Test-driven development

Let's talk briefly about test-driven development (TDD). It is a methodology that was rediscovered by Kent Beck, who wrote Test-Driven Development by Example, Addison Wesley, 2002, which I encourage you to check out if you want to learn about the fundamentals of this subject.

TDD is a software development methodology that is based on the continuous repetition of a very short development cycle.

First, the developer writes a test, and makes it run. The test is supposed to check a feature that is not yet part of the code. Maybe it is a new feature to be added, or something to be removed or amended. Running the test will make it fail and, because of this, this phase is called Red.

When the test has failed, the developer writes the minimal amount of code to make it pass. When running the test succeeds, we have the so-called Green phase. In this phase, it is okay to write code that cheats, just to make the test pass. This technique is called fake it 'till you make it. In a second moment, tests are enriched with different edge cases, and the cheating code then has to be rewritten with proper logic. Adding other test cases is called triangulation.

The last piece of the cycle is where the developer takes care of both the code and the tests (in separate times) and refactors them until they are in the desired state. This last phase is called Refactor.

The TDD mantra therefore is Red-Green-Refactor.

At first, it feels really weird to write tests before the code, and I must confess it took me a while to get used to it. If you stick to it, though, and force yourself to learn this slightly counter-intuitive way of working, at some point something almost magical happens, and you will see the quality of your code increase in a way that wouldn't be possible otherwise.

When you write your code before the tests, you have to take care of what the code has to do and how it has to do it, both at the same time. On the other hand, when you write tests before the code, you can concentrate on the what part alone, while you write them. When you write the code afterward, you will mostly have to take care of how the code has to implement what is required by the tests. This shift in focus allows your mind to concentrate on the what and how parts in separate moments, yielding a brain power boost that will surprise you.

There are several other benefits that come from the adoption of this technique:

  • You will refactor with much more confidence: Tests will break if you introduce bugs. Moreover, the architectural refactor will also benefit from having tests that act as guardians.
  • The code will be more readable: This is crucial in our time, when coding is a social activity and every professional developer spends much more time reading code than writing it.
  • The code will be more loosely coupled and easier to test and maintain: Writing the tests first forces you to think more deeply about code structure.
  • Writing tests first requires you to have a better understanding of the business requirements: If your understanding of the requirements is lacking information, you'll find writing a test extremely challenging and this situation acts as a sentinel for you.
  • Having everything unit tested means the code will be easier to debug: Moreover, small tests are perfect for providing alternative documentation. English can be misleading, but five lines of Python in a simple test are very hard to misunderstand.
  • Higher speed: It's faster to write tests and code than it is to write the code first and then lose time debugging it. If you don't write tests, you will probably deliver the code sooner, but then you will have to track the bugs down and solve them (and, rest assured, there will be bugs). The combined time taken to write the code and then debug it is usually longer than the time taken to develop the code with TDD, where having tests running before the code is written, ensuring that the amount of bugs in it will be much lower than in the other case.

On the other hand, the main shortcomings of this technique are the following ones:

  • The whole company needs to believe in it: Otherwise, you will have to constantly argue with your boss, who will not understand why it takes you so long to deliver. The truth is, it may take you a bit longer to deliver in the short-term, but in the long-term, you gain a lot with TDD. However, it is quite hard to see the long-term because it's not under our noses like the short-term is. I have fought battles with stubborn bosses in my career, to be able to code using TDD. Sometimes it has been painful, but always well worth it, and I have never regretted it because, in the end, the quality of the result has always been appreciated.
  • If you fail to understand the business requirements, this will reflect in the tests you write, and therefore it will reflect in the code too: This kind of problem is quite hard to spot until you do UAT, but one thing that you can do to reduce the likelihood of it happening is to pair with another developer. Pairing will inevitably require discussions about the business requirements, and discussion will bring clarification, which will help writing correct tests.
  • Badly written tests are hard to maintain: This is a fact. Tests with too many mocks or with extra assumptions or badly-structured data will soon become a burden. Don't let this discourage you; just keep experimenting and change the way you write them until you find a way that doesn't require you a huge amount of work every time you touch your code.

I'm quite passionate about TDD. When I interview for a job, I always ask whether the company adopts it. I encourage you to check it out and use it. Use it until you feel something clicking in your mind. You won't regret it, I promise.

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