Multiple inheritance

Apart from composing a class using more than one base class, what is of interest here is how an attribute search is performed. Take a look at the following diagram:

As you can see, Shape and Plotter act as base classes for all the others. Polygon inherits directly from them, RegularPolygon inherits from Polygon, and both RegularHexagon and Square inherit from RegulaPolygon. Note also that Shape and Plotter implicitly inherit from object, therefore we have what is called a diamond or, in simpler terms, more than one path to reach a base class. We'll see why this matters in a few moments. Let's translate it into some simple code:

# oop/
class Shape:
geometric_type = 'Generic Shape'
def area(self): # This acts as placeholder for the interface
raise NotImplementedError
def get_geometric_type(self):
return self.geometric_type

class Plotter:
def plot(self, ratio, topleft):
# Imagine some nice plotting logic here...
print('Plotting at {}, ratio {}.'.format(
topleft, ratio))

class Polygon(Shape, Plotter): # base class for polygons
geometric_type = 'Polygon'

class RegularPolygon(Polygon): # Is-A Polygon
geometric_type = 'Regular Polygon'
def __init__(self, side):
self.side = side

class RegularHexagon(RegularPolygon): # Is-A RegularPolygon
geometric_type = 'RegularHexagon'
def area(self):
return 1.5 * (3 ** .5 * self.side ** 2)

class Square(RegularPolygon): # Is-A RegularPolygon
geometric_type = 'Square'
def area(self):
return self.side * self.side

hexagon = RegularHexagon(10)
print(hexagon.area()) # 259.8076211353316
print(hexagon.get_geometric_type()) # RegularHexagon
hexagon.plot(0.8, (75, 77)) # Plotting at (75, 77), ratio 0.8.

square = Square(12)
print(square.area()) # 144
print(square.get_geometric_type()) # Square
square.plot(0.93, (74, 75)) # Plotting at (74, 75), ratio 0.93.

Take a look at the preceding code: the Shape class has one attribute, geometric_type, and two methods: area and get_geometric_type. It's quite common to use base classes (such as Shape, in our example) to define an interfacemethods for which children must provide an implementation. There are different and better ways to do this, but I want to keep this example as simple as possible.

We also have the Plotter class, which adds the plot method, thereby providing plotting capabilities for any class that inherits from it. Of course, the plot implementation is just a dummy print in this example. The first interesting class is Polygon, which inherits from both Shape and Plotter.

There are many types of polygons, one of which is the regular one, which is both equiangular (all angles are equal) and equilateral (all sides are equal), so we create the RegularPolygon class that inherits from Polygon. For a regular polygon, where all sides are equal, we can implement a simple __init__ method on RegularPolygon, which takes the length of the side. Finally, we create the RegularHexagon and Square classes, which both inherit from RegularPolygon.

This structure is quite long, but hopefully gives you an idea of how to specialize the classification of your objects when you design the code.

Now, please take a look at the last eight lines. Note that when I call the area method on hexagon and square, I get the correct area for both. This is because they both provide the correct implementation logic for it. Also, I can call get_geometric_type on both of them, even though it is not defined on their classes, and Python has to go all the way up to Shape to find an implementation for it. Note that, even though the implementation is provided in the Shape class, the self.geometric_type used for the return value is correctly taken from the caller instance.

The plot method calls are also interesting, and show you how you can enrich your objects with capabilities they wouldn't otherwise have. This technique is very popular in web frameworks such as Django, which provides special classes called mixins, whose capabilities you can just use out of the box. All you have to do is to define the desired mixin as one the base classes for your own, and that's it.

Multiple inheritance is powerful, but can also get really messy, so we need to make sure we understand what happens when we use it.

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