Python 2 versus Python 3

Python comes in two main versions: Python 2, which is the past, and Python 3, which is the present. The two versions, though very similar, are incompatible in some respects.

In the real world, Python 2 is actually quite far from being the past. In short, even though Python 3 has been out since 2008, the transition phase from Version 2 is still far from being over. This is mostly due to the fact that Python 2 is widely used in the industry, and of course, companies aren't so keen on updating their systems just for the sake of updating them, following the if it ain't broke, don't fix it philosophy. You can read all about the transition between the two versions on the web.

Another issue that has hindered the transition is the availability of third-party libraries. Usually, a Python project relies on tens of external libraries, and of course, when you start a new project, you need to be sure that there is already a Version-3-compatible library for any business requirement that may come up. If that's not the case, starting a brand-new project in Python 3 means introducing a potential risk, which many companies are not happy to take.

At the time of writing, though, the majority of the most widely used libraries have been ported to Python 3, and it's quite safe to start a project in Python 3 for most cases. Many of the libraries have been rewritten so that they are compatible with both versions, mostly harnessing the power of the six library (the name comes from the multiplication 2 x 3, due to the porting from Version 2 to 3), which helps introspecting and adapting the behavior according to the version used. According to PEP 373 (, the end of life (EOL) of Python 2.7 has been set to 2020, and there won't be a Python 2.8, so this is the time when companies that have projects running in Python 2 need to start devising an upgrade strategy to move to Python 3 before it's too late.

On my box (MacBook Pro), this is the latest Python version I have:

>>> import sys
>>> print(sys.version)
3.7.0a3 (default, Jan 27 2018, 00:46:45)
[Clang 9.0.0 (clang-900.0.39.2)]

So you can see that the version is an alpha release of Python 3.7, which will be released in June 2018. The preceding text is a little bit of Python code that I typed into my console. We'll talk about it in a moment.

All the examples in this book will be run using Python 3.7. Even though at the moment the final version might still be slightly different than what I have, I will make sure that all the code and examples are up to date with 3.7 by the time the book is published.

Some of the code can also run in Python 2.7, either as it is or with minor tweaks, but at this point in time, I think it's better to learn Python 3, and then, if you need to, learn the differences it has with Python 2, rather than going the other way around.

Don't worry about this version thing though; it's not that big an issue in practice.

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