Testing guidelines

Like software, tests can be good or bad, with a whole range of shades in the middle. To write good tests, here are some guidelines:

  • Keep them as simple as possible. It's okay to violate some good coding rules, such as hardcoding values or duplicating code. Tests need, first and foremost, to be as readable as possible and easy to understand. When tests are hard to read or understand, you can never be confident they are actually making sure your code is performing correctly.
  • Tests should verify one thing and one thing only. It's very important that you keep them short and contained. It's perfectly fine to write multiple tests to exercise a single object or function. Just make sure that each test has one and only one purpose.
  • Tests should not make any unnecessary assumption when verifying data. This is tricky to understand at first, but it is important. Verifying that the result of a function call is [1, 2, 3] is not the same as saying the output is a list that contains the numbers 1, 2, and 3. In the former, we're also assuming the ordering; in the latter, we're only assuming which items are in the list. The differences sometimes are quite subtle, but they are still very important.
  • Tests should exercise the what, rather than the how. Tests should focus on checking what a function is supposed to do, rather than how it is doing it. For example, focus on the fact that it's calculating the square root of a number (the what), instead of on the fact that it is calling math.sqrt to do it (the how). Unless you're writing performance tests or you have a particular need to verify how a certain action is performed, try to avoid this type of testing and focus on the what. Testing the how leads to restrictive tests and makes refactoring hard. Moreover, the type of test you have to write when you concentrate on the how is more likely to degrade the quality of your testing code base when you amend your software frequently.
  • Tests should use the minimal set of fixtures needed to do the job. This is another crucial point. Fixtures have a tendency to grow over time. They also tend to change every now and then. If you use big amounts of fixtures and ignore redundancies in your tests, refactoring will take longer. Spotting bugs will be harder. Try to use a set of fixtures that is big enough for the test to perform correctly, but not any bigger.
  • Tests should run as fast as possible. A good test codebase could end up being much longer than the code being tested itself. It varies according to the situation and the developer, but, whatever the length, you'll end up having hundreds, if not thousands, of tests to run, which means the faster they run, the faster you can get back to writing code. When using TDD, for example, you run tests very often, so speed is essential.
  • Tests should use up the least possible amount of resources. The reason for this is that every developer who checks out your code should be able to run your tests, no matter how powerful their box is. It could be a skinny virtual machine or a neglected Jenkins box, your tests should run without chewing up too many resources.
A Jenkins box is a machine that runs Jenkins, software that is capable of, among many other things, running your tests automatically. Jenkins is frequently used in companies where developers use practices such as continuous integration and extreme programming.
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