Solution details

Many sites control the activation of new features using feature flags. Typically, this is a switch controlled in each environment. A feature flipper is a switch in your code that determines whether a feature should be made available to certain customers. But we shall use the general term feature flags here.

Several Django packages provide feature flags, such as gargoyle and django-waffle. These packages store feature flags of a site in the database. They can be activated or deactivated through the admin interface or through management commands. Hence, every environment (production, testing, development, and so on) can have its own set of activated features.

Feature flags were originally documented in Flickr (see They managed a code repository without any branches—that is, everything was checked into the mainline. They also deployed this code into production several times a day. If they found out that a new feature broke anything in production or increased load on the database, then they simply disabled it by turning that feature flag off.

Feature flags can be used for various other situations (the following examples use Django Waffle):

  • Trials: A feature flag can also be conditionally active for certain users. These can be your own staff or certain early adopters that you may be targeting, as follows:
    def my_view(request): 
        if flag_is_active(request, 'flag_name'): 
            # Behavior if flag is active. 

Sites can run several such trials in parallel, so different sets of users might actually have different user experiences. Metrics and feedback are collected from these controlled tests before wider deployment.

  • A/B testing: This is quite similar to trials, except that users are selected randomly within a controlled experiment. This method is quite common in web design and is used to identify which changes can increase the conversion rates. The following is how such a view can be written:
    def my_view(request): 
        if sample_is_active(request, 'new_design'): 
            # Behavior for test sample. 
  • Performance testing: Sometimes, it is hard to measure the impact of a feature on server performance. In such cases, it is best to activate the flag only for a small percentage of users first. The percentage of activation can be gradually increased if the performance is within the expected limits.
  • Limit externalities: We can also use feature flags as a site-wide feature switch that reflects the availability of its services. For example, downtime in external services such as Amazon S3 can result in users facing error messages while they perform actions such as uploading photos. When the external service is down for extended periods, a feature flag can be deactivated and would disable the Upload button and/or show a more helpful message about the downtime. This simple feature saves the user's time and provides a better user experience:
    def my_view(request): 
        if switch_is_active('s3_down'): 
            # Disable uploads and show it is downtime 

The main disadvantage of this approach is that the code gets littered with conditional checks. However, this can be controlled by periodic code cleanups that remove checks for fully accepted features and prune out permanently deactivated features.

The activation of flags can be controlled from the admin site using the built-in user authentication and permissions systems. You can also control the sample percentage from the admin interface.

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