Entering Channels

Django Channels was originally created to solve the problem of handling asynchronous communication protocols, such as WebSockets, for example. More and more web applications were providing real-time capabilities such as chat and push notifications. Various hacks were created to make Django support requirements including running separate socket servers or proxy servers.

Channels is an official Django project, not just for handling WebSockets and other forms of bi-directional communication but also for running background tasks asynchronously.

As at the time of writing, Django Channels 2 is out, which is a complete rewrite based on Python 3's async/await-based coroutines.

Here's a simplified block diagram of a typical Channels setup:

How a typical Django Channels infrastructure works

A client, such as a web browser, sends both HTTP/HTTPS and WebSocket traffic to an Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface (ASGI) server such as Daphene. Like WSGI, the ASGI specification is a common way for application servers and applications to interact with each other asynchronously.

Like a typical Django application, HTTP traffic is handled synchronously, that is, when the browser sends a request, it waits until it is routed to Django and a response is sent back. However, it gets a lot more interesting when WebSocket traffic happens, because it can be triggered from either direction.

Once a WebSocket connection is established, a browser can send or receive messages. A sent message reaches the protocol type router that determines the next routing handler based on its transport protocol. Hence, you can define a router for HTTP and another for WebSocket messages.

These routers are very similar to Django's URL mappers, but map the incoming messages to a consumer (rather than a view). A consumer is like an event handler that reacts to events. It can also send messages back to the browser, thereby containing the logic for a fully bi-directional communication.

A consumer is a class whose methods you may choose to write either as normal Python functions (synchronous) or as awaitables (asynchronous). An asynchronous code should not mix with synchronous code, so there are conversion functions to convert from async to sync and back. Remember that the Django parts are synchronous. A consumer is, in fact, a valid ASGI application.

So far, we have not used the Channel layer. Ironically, you can write Channel applications without using Channels! However, they are not particularly useful as there is no easy communication path between application instances, other than polling a database. Channels provide exactly that, a fast point-to-point and broadcast messaging between application instances.

A channel is like a pipe. A sender sends a message to this pipe from one end, and it reaches a listener at the other end. A group defines a group of Channels who are all listening to a topic. Every consumer listens to their own autogenerated channel accessed by its self.channel_name attribute.

In addition to transports, you can trigger a consumer listening to a channel by sending a message, thereby starting a background task. This works as a very quick and simple background worker system.

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