Making requests that use customized paginated results

Launch Django's development server. If you don't remember how to start Django's development server, check the instructions in Chapter 13, Creating API Views, in the Launching Django's development server section.

Now, we will compose and send an HTTP GET request to retrieve the first page for the drones with the value for the limit query parameter set to 500. This value is higher than the maximum limit we established:

    http GET ":8000/drones/?limit=500"  

The following is the equivalent curl command:

    curl -iX GET "localhost:8000/drones/?limit=500"

The code in the get method for the views.DroneList class-based view will use the new settings we added to enable the customized offset/limit pagination, and the result will provide us with the first eight drone resources because the maximum value for the limit query is set to 8. The value specified for the limit query parameter is greater than 8, and therefore, the maximum value of 8 is used, instead of the value indicated in the request.

The key advantage of working with generic views is that we can easily customize the behavior for the methods defined in the mixins that compose these views with just a few lines of code. In this case, we took advantage of the pagination features available in the Django REST framework to specify how we wanted large results sets to be split into individual pages of data. Then, we customized paginated results with just a few lines of code to make the limit/offset pagination scheme match our specific requirements.
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