Client-side development using JavaScript

In the previous chapter, you created a home page and a user registration page using the MVC pattern. You implemented a controller (UserRegistrationController) as well as a corresponding view for processing user registration requests. Then, you added a service (UserService) and middleware (CommunicationMiddleware), but we have only just started, so they aren't finished yet:

Compared to the initial workflow of the Tic-Tac-Toe application, we can see that there are still multiple things missing, such as working with the whole client-side part, actually working with the communication middleware, as well as multiple other features we still need to implement.

Let's start by working on the client-side part and learn how to apply more advanced techniques. Then, we will learn how to optimize everything as best as possible.

As you may recall, last time, we stopped after a user had submitted their data to the registration form, which was sent to the UserService. Here, we just displayed a plain text message, as follows:

However, processing doesn't stop here. We need to add the whole email confirmation process using client-side development and JavaScript, and that is what we are going to do next.

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