
The Internet radio we made is a very practical tool. Everybody likes listening to music or podcasts, or really any media. We have taken that love for music and built something out of it. This project is a jumping-off point for future projects. You can take what you have learned here and apply it to something such as an ownCloud server or media PC.

A few potential projects to get you inspired to continue learning include:

  • HTPC
  • Workstation
  • Retro Gaming Emulator
  • Internet Kiosk
  • Wireless Access Point
  • Portable web server

These projects are generally pretty easy to implement and make for good weekend projects.

We have taken all the accumulated knowledge from this book so far and applied it to a practical project. We went from knowing almost nothing about single-board computing to understanding the hardware aspects of the board and learning about the Linux filesystem and basic commands. We programmed a lot of different stuff directly on the board using Ruby, Go, Python, and Bash. We applied all this knowledge to make this radio.

In the next chapter, we will cover some other practical applications, including running a web server on the Banana Pi for use with server-side programming with PHP. We will install a local WordPress installation. We will take this tiny server (look at the following image) and turn it into a powerful web server for local development:

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