Method resolution order

By now, we know that when you ask for someobject.attribute and attribute is not found on that object, Python starts searching in the class that someobject was created from. If it's not there either, Python searches up the inheritance chain until either attribute is found or the object class is reached. This is quite simple to understand if the inheritance chain is only composed of single-inheritance steps, which means that classes have only one parent. However, when multiple inheritance is involved, there are cases when it's not straightforward to predict what will be the next class that will be searched for if an attribute is not found.

Python provides a way to always know the order in which classes are searched on attribute lookup: the Method Resolution Order (MRO).

The MRO is the order in which base classes are searched for a member during lookup. From version 2.3, Python uses an algorithm called C3, which guarantees monotonicity.
In Python 2.2, new-style classes were introduced. The way you write a new-style class in Python 2.* is to define it with an explicit object base class. Classic classes were not explicitly inheriting from object and have been removed in Python 3. One of the differences between classic and new-style classes in Python 2.* is that new-style classes are searched with the new MRO.

With regards to the previous example, let's see the MRO for the Square class:

# oop/
# prints:
# (<class '__main__.Square'>, <class '__main__.RegularPolygon'>,
# <class '__main__.Polygon'>, <class '__main__.Shape'>,
# <class '__main__.Plotter'>, <class 'object'>)

To get to the MRO of a class, we can go from the instance to its __class__ attribute, and from that to its __mro__ attribute. Alternatively, we could have called Square.__mro__, or Square.mro() directly, but if you have to do it dynamically, it's more likely you will have an object than a class.

Note that the only point of doubt is the bisection after Polygon, where the inheritance chain breaks into two ways: one leads to Shape and the other to Plotter. We know by scanning the MRO for the Square class that Shape is searched before Plotter.

Why is this important? Well, consider the following code:

# oop/
class A:
label = 'a'

class B(A):
label = 'b'

class C(A):
label = 'c'

class D(B, C):

d = D()
print(d.label) # Hypothetically this could be either 'b' or 'c'

Both B and C inherit from A, and D inherits from both B and C. This means that the lookup for the label attribute can reach the top (A) through either B or C. According to which is reached first, we get a different result.

So, in the preceding example, we get 'b', which is what we were expecting, since B is the leftmost one among the base classes of D. But what happens if I remove the label attribute from B? This would be a confusing situation: will the algorithm go all the way up to A or will it get to C first? Let's find out:

# oop/
class A:
label = 'a'

class B(A):
pass # was: label = 'b'

class C(A):
label = 'c'

class D(B, C):

d = D()
print(d.label) # 'c'
print(d.__class__.mro()) # notice another way to get the MRO
# prints:
# [<class '__main__.D'>, <class '__main__.B'>,
# <class '__main__.C'>, <class '__main__.A'>, <class 'object'>]

So, we learn that the MRO is D-B-C-A-object, which means when we ask for d.label, we get 'c', which is correct.

In day-to-day programming, it is not common to have to deal with the MRO, but the first time you fight against some mixin from a framework, I promise you'll be glad I spent a paragraph explaining it.

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