
The most common design pattern using Docker is breaking down applications and services into microservices. The advantage is that individual microservices can be developed and deployed independently while being more elastic and resilient in demanding situations. Hence, containerization technologies such as Docker is a natural fit due to its minimal overhead and application-level isolation.

The following is a simplistic example of a Django web application implemented as microservice using containers:

Django application flow when deployed as distinct containers

This single microservice is composed of three containers with separate logical components: Nginx container (web server), Gunicorn/Django container (web application), and PostgreSQL container (database). Each container is instantiated from a Docker image, which may be built using a Dockerfile.

Docker containers have an ephemeral file system, so persistent data is managed by explicitly creating a volume. Volumes can be used to share data between containers. In this case, the static files of the Django project can be shared to the Nginx container to serve them directly.

As you can imagine, most real-world applications will be composed of multiple Microservices and each of them would require multiple containers. If you run them on multiple servers, how would you deploy these containers across them? How can you scale individual microservices up or down? Kubernetes is the most widely recommended solution for managing such container clusters.

Although we have covered containers in this section at a very high level, there are many implementation details, such as deployment patterns, which could not be covered here, as they can be a book by itself. Containers and orchestration tools have become an important part of modern web application development by making radically easier-to-manage application environments.

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