Making requests that perform starts with searches

Now, we will take advantage of searches that are configured to check whether a value starts with the specified characters. We will compose and send an HTTP request to retrieve all the pilots whose name starts with 'G'.

The next request uses the search feature that we configured to restrict the search behavior to a starts-with match on the name field for the Drone model:

    http ":8000/drones/?search=G"

The following is the equivalent curl command:

    curl -iX GET "localhost:8000/drones/?search=G"

The following lines show a sample response with the two drones that match the specified search criteria, that is, those drones whose name starts with 'G'. The following lines show only the JSON response body, without the headers:

        "count": 2, 
        "next": null, 
        "previous": null, 
        "results": [
                "drone_category": "Quadcopter", 
                "has_it_competed": false, 
                "inserted_timestamp": "2017-11-06T20:25:30.127661Z", 
                "manufacturing_date": "2017-03-20T02:02:00.716312Z", 
                "name": "Gossamer Albatross", 
                "url": "http://localhost:8000/drones/5"
                "drone_category": "Quadcopter", 
                "has_it_competed": false, 
                "inserted_timestamp": "2017-11-06T20:25:30.584031Z", 
                "manufacturing_date": "2017-05-20T02:02:00.716312Z", 
                "name": "Gulfstream I", 
                "url": "http://localhost:8000/drones/7"
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