
In this chapter, you learned about the MVC pattern, its different components and layers, and how important it is for building great ASP.NET Core 3 web applications.

You learned how to use layout pages and the features surrounding it to create device-specific layouts and thus adapt your user interfaces to the devices they will be running on. Furthermore, we used view pages to build the visible part, the presentation layer, of our web applications after learning about the different types of state management in ASP.NET Core 3.

Then, we discussed partial views, View Components, and Tag Helpers so that we can encapsulate and reuse our presentation logic throughout the different views of our applications. Toward the end, we illustrated advanced concepts such as the view engine, as well as unit tests and integration tests for creating high-quality applications with a low MTTR for bugs.

Finally, we learned how important it is to structure our more complex applications using a layered architecture and the basics that we need to consider.

By reading this chapter, you can now create views, models, and controllers; detect mobile devices; use View Components; divide an application into areas; and decide what layers to create for your application.

In the next chapter, we will talk about the ASP.NET Core 3 web API framework and how to build, test, and deploy web API applications.

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