Adding an email service

First, you are going to add a new email service, which will be used to send emails to users who have freshly registered on the website. Let's get started:

  1. Within the Services folder, add a new service called EmailService and implement a default SendEmail method, which we will update later:
        public class EmailService 
          public Task SendEmail(string emailTo, string subject,
string message) { return Task.CompletedTask; } }
  1. Extract the IEmailService interface:

  1. Add the new email service to the ConfigureServices method of the Startup class (we want a single application instance, so add it as a singleton):
        services.AddSingleton<IEmailService, EmailService>(); 
  1. Update UserRegistrationController so that it is able to access EmailService, which we created in the previous step:
        readonly IUserService _userService; 
        readonly IEmailService _emailService; 
        public UserRegistrationController(IUserService userService,
IEmailService emailService) { _userService = userService; _emailService = emailService; }

  1. Update the EmailConfirmation method in UserRegistrationController so that you can call the SendEmail method of EmailService by inserting the following code between var user=await _userService.GetUserByEmail(email); and the user?.IsEmailConfirmed conditional statement check:
          var user = await _userService.GetUserByEmail(email); 
          var urlAction = new UrlActionContext 
            Action = "ConfirmEmail", 
            Controller = "UserRegistration", 
            Values = new { email }, 
            Protocol = Request.Scheme, 
            Host = Request.Host.ToString() 
          var message = $"Thank you for your registration on
our website, please click here to confirm your
email " + $"
{Url.Action(urlAction)}"; try { _emailService.SendEmail(email,
"Tic-Tac-Toe Email Confirmation", message).Wait(); } catch (Exception e) { }

Great  you have an email service now, but you aren't done yet. You need to be able to configure the service so that you can set environment-specific parameters (SMTP server name, port, SSL, and more) and then send the emails.

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