currency financial statement translation)

foreign currency transactions in (see also Foreign currency transactions)

overview of

Nestlé Group

Nestlé SA. See also Long-term equity investment (case study)

Net asset balance sheet exposure


Net income

cash flow statements and

explanation of

as percentage of revenue

Net liability balance sheet exposure

Net operating assets (NOA)

Net profit margin

calculation of

explanation of

Net realizable value (NRV)

Net reporting approach

Net revenue

New Era Network Associates

New products

Nokia Corporation

Noncontrolling interest

balance sheet and

explanation of

income statement and

Noncurrent assets

explanation of

financial assets as

goodwill as

identifiable intangibles as

intangible assets as

investment property as

property, plant, and equipment as

Noncurrent liabilities

on balance sheets

bonds payable as (see also Bonds payable)

deferred tax liabilities as

explanation of

leases as (see also Leases/leasing)

long-term financial liabilities as

pensions and other postemployment benefits as

solvency evaluation and

types of

Nonoperating items

Norwalk Agreement

Notes payable

NOVA Chemicals Corporation

Novartis Group

Novo Nordisk

Number of days of payables

Objectives and Principles of Securities Regulation (International Organization of Securities Commissions)

Off-balance-sheet financing

Off-balance sheet leverage from operating leases (case study)

Off-balance-sheet liabilities

Office of the Comptroller of the Currency

Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (Canada)

Operating activities

direct method to report cash flow from

explanation of

indirect method to report cash flow from

reporting cash flow from

Operating efficiency ratios. See Activity ratios

Operating expenses

Operating income. See Operating profit

Operating leases. See also Leases/leasing

accounting rules for

explanation of

finance leases vs.

impact for lessee

impact for lessor

off-balance sheet financing from

treated as finance leases

Operating leverage

Operating profit

Operating profit margins

explanation of

forecasting future operating profits from historical

Operating return on assets (ROA)

Ordinary shareholders

Ordinary shares

Orthodontic Centers of America

Other comprehensive income (OCI)

Other current assets

Other postemployment benefits (OPB). See also Pension plans/postemployment benefits

Other receivables. See Accounts receivable

Owners’ equity

explanation of

nonowner changes in

terms used to denote

Parent’s presentation currency

Partners’ capital. See Owners’ equity

Past service costs (PSC)

Payables turnover

Pension obligation

Pension plans/postemployment benefits. See also Defined benefit plans; Defined contribution plans

accounting and reporting of

assumptions about trends in

cash flow impact of

defined benefit

defined contribution

disclosure of

financial statement reporting of

pension liability for

share-based compensation as

types of

underlying economic expense of

Percentage-of-completion method

example of

explanation of

Period costs

Periodic inventory system

Permanent differences

explanation of

between taxable and accounting profit

Perpetual inventory system

Phantom stock

Pie graphs

Postemployment benefits. See Pension plans/postemployment benefits

Preferred shareholders

Preferred shares

Preferred stock, convertible

Prepaid expenses

Prepaid rent

Presentation currency

Present value

Present value of defined benefit obligation (PVDBO)

Press releases

Pretax margin

Price to book value (P/B)

Price to cash flow

Price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio

Price-to-sales (P/S) ratio



illustration of cash flow vs.



evaluation of

explanation of

ratio analysis and

Profitability ratios

calculation of

definitions of commonly used

evaluation of

function of

interpretation of

Profit and loss (P&L) statement. See Income statements

Profit margins

explanation of




Projected unit credit method, to calculate defined benefit plans

Projections of future financial performance

historical operating profit margins and

input to market-based valuation and

issues in

overview of

Property, plant, and equipment (PPE)

acquisition of

analyst adjustments related to

explanation of

impairment of

as long-lived asset

presentation of

Proportionate consolidation

Proxy statements

Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB)

Publicis Groupe

Publicly traded companies

Purchased in-process research and development

Purchasing power loss/gain

Qualifying special purpose entity (QSPE)

Quick ratio

Ratio analysis

of balance sheets

example of

explanation of


limitations of

value of



asset age

balance sheet

balance-sheet-based accruals

cash flow

cash-flow-statement-based accruals

categories of financial

to compare goodwill

effect of inventory write-downs on

fixed asset turnover

industry- and task-specific

interest coverage

interpretation of


inventory turnover


methods to compute

peer comparison of




return on assets

to screen for potential equity investments



sources of


Realizable (settlement) value


Receivables turnover


Reconciliation requirement, Securities and Exchange Commission

Regression analysis

Regulation, industry-specific

Regulatory authorities

for European capital markets

explanation of



Relative analysis. See Cross-sectional analysis

Relevance, of financial information

Research and development (R&D)

expenditures on


Residual claim

Restructuring costs

Retail method

Retained cash flow (RCF)

Retained earnings

explanation of

foreign currency translation and

statement of (see also Statement of retained earnings)

Retention rate

Retirement benefits. See also Pension plans/postemployment benefits

Retrospective application

Return on assets (ROA)

accounting method and

explanation of

Return on common equity

Return on equity (ROE)

decomposition of

effect of differences in accounting standards on

explanation of

Return on investment profitability ratios

Return on net operating assets (RNOA)

Return on sales

Return on total capital

Revaluation model

depreciation in

explanation of


accrual basis accounting and

classifying nonrecurring or nonoperating revenue as operating


detecting problems in reported

explanation of

gross vs. net reporting of

on income statement

misstatement of




warning signs of issues in reported

Revenue recognition

accounting discretion and

accounting policy changes and

in barter transactions

bill-and-hold sales and

explanation of

financial analysis implications for

general principles of

in gross vs. net reporting

in installment sales

in long-term contracts

in special cases

Roche Group

Royal Dutch Shell

SABMiller plc

Safeway, Inc.

Sales forecasts, development of

Sales returns and allowances

Sales-type leases

explanation of

impact for lessor

Salvage value

SAP Group, balance sheet of

Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

Scenario analysis


back-testing and

example of stock

explanation of

for potential equity investments


Sector neutralizing

Securities Act of 1933

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

accruals and

annual report

convergence of global standards and

Form 6-K

Form 8-K

Form 10-K

Form 10-Q

Form 11-K

Form 20-F

Form 40-F

Form 144

Forms 3, 4, and 5

forms and statements issued by

function of

management report and

MD&A and

on off-balance-sheet financing

proxy statement/form DEF-14A

reconciliation requirement and

revenue and

Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Security analysis, use of financial statements for

Segment analysis (Nestlé case study)

Self-regulatory organizations (SROs)

Selling, general, and administrative (SG&A)

Sensitivity analysis

Service period, stock option

SFAS No. 52

SFAS No. 109

SFAS No. 140

SFAS No. 141

SFAS No. 141(R)

SFAS No. 142

SFAS No. 157

SFAS No. 160

Share-based compensation


explanation of

forms of

stock grants as

stock options as


Shareholders’ equity. See Owners’ equity

Siemens AG


Smoothed earnings

Software development costs


evaluation of

explanation of

Solvency ratios

calculation of

definition of commonly used

evaluation of

explanation of

interpretation of

Special purpose entities (SPEs)

consolidated vs. nonconsolidated securitization transactions and

explanation of

for leased asset


securitization of assets and

Special purpose vehicle

Specific identification method

explanation of

use of

S&P/MSCI Global Industrial Classification System (GICS)

Spreadsheet approach, basic accounting system as

Staff Accounting Bulletins (Securities and Exchange Commission)

Standard cost

Standard & Poor’s

credit ratios used by

EBIT interest coverage ratio and

Standard-setting approaches

Standard-setting bodies

Standards of Practice Handbook (SOPH) (CFA Institute)

Statement of cash flows. See Cash flow statements

Statement of changes in equity

Statement of comprehensive income

Statement of earnings. See Income statements

Statement of financial condition. See Balance sheets

Statement of financial position. See Balance sheets

Statement of income. See Income statements

Statement of operations. See Income statements

Statement of owners’ equity

Statement of retained earnings

equation for

explanation of

Statement of stockholders’ equity

Stelle Technology

Stock appreciation rights (SARs)

Stock grants

Stockholders’ equity. See Owners’ equity

Stock options

diluted earnings per share and

disclosure of

explanation of

Straight-line method of depreciation

Sturm Ruger & Co.

Subscription accounting

Subsidiaries, investments in


Supplemental schedules

Suppliers, cash paid to

Survivorship bias

Sustainable growth rate


Synthetic leases


explanation of

use of

Tangible assets, long-lived

Taxable income

differences between accounting profit and

example of determination of

explanation of

Taxable temporary differences

examples of

explanation of

Tax assets



Tax base

of asset

explanation of

of liability

Taxes. See Income taxes

Tax expense

Tax liabilities



Tax loss carry forward

Tech Data Corporation, cash flow statement for

Technical Practice Aid 5400.05 (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants)

Teck Resources Ltd.

Telefónica Group

Teléfonos de México

Tele Norte Leste Participações S.A.

Temporal method

effect of

explanation of

impacts of balance sheet exposures under

used with current rate method

use of

Temporary differences

business combinations and deferred taxes and


at initial recognition of assets and liabilities

investments in subsidiaries, branches, associates, and interests in joint ventures and


Textron Inc.

Thomson Corporation


Time series analysis

Tolerance-for-leverage measures

Top-down analysis


Toshiba Corporation

Total asset turnover

Total comprehensive income

Total invested capital

Trade receivables. See Accounts receivable

Trading securities

Transaction exposure. See also Foreign currency transactions


Treasury shares

Treasury stock method

Trend analysis

Trial balance

Unbilled revenue

Unclassified balance sheet


Unearned fees

Unearned revenue

Unilever Group

Uniting of interests

Units-of-production method of depreciation

Unusual items, on income statement

UPM-Kymmene Corporation (UPM)

Upstream transactions


adjustments to

approaches to

decomposition and analysis of company


Valuation allowance

Valuation ratios

calculation of

definition of selected

dividend-related quantities and

explanation of

interpretation of earnings per share and

Value investors

Variable costs

Variable interest entity (VIE)


Verizon Communications Inc.

Vertical analysis

Vested benefit obligation


Vesting date, stock option

Vodafone Group, PLC

Volkswagen Group

balance sheet of

cash flow statement

financial notes in financial statements of

income statement of

independent audit report

management report

statement of changes in equity

statement of comprehensive income

Volvo Group


consolidated balance sheet

War chest



Weighted average cost method

explanation of

inventories and

Weighted average exchange rate

Working capital

cash flow statements and

explanation of

Working capital turnover


XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language)

Yahoo! Inc.

Zero-coupon bonds

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