How Celery works

Celery can be somewhat difficult to understand due its distributed architecture. Here's a high-level diagram showing a typical Django-Celery setup:

How a typical Django Celery setup works

When a request arrives, you can trigger a Celery task while handling it. The task invocation returns immediately without blocking the process. In fact, the task has not finished execution, but a task message has entered a task queue (or one of the many possible task queues).

Workers are separate processes that monitor the task queue for new tasks and actually execute them. They pick up a task message and send an acknowledgment to the queue so that the message is removed. Then they execute the task. Once completed, the process repeats, and it will try to pick up another task for execution.

A worker can get blocked executing a slow task or waiting for I/O, but it does not affect the Django process by design. When the task is completed, you may configure a result store to store the results persistently. In many cases, the side effect of the task is needed and the returned result is ignored, so the result store is not required.

A task can also be scheduled to run periodically using what Celery calls a Celery beat process. You can configure it to kick off tasks at certain time intervals, such as every 10 seconds or at the start of a day of the week. This is great for maintenance jobs such as backups or polling the health of a web service.

Celery is well-supported, scalable, and works well with Django, but it might be too cumbersome for trivial asynchronous tasks. In such cases, I would recommend using Django Channels or RQ, a simpler Redis-based task queue. However, the best practices discussed in the next section might apply to them as well.

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