
I am indebted to numerous colleagues and companies who have spent the time providing information for this book. In particular I would like to thank Mark Bell, crusader for ENG microwave safety; Richard Wolf and Mark Leonard of Wolf Coach; Peter Ward, series editor of the Media Manuals for his encouragement; and Christina Donaldson at Focal Press, who stoically accepted my excuses as several deadlines came and went.

I pay tribute to all the operators in the field around the world who use ENG and SNG links to deliver the stories for daily consumption by an audience who rarely hear about their activity behind the cameras, or appreciate the level of skill and professionalism that enables the coverage of these stories.

It is not always realised that sometimes these people risk too much for the sake of the story.

Not least, thanks to Annie for putting up with the burden of writing another book, and always being supportive and encouraging.

Jonathan Higgins

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