And the web attacks are unending

There are hundreds of attack techniques that we have not covered here, and the list keeps growing every day as new attacks are found. It is important to keep ourselves aware of them.

Django's official blog ( is a great place to find out about the latest exploits that have been discovered. Django maintainers proactively try to resolve them by releasing security releases. It is highly recommended that you install them as quickly as possible since they usually need very little or no changes to your source code.

The security of your application is only as strong as its weakest link. Even if your Django code might be completely secure, there are so many layers and components in your stack, not to mention human elements, who can also be tricked with various social engineering techniques, such as phishing.

Vulnerabilities in one area, such as the OS, database, or web server, can be exploited to gain access to other parts of your system. Hence, it is best to have a holistic view of your stack rather than view each part separately.

The safe room

As soon as Steve stepped outside the boardroom, he took out his phone and thumbed a crisp one-liner e-mail to his team: "It's a go!"

In the last 60 minutes, he had been grilled by the directors on every possible detail of the launch. Madam O, to Steve's annoyance, maintained her stoic silence the entire time.

He entered his cabin and opened his slide printouts once more. The number of trivial bugs dropped sharply after the checklists were introduced. Essential features that were impossible to include in the release were worked out through early collaboration with helpful users, such as Hexa and Aksel.

The number of signups for the beta site had crossed 9,000, thanks to Sue's brilliant marketing campaign. Never in his career had Steve seen so much interest for a launch. It was then that he noticed something odd about the newspaper on his desk.

Fifteen minutes later, he rushed down the aisle in level 21. At the very end, there was a door marked 2109. When he opened it, he saw Evan working on what looked like a white plastic toy laptop. "Why did you circle the crossword clues? You could have just called me," asked Steve.

"I want to show you something," he replied with a grin. He grabbed his laptop and walked out. He stopped between room 2110 and the fire exit. He fell on his knees and with his right hand, he groped the faded wallpaper. "There has to be a latch here somewhere," he muttered.

Then, his hand stopped and turned a handle barely protruding from the wall. A part of the wall swiveled and came to a halt. It revealed an entrance to a room lit with a red light. A sign inside dangling from the roof said "Safe room 21B."

As they entered, numerous screens and lights flicked on by themselves. A large screen on the wall said "authentication required. Insert key." Evan admired this briefly and began wiring up his laptop.

"Evan, what are we doing here?" asked Steve in a hushed voice. Evan stopped, "Oh, right. I guess we have some time before the tests finish." He took a deep breath.

"Remember when Madam O wanted me to look into the Sentinel codebase? I did. I realized that we were given censored source code. I mean I can understand removing some passwords here and there, but thousands of lines of code? I kept thinking-there had to be something going on."

"So, with my access to the archiver, I pulled some of the older backups. The odds of not erasing a magnetic medium are surprisingly high. Anyways, I could recover most of the erased code. You won't believe what I saw."

Sentinel was not an ordinary social network project. It was a surveillance program. Perhaps the largest known to mankind.

Post-Cold War, a group of nations joined to form a network to share intelligence information. A network of humans and sentinels. Sentinels are semi-autonomous computers with unbelievable computing power. Some believe they are quantum computers.

Sentinels were inserted at thousands of strategic locations around the world-mostly ocean beds where major fiber optic cables are passed. Running on geothermal energy, they were self–powered and practically indestructible. They had access to nearly every internet communication in most countries.

At some point in the nineties, perhaps fearing public scrutiny, the Sentinel program was shut down. This is where it gets really interesting. The code history suggests that the development on Sentinels was continued by someone named Cerebos. The code has been drastically enhanced from its surveillance abilities to form a sort of massively parallel supercomputer. A number-crunching beast for whom no encryption algorithm poses a significant challenge.

Remember the breach? I found it hard to believe that there was not a single offensive move before the superheroes arrived. So, I did some research. SHIM's cybersecurity is designed as five concentric rings. We, the employees, are in the outermost, least privileged, ring protected by Sauron. Inner rings are designed with increasingly stronger cryptographic algorithms. This room is in level 4.

My guess is that long before we knew about the breach, all systems of Sauron were already compromised. Systems were down and it was practically a cakewalk for those robots to enter the campus. I just looked at the logs. The attack was extremely targeted–everything from IP addresses to logins were known beforehand.

"Insider?" asked Steve in horror.

"Yes. However, Sentinels needed help only for Level 5. Once they acquired the public keys for Level 4, they began attacking Level 4 systems. It sounds insane but that was their strategy."

"Why is it insane?"

"Well, most of the world's online security is based on public-key cryptography or asymmetric cryptography. It is based on two keys: one public and the other private. Although mathematically related, it is computationally impractical to find one key if you have the other."

"Are you saying that the Sentinel network can?"

"In fact, they can for smaller keys. Based on the tests I am running right now, their powers have grown significantly. At this rate, they should be ready for another attack in less than 24 hours."

"Damn, that's when SuperBook goes live!"

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