Glossary of terms

4:2:0digital video signal chrominance sampling standard
4:2:2digital video signal chrominance sampling standard – twice that of 4:2:0
4-wirestudio communication with separate send and return circuits enabling simultaneous bi-directional (two-way) conversations
601digital video standard (CCIR 601)
acquiring the birdlocating the satellite
AGCautomatic gain control
AMamplitude modulation
amplitude modulationa baseband message signal modulates (alters)the amplitude and frequency of a high frequency carrier signal at a nominally fixed frequency, so that the intensity, or amplitude, of the carrier wave varies in accordance with the modulating signal
analoguesignal which can take on a continuous range of values between a minimum and a maximum value;method of transmitting information by continuously variable quantities, as opposed to digital transmission,which is characterized by discrete ‘bits’ of information in numerical steps
ApstarAsia-Pacific region satellite system
ArabsatMiddle Eastern satellite system
artefactsfaults seen in a digital video picture
ASIAsynchronous Standard Interface – a digital connection standard
AsiaSatAsia-Pacific region satellite system
auditory maskingwhere parts of an audio signal not discernible by the human ear can be imperceptibly removed –method of fooling the human brain into hearing what is not present
automatic gain controlmethod of automatically compensating for varying levels in a signal
auto-trackingsystem used on an antenna to automatically follow the target satellite signal
basebandrefers to audio and video signals
baysequipment cabinets
beaconidentification signal transmitted by a satellite
beam coveragearea of coverage of a particular satellite transponder
belt-packcompact comms unit worn on a waist belt
BERbit error rate
bit error rateindication of digital signal quality
bitthe smallest element of a binary number – ‘0’ or ‘1’
bit ratespeed of data transmission, measured in bits per second
bits per secondmeasure of speed of data transmission
black line flashingtransmission error seen on analogue transmitted pictures
blockinesssee pixellation
boresightstrongest focussed signal emitted from a microwave (satellite or terrestrial) antenna
bounce signalsignal path achieved by reflecting signals off buildings, large objects, etc.
bpsbits per second
breaking storyrefers to a news story in its beginning phase
bring downfinish a satellite transmission
bring upstart a satellite transmission
broadbeamtype of satellite beam; spotbeam
CAconditional access
captureprocess of converting video and audio signals into a digital format for manipulation on a PC
carrier signalthe base signal on which information is modulated, either in amplitude, frequency or phase
C-bandrefers to the 4–6 GHz frequency band centre frequency
chaina set of equipment for transmission or reception
channelrefers to a transmission channel in a microwave link frequency band or on a satellite transponder
check bitsto enable error correction, added to the bit stream in a modulator to enable errors to be detected at the downlink
chrominancecolour signal
clean carrierunmodulated carrier
cleanfeedsee return audio
clearcommand from the studio that the remote contribution is complete
cliff-edgecharacteristic of decoded digital signal – either it is completely present or absent
coded orthogonal frequency division multiplex(COFDM) method of digitally transmitting a terrestrial microwave signal using a large number of narrow information carriers – typically at least 2000 – each carrying a slice of the total compressed data
COFDMcoded orthogonal frequency division multiplex
collecting areadescribes the area of a receiving antenna that has a clear unobstructed view towards the satellite or other microwave transmitter
colour differencein an analogue television signal, the technique of embedding the colour information in along with the luminance signal
commscommunications (with the studio)
commslinksystem of using two separate narrow bandwidth digital satellite carriers to provide bi-directional studio communications
compositeanalogue TV signal that is transmitted combiningthe luminance, colour and timing signals into one combined signal
compressedthe process of digital compression
compressionthe digital process by which redundant information can be removed from video and audio signals without the viewer perceiving the loss of information
conditional accessdigital encryption system used to protect unauthorized viewing of the programme
contributionthe process of feeding material to a studio for transmission
cross-polar discriminationthe property of a receive antenna to reject signals on the opposite polarization so that any interference from a signal on the same frequency but opposite polarization is minimized
crosstalkinterference between different but adjacent signals
cuesignal to begin speaking on air
cut, cut-piecean edited story
cutting togetherediting a story from raw material (rushes)
dangerous goodsIATA definition of goods considered hazardous for carriage on commercial aircraft
dBiunit of measurement of gain of an antenna
decibel(dB) – expression of ratios of two power levels in logarithmic form
decodera device that decodes a compressed MPEG-2 video and audio signal stream
dedicated capacitycapacity on a satellite that has been specifically set a side for a particular purpose
demodulation, demodulator the process of recovering information from a modulated signal, using a demodulator
deskcontrol console, typically audio mixer
digital ENGtypically refers to COFDM digital microwave transmission
direct-to-homesatellite distribution of programmes directly to the consumer via a dish on the viewers home
difference signalssee colour difference; the colour elements in a composite TV signal
digitalinformation expressed as data for transmission; signal state expressed as on (1) andoff (0) states; a binary signal
dishcolloquial term for a satellite antenna; also generic term for an SNG uplink operation
distributionthe process of distributing signals via a terrestrial or satellite network to audiences
down-the-linea two-way interview between the presenter in the studio, and the reporter or a guest on location
downconverterunit for translating frequencies from one frequency band down to another
driveterm used for the low power signal applied to the input of a high power amplifier
dropoutspicture flashing and rolling due to disturbances in the received signal
dual purposevehicles that have both a satellite uplink and a terrestrial microwave link – see hybrid
dual bandrefers to equipment that covers both C and Ku frequency bands
ductingeffect where radio signal paths are altered due to atmospheric effects; see also layering
dumpingprocess of allowing air to rapidly escape from a pneumatic mast, hence allowing it to descend much more quickly
DVB compliant; DVB standardcomplies to the digital video broadcasting standard
Eb/Nomeasurement of quality of the received digital signal
effective aperturearea of the antenna that contributes toreceiving a signal
effectsnormal background sound; see natural sound
electromagnetic interferenceinterference due to electromagnetic fields, both natural and artificial
electromagnetic spectrum embeddedthe range of frequencies from nothing to light refers to where a journalist is placed within a military unit at or near the front line of aconflict
EMIelectromagnetic interference
encoderdevice that translates base band video and audio signals into a compressed signal
end of lifefinal stage of a satellite’s life before it is taken out of service
end-fire antennaa helix or rod antenna used in terrestrial ENG microwave, and is circularly polarized
ENGelectronic news gathering
error correctionprocess of adding data in transmission to improve reliability of recovering received decoded data
Eurobeamparticular type of beam shaped to cover the European continent
Europe*StarEuropean satellite system
fade margindifference between the calculated or actual performance of a link and the threshold of operation
feeda circuit providing a supplementary element e.g. return audio from the studio; to send an edited package over a link
feed armon an antenna, the arm which holds the feedhorn at the correct distance from the focus of the parabola
feedhorn; feeddevice which emits the microwave signal
fielddescribes part of the television signal, where there are 2 fields to every frame, and 50/60 fields per second depending on the TV standard
firewirestandard cable for connecting DV camcorders to PCs
fixersomeone who has a good deal of local knowledge, and be able to ‘fix’ things from finding and making the contacts to make sure the whole operation runs as smoothly as possible. May also act as local translator
flangeterm for the opening or port on the feed or on the output of a high power amplifier
flownwhere cables are suspended above ground level for safety and logistical reasons
flux-gatetype of sophisticated and accurate electromagnetic compass
flyawayboxed transportable SNG terminal
FMfrequency modulation
focuson a parabolic antenna, the point at which the signal is at its maximum
footprintterm for the coverage of a satellite transponder
forward error correctiondata correction signal added at the uplink to enhance concealment of errors that occur on the passage of the signal via the satellite to the downlink
fpsframes per second
frametwo fields of a television signal
frames per secondspeed of display of the television picture
frequencyperiod of cycle of a signal, measured in Hertz (Hz)
frequency modulationprocess whereby a carrier signal is shifted up and down in frequency from its centre frequency in direct relationship to the amplitude of the baseband signal
Fresnel zonesin terrestrial microwave, the group of zones in which there should not be any obstruction, as itis likely that a reflection will cause an ‘opposing’signal to be bounced off the obstruction – onlythe first Fresnel zone is of significance
full-timetype of satellite transponder lease
gainrefers to the magnification factor of signal
GalaxyUS satellite system, part of PanAmSat
galleryproduction and technical control rooms of TVstation
geostationarywhere an object such as a satellite appears motionless above the earth
geostationary arcgrouping of satellites that sit in a circular orbitabove the Equator at a distance of 35 785 km above the Earth’s surface at any point on theEquator
geostationary orbitdescribes the orbit of a satellite in the geostationary arc
get-awayslang term for look angle
ghostingeffect seen on TV pictures where the received analogue signal is made up of both direct line and reflected signals
globaltype of C-band satellite transponder beam
go livethe process of carrying out a live transmission
golden rodsee end-fire antenna
goodnightagreed time between the SNG operator and the satellite control centre for the end of transmission
guard interval; guard bandspace allowed in frequency to protect adjacent channels
GVsgeneral views – pictures shot of the environs of a story to add to the editing of the story
hands backwhere the reporter finishes a live transmission
hazardanything that can cause harm
head loadterm for the total package of equipment at the top of a pneumatic mast
head unitin terrestrial microwave, generic term for the power amplifier and associated equipment at the top of a pneumatic mast; in SNG, the feedhorn
head-endcable TV distribution point for an area
headingdirection in which the antenna is pointing
helix antennasee end-fire antenna
hemitype of C-band satellite transponder beam
Hertzunit of measurement of frequency
high power amplifierused in both terrestrial microwave and SNG, the unit that boosts the low power signal up to high power for delivery via the antenna
HispasatEuropean satellite system
hopa single leg of a microwave link path
hostile environmentterm describing an area which is suffering civilor military conflict – from a riot to a war
hot-sparespare equipment connected and powered, ready for instant use in the event of failure of the main equipment
hot spotsareas on a flexible wave guide where there are RF burns
HPAhigh power amplifier
HSDhigh speed data – Inmarsat term
hub-mountwhere the HPA is mounted directly onto the antenna, rather than some distance way and connected by a length of waveguide
hybridvehicles that have both a satellite uplink and a terrestrial microwave link – see dual-purpose
HzHertz – unit of measurement of frequency
identvideo or audio signal played out on a circuit to identify the source e.g. location
IFintermediate frequency
IFBinterrupted fold back
illuminateterm describing the flooding of the parabolic antenna with microwave signal – either intransmit or receive
inclined orbitsatellite status near end of its operational life, though this type of capacity is often used for SNG
informationterm for the video and/or audio signal that is to be conveyed
interlacedin a television frame of two TV fields, whereeach TV field is offset by a line, and each pair of TV fields is sent in alternate sequence of odd- and even-numbered lines in the field
intermediate frequencysignal between stages in an uplink or downlink transmission chain – typically at frequencies of 70 or 140 MHz, or in the L-band (at around1000MHz or 1 GHz)
International Telecommunications Unionglobal body that decides on radio frequency usage
interrupted fold backa mix of the studio output without the audio contribution from the remote location but with talkback from the studio gallery superimposed on top
interview modesee low delay mode
investigation levelsNRPB definition for non-ionizing radiation, levels below which adverse biological effects are likely to occur
ITUInternational Telecommunications Union
JCSATAsia-Pacific satellite system
Ku-bandfrequency range from 10.5 to 17 GHz; in SNG, the frequency band 14.0–14.50 GHz for transmission, and 10.7–12.75 GHz for reception
laptop editorportable editing system utilizing two VTR decks with two screens and control software
latencydelay through a compression process
launcherslang term for feedhorn
layeringeffect where radio signal paths are altered due to atmospheric effects; see also ducting
levelssee main level; main profile
LHCPleft hand circular polarization
licencelegal document authorizing transmission, issued by government department
line of sightrequired to achieve clear transmission; an uninterrupted path between the transmitting antenna and the receiving antenna
linesmethod by which a TV frame is divided up into tiny horizontal strips
line-upthe period immediately prior to a programme transmission when test signals are transmitted and parameters checked to ensure the transmission is of the highest quality
linkgeneric term for the connection between a remote location and the studio via terrestrial microwave or satellite
link budgettheoretical calculation for assessing whether a terrestrial or microwave or satellite link will work
‘live’the process of a live transmission
live endslang term for the camera position connected to an ENG microwave truck or an SNG uplink
live two-waywhere the viewer sees a presentation of the story, switching between the studio and the location, including interaction with the reporter at the scene
live updatesregular live two-ways keeping the viewer abreast of the enfolding story
lobeelement of the radiation pattern of an antenna
look angledescribes the unobstructed visual path required for a terrestrial microwave or satellite link for successful transmission
low delay modeMPEG-2 encoder mode that offers the facility to improve the latency at the expense of movement compensation, reducing the overall processing time of the signal
luminancethe parameter of a TV picture which describes its brightness
main level; main profiletypes of MPEG-2 service
man-pack linkssmall and light battery-powered terrestrial microwave transmitter packs usually mounted onto abackpack, with the antenna projecting above the head of the operator
master control roomTV station technical control centre
Matrixingprocess by which colour systems derive a composite luminance signal from mixing the red, blueand green signals, producing colour differencesignals
mattingcovering of cables with heavy-duty rubber matting in streets and areas of public access to minimizetrip hazard
MCRmaster control room
meridiansimaginary symmetrical lines of reference that run from the North to the South Poles and are called lines of longitude
microwave repeatersee mid-point
mid-pointa terrestrial microwave repeater that receives and retransmits the signal on to the next point in the chain
mix-minusa mix of the studio output without the audio contribution from the remote location; see also clean feed, interrupted fold back, reverse audio and return audio
modulation; modulatorthe process of inserting information into a transmitted carrier signal, using a modulator
MPEGMotion Pictures Expert Group
MPEG-2standard covering the compression, encoding and decoding of video and audio data for digital television
mothballingstorage of equipment at a remote location inpreparation for the next event
MSpsmega symbols per second
multilateralpoint-to-multipoint contribution
multipathinterference from reflected signals
multiplex; multiplexingprocess of combining two or more programme digital streams to provide a single digital datastream to the uplink chain
multi-skillingwhere technicians, operators and journalists are trained in at least one (and often two) other crafts apart from their primary core skill
NahuelsatPan-American satellite system
NBCnuclear, biological and chemical
natural soundnormal background sound; see effects
NilesatNorth African satellite system
No Story Is Worth A Lifemantra of every operator on location
noiseunwanted signal
non-dedicatedtype of satellite capacity
NTSCNational Television Standards Committee; US analogue TV standard
Nycoilbrand of brightly coloured polyurethane air-brakehose used for carrying cables up a pneumatic mast
OBoutside broadcast
occasionaltype of satellite capacity
off-airTV programme signal received at the location by terrestrial or satellite reception
offset prime focustype of SNG uplink antenna
on-lineterm for editing VTRs connected directly to the terrestrial microwave or SNG uplink system
optimizedterm for the accurate pointing of the terrestrial microwave or SNG uplink antenna
oscilloscopemeasurement instrument for displaying signals
out-wordsthe last half a dozen words at the end of an edited piece which prepare the studio presenter or reporter to pick up the story
over-runin satellite transmissions, state where the transmission has run beyond the booked end time
packageedited story
packet identifierMPEG-2 channel identifier containing all the navigation information required to identify and reconstruct a programme stream
PALPhase Alternate Line; principally European analogue TV standard
panned-upterm to describe when the terrestrial microwave transmit and receive antennas are correctly aligned to each other
parabolic; paraboloidmathematical term for the typical shape of aterrestrial microwave or SNG uplink dish
Parallelslines of latitude
Pathgeneric term for the connection between two pointsof a link; in MPEG-2 transmission, a term for aprogramme stream
path profilereport generated from topographical map information based on the location of the TX and RX points, which will be translated into a crosssection of the land underneath the signal path
peak-to-peakthe maximum distance between upper and lowerpoints of a signal
perceptual compressionprocess of compression that ‘tricks’ the brain intothinking that the material looks and sounds like the original
Permissiontemporary agreement by a foreign government allowing the importation and operation of an SNG uplink
personal protection badgessmall badges worn on the body to warn of excessive badges non-ionizing radiation levels
petalssegments of an SNG antenna reflector
phase-combinerSNG system where two or more chains are combined to feed via a single antenna
picture elementsee pixel
PIDpacket identifier
piece-to-camerawhere the reporter stands at a strategic point against a background which sets the scene for the storyand recounts the events directly to the camera
Pixelsmallest perceptible block of picture (an abbreviation of ‘picture element’)
Pixellationa particular type of digital artefact, where picture elements coalesce momentarily into rectangular areas of picture with distinct boundaries (also referred to as ‘blockiness’)
Plumbingslang term for the microwave waveguide interconnections
pneumatic masta series of hollow telescopic tube sections eachextended by pumping compressed air into themast base, pushing each of the sections up
Polarizationrefers to the geometric plane in which the electromagneticwaves are transmitted or received; describing the orientation of the electric field radiated from the antenna
polarization skewrotation of the feedhorn to compensate for the angular difference between the antenna positionon the Earth’s surface and the satellite position
Poolwhere a group of news gatherers agree to share pictures and/or resources on a story for commonuse
prime focus antennaUoCtype of SNG uplink antenna
profilessee main level; main profile
rackequipment cabinet
Rack Unitinternationally recognized way of measuring the height and width of equipment – width is defined as 19 inches, and 1RU is equal to 1.75 inches(44.5mm) high
radioelectromagnetic radiation
radio-cama compact low-power short-range microwave link mounted on the camera, powered from the camera battery
range patternfrequency test patterns of the performance of the antenna measured on a test range, defining the performance of the antenna
rate carda standard published price listing for services or facilities, often used as the basis for negotiation
RCDresidual current device
real timethe actual running time
receive frequencyspecific centre frequency of the reception channel
Redundancyunnecessary information in an uncompressed signal; a second set of equipment to provide back-up in the event of failure
Reed–Solomona method of error correction where each block of data of programme signal has an additional check block of data added to compensate for any errors that the signal may suffer on its passage from the transmitter to the receiver
reflectiona signal that has taken a non-direct path, causing a slightly time-delayed replica of the direct pathsignal to be received that can (usually) adversely affect the overall link performance
reflectorthe transmitting/receiving surface of a parabolic antenna
residual current devicea safety device that monitors the power supply constantly checking for a fault condition
return audioa mix of the studio output without the audio contribution from the remote location
return videovideo feed either from the studio to the remote location, and/or from the ENG/SNG truck to the camera
reverse audiosee return audio
reverse talkbackremote location-to-studio talkback
reverse videosee return video
RFradio frequency
RHCPright hand circularly polarized
Riskthe chance, whether high or low, that somebody will be harmed by a hazard
rod antennahelix or end-fire antenna used in terrestrial ENG microwave
RURack Unit
running orderlist generated for a news bulletin showing order and timings of stories
rushesraw unedited shot footage
safety zonearea cordoned off in front of a terrestrial microwaveor SNG antenna to prevent the risk of exposure to high levels of non-ionizing radiation
samplean instantaneous measured value of an analogue signal
satellite telephonetypically an Inmarsat terminal that enables voice or high-speed data connections from remote locations
satphoneslang term for satellite telephone
SDIserial digital interface
security keyused in conditional access systems to protect content
SHFsuper high frequency
shootingcolloquial term for the transmission of a microwavesignal
side lobessee lobe
site survey; site testsite test a test carried out to see if a link will work prior to the actual event
SNGsatellite news gathering
SNVsatellite newsgathering vehicle
SolidaridadSouth American satellite system
space segmentthat part of the signal path between the satellite uplink and downlink
spatial redundancythe removal of redundant information carried out in two dimensions within each frame of picture
spectral redundancythe removal of redundant information carried out between colour values at any one point in the picture
spectrum analysermeasurement instrument for displaying signal frequencies across a spectrum
Stabilizersretractable legs fitted so that the inevitable rock in avehicle’s suspension is minimized
starter linkthe originating link in a terrestrial microwave link path
stand-upterm for a camera position and shot as a backdrop to enable a reporter to convey the sense of the story for straight forward pieces-to-camera
sub-carrieran extra narrow FM audio carrier that is mixed with the main FM video carrier signal
SUVsports utility vehicle
switched talkbacktalkback from the studio gallery that is only active when the studio wish to speak to the remote location (as opposed to open talkback, which allows the remote location to hear everything going on in the studio gallery)
synchronously switchswitch between video sources with no picture roll orglitch
talentthe reporter or correspondent who stands infront of the camera
talkbackcommunication circuit between the studio gallery and the remote location that carries purely technical conversations
talked-inthe process of the MCR operator guiding the ENG microwave operator to achieve bestsignal quality
TelecomEuropean satellite system
teleporta downlink facility, usually consisting of a number of antennas pointing at different satellites and connected to a network for interconnectingwith TV stations
temporal redundancythe removal of redundant information carried out between one frame of picture and the next frame usually due to lack of movement
TEStransportable earth station
ThorEuropean satellite system
threadcommonly used term to describe mode of operation in terms of RF system on an SNG uplink e.g. single thread is a single RF path; dual thread is two RF signal paths
topographythe detailed description of the surfaces of the land
trackthe voice commentary from the reporter
trafficrefers to the number of active signals on a satellite
transmission chainthe complete equipment path between source and destination
transmit frequencyspecific centre frequency of the transmission channel
transpondergroup of satellite channels
transport streamMPEG-2 programme stream
transportable earth stationportable satellite uplink e.g. SNG uplink
travelling wave tubepower amplifying device used in an HPA
TStransport stream
TurksatEurasian satellite system
two-waytransmission where the studio and the remote location have an on-air dialogue to inform the audience
unilateralpoint-to-point contribution
upconverterunit for translating frequencies from one bandup to another
uplinktransportable satellite earth station
video journalista reporter who can also edit tape and/or shoot video and sound
Viterbithe process of decoding forward error correction in the decoder
VJvideo journalist
VTRvideo tape recorder
Wattunit of measurement of power
waveformsignal shape
Waveguidea specially formed hollow metal tube, usually rectangular in shape in cross section, used to connect the HPA to the antenna
wavelengtha specific frequency in the spectrum
widebeamtype of Ku-band satellite beam
Ztransmission start time
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