
In this chapter, we explored a lot of different sensors that allow us to develop a lot of different projects. One thing to remember is that as you add more sensors to your project, it can get pretty messy. You can see the aftermath of this in the following image:


In the preceding image, I have my control board connected to a touch sensor, slider, rotation sensor, and a light sensor. You can see the mess that comes with all the functionality. This can be managed.

In the next chapter, we will cover some exciting projects. The goal will be to take everything that we learned in this book so far and build an Internet radio. This will take advantage of several sensors, the Banana Pi, an IR receiver, and an exciting deviceā€”an LCD display. The Internet radio that I built for myself is inside an antique radio and is shown in the following image:


We will kick it up a notch from what I built and make something more modern.

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