Forms in Django

Django's form class instances contain the state of each field and, by summarizing them up a level, of the form itself. The form has two important state attributes, which are as follows:

  • is_bound: If this returns false, then it is an unbound form, that is, a fresh form with empty or default field values. If it returns true, then the form is bound, that is, at least one field has been set with a user input.
  • is_valid(): If this returns true, then every field in the bound form has valid data. If false, then there is some invalid data in at least one field or the form is not bound.

For example, imagine that you need a simple form that accepts a user's name and age. The forms class can be defined as follows (refer to the code in formschapter/

from django import forms 
class PersonDetailsForm(forms.Form): 
    name = forms.CharField(max_length=100) 
    age = forms.IntegerField() 

This class can be initiated in a bound or unbound manner, as shown in the following code:

>>> f = PersonDetailsForm()
>>> print(f.as_p())
<p><label for="id_name">Name:</label> <input type="text" name="name" maxlength="100" required id="id_name" /></p>
<p><label for="id_age">Age:</label> <input type="number" name="age" required id="id_age" /></p>

>>> f.is_bound

>>> g = PersonDetailsForm({"name": "Blitz", "age": "30"})
>>> print(g.as_p())
<p><label for="id_name">Name:</label> <input type="text" name="name" value="Blitz" maxlength="100" required id="id_name" /></p>
<p><label for="id_age">Age:</label> <input type="number" name="age" value="30" required id="id_age" /></p>

>>> g.is_bound

Note how the HTML representation changes to include the value attributes with the bound data in them.

The form can be bound only when you create the form object in the constructor. How does the user input end up in a dictionary-like object that contains values for each form field?

To find this out, you need to understand how a user interacts with a form. In the following diagram, a user opens a person's details form, fills it incorrectly at first, submits it, and then resubmits it with the valid information:

Typical  of submitting and processing a form

As shown in the preceding diagram, when the user submits the form, the view callable gets all the form data inside request.POST (an instance of QueryDict). The form gets initialized with this dictionary-like object, referred to in this way as it behaves like a dictionary and has a bit of extra functionality.

Forms can be defined so that they can send the form data in two different ways: GET or POST. Forms defined with METHOD="GET" send the form data encoded in the URL itself. For example, when you submit a Google search, your URL will have your form input, that is, the search string visibly embedded in the URL, such as ?q=Cat+Pictures. The GET method is used for idempotent forms, which do not make any lasting changes to the state of the world (or to be more pedantic, processing the form multiple times has the same effect as processing it once). For most cases, this means that it is used only to retrieve data.

However, the vast majority of forms are defined with METHOD="POST". In this case, the form data is sent along with the body of the HTTP request, and it is not seen by the user. They are used for anything that involves a side effect, such as creating or updating data.

Depending on the type of form you have defined, the view will receive the form data in request.GET or request.POST, when the user submits the form. As mentioned earlier, either of them will be like a dictionary, so you can pass it to your form class constructor to get a bound form object.

The Breach


Steve was curled up and snoring heavily in his large three-seater couch. For the last few weeks, he had been spending more than 12 hours at the office, and tonight was no exception. His phone lying on the carpet beeped. At first, he said something incoherent, still deep in sleep. Then, it beeped again and again, with increasing urgency.

By the fifth beep, Steve awoke with a start. He frantically searched all over his couch, and finally located his phone on the floor. The screen showed a brightly colored bar chart. Every bar seemed to touch the top line except one. He pulled out his laptop and logged into the SuperBook server. The site was up and none of the logs indicated any unusual activity. However, the external services didn't look that good.

The phone at the other end seemed to ring for eternity until a croaky voice answered, "Hello, Steve?".
Half an hour later, Jacob was able to zero down the problem to an unresponsive superhero verification service. "Isn't that running on Sauron?" asked Steve. There was a brief hesitation. "I am afraid so," replied Jacob.

Steve had a sinking feeling at the pit of his stomach. Sauron, a mainframe application, was their first line of defense against cyber attacks and other kinds of possible attack. It was three in the morning when he alerted the mission control team. Jacob kept chatting with him the whole time. He was running every available diagnostic tool. There was no sign of any security breach.

Steve tried to calm him down. He reassured him that perhaps it was a temporary overload, and that he should get some rest. However, he knew that Jacob wouldn't stop until he found what was wrong. He also knew that it was not typical of Sauron to have a temporary overload. Feeling extremely exhausted, he slipped back to sleep.

Next morning, as Steve hurried to his office building holding a bagel, he heard a deafening roar. He turned and looked up to see a massive spaceship looming over him. Instinctively, he ducked behind a hedge. On the other side of the hedge, he could hear several heavy metallic objects clanging onto the ground. Just then, his cell phone rang. It was Jacob. Something had moved closer to him. As Steve looked up, he saw a nearly 10-foot-tall robot, colored orange and black, pointing what looked like a weapon directly down at him.

His phone was still ringing. He darted out into the open, barely missing the sputtering shower of bullets around him. He took the call.

"Hey Steve, guess what, I found out what actually happened." "I am dying to know," Steve quipped.

"Remember that we had used UserHoller's form widget to collect customer feedback? Apparently, their data was not that clean. I mean several serious exploits. Hey, there is a lot of background noise. Is that the TV?"

Steve dived towards a large sign that said "Safe Assembly Point".

"Just ignore it. Tell me what happened," he screamed.

"Okay. So, when our admin opened the feedback page, his laptop must have gotten infected. The worm could reach the other systems he has access to, specifically, Sauron. I must say Steve, this is a very targeted attack. Someone who knows our security system quite well has designed this. I have a feeling something scary is coming our way."

Across the lawn, a robot picked up an SUV and hurled it toward Steve. He raised his hands and shut his eyes. The spinning mass of metal froze a few feet above him.

"Important call?" asked Hexa as she dropped the car.

"Yeah, please get me out of here," Steve begged.

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