Managing ASP.NET Core 3 Applications

After having finished the development life cycle, we could have stopped there. However, this last chapter has been added, to underline the importance of a thorough DevOps approach.

For now, we have only talked about the development (Dev) side, but you should also embrace the operations (Ops) side in DevOps, which consists of managing and supervising your applications during runtime.

This very important subject is often underestimated and, even worse, is sometimes completely left aside. Developers tend to think that it is not a part of their job. They often say things such as: But it works on my machine, and: This is your problem, not mine. This is also commonly called the wall of confusion. Agile methodologies and DevOps aim to avoid this kind of thinking, and this chapter will give you some advice and examples on how to better address those issues within your ASP.NET Core 3 applications.

The success of your application will depend on how you can help IT operations understand what is happening during runtime. This means providing them with the means to manage and supervise applications quickly and efficiently.

Only then will you be able to provide high-quality applications with a low mean time to repair (MTTR) for bugs, which can make a difference in becoming a future market leader within your specific market.

Furthermore, it is easy for you to address these subjects when using ASP.NET Core 3, since most of the time, you can take advantage of integrated or provided features, without the need for any bigger code changes.

We will start by having a look at how we can add logging for both Azure and Amazon Web Services (AWS), and then we will take a look at how we can monitor the application on-premises and in Docker, before looking at how we can monitor in Azure and AWS.

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • Logging in ASP.NET Core 3 applications
  • Monitoring ASP.NET Core 3 applications
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