Applying globalization and localization for multi-lingual user interfaces

Sometimes, your applications achieve success, sometimes even very considerable success, and so you want to provide them internationally to a wider audience and deploy them at a larger scale. However, you can't do this easily because you haven't thought of localizing your applications from the beginning, and now you have to modify your already-running application with the risk of regressions and destabilizations.

Don't fall into this trap! Think about your target audience and future deployment strategy from the start!

Localizing your applications should be considered from the beginning of your projects, especially since it is very easy and straightforward to do when using the ASP.NET Core 3 Framework. It provides existing services and middleware for this purpose.

Building applications that support different languages and cultures for display, input, and output is called globalization, whereas adapting a globalized application to a specific culture is called localization.

There are three different methods for localizing ASP.NET Core 3 web applications:

  • The string localizer
  • The view localizer
  • Localizing Data Annotations

Let's take a look at these concepts in more detail.

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