

Electronic newsgathering (ENG) is the term for collection of TV news stories using small hand-held electronic colour cameras, which may be used with microwave links, to deliver pictures and sound back to the studio and/or record the material locally on built-in recorders on the camera back. It therefore describes the use of electronic broadcasting equipment (as opposed to film equipment) to cover stories and events.

It has become a generic term and is not merely limited in its application to news, but in general refers to the use of camcorders as well as highly portable microwave and satellite equipment in the coverage of any televised event – be it news, sport or a spectacular. Typically the microwave-transmitting equipment is mounted in a van or truck, and ENG microwave trucks typically have a ‘pump-up’ mast that extends from 10 to 17 m, with a microwave transmitter and an antenna at the top.


Outside broadcasting is the term for temporary provision of programme making facilities at the location of on-going news, sport or other events, lasting from a day to several weeks.

Outside broadcasts are generally planned in advance, but it is often necessary to accommodate short notice changes of venue or unforeseen requirements.

Microwave links may be required as a temporary point-to-point connection between the OB and the studio, as well as for portable links and wireless cameras on-site at the OB location. The definitions are not mutually exclusive, and certain operations could equally fit well into either or both categories. Added to this potential confusion is the fact that equipment manufacturers, in line with the terminology used in the United States, refer to everything as ENG.

It is not easy to discriminate between ENG and OB without ambiguity. Therefore for the purposes of this book, to avoid confusion, operations in terms of links considered under ENG can apply to OBs as well.


Satellite newsgathering (SNG) has become a generic term applied to any transportable satellite-transmitting earth station equipment used for the coverage of news, sports, or events.

Fundamentally, SNG describes the means by which material is gathered for TV broadcast and sent back to the studio using one (or more) satellites.

Typically the satellite-transmitting equipment is mounted in a truck, or packed and transported in cases (termed a flyaway). SNG trucks generally have a roof-mounted transmitting antenna.

ENG terrestrial microwave path


Basic satellite path


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