Data acquisition using Twitter

The Twitter API is used in conjunction with HBC's HTTP client to acquire tweets, as previously illustrated in the Handling Twitter section of Chapter 2, Data Acquisition. This process involves using the public stream API at the default access level to pull a sample of public tweets currently streaming on Twitter. We will refine the data based on user-selected keywords.

To begin, we declare the TwitterStream class. It consists of two instance variables, (numberOfTweets and topic), two constructors, and a stream method. The numberOfTweets variable contains the number of tweets to select and process, and topic allows the user to search for tweets related to a specific topic. We have set our default constructor to pull 100 tweets related to Star Wars:

public class TwitterStream { 
    private int numberOfTweets; 
    private String topic; 
    public TwitterStream() { 
        this(100, "Stars Wars"); 
    public TwitterStream(int numberOfTweets, String topic) { ... } 

The heart of our TwitterStream class is the stream method. We start by performing authentication using the information provided by Twitter when we created our Twitter application. We then create a BlockingQueue object to hold our streaming data. In this example, we will set a default capacity of 1000. We use our topic variable in the trackTerms method to specify the types of tweets we are searching for. Finally, we specify our endpoint and turn off stall warnings:

String myKey = "mySecretKey"; 
String mySecret = "mySecret"; 
String myToken = "myToKen"; 
String myAccess = "myAccess"; 
out.println("Creating Twitter Stream"); 
BlockingQueue<String> statusQueue = new  
StatusesFilterEndpoint endpoint = new StatusesFilterEndpoint(); 
endpoint.trackTerms(Lists.newArrayList("twitterapi", this.topic)); 

Now we can create an Authentication object using OAuth1, a variation of the OAuth class. This allows us to build our connection client and complete the HTTP connection:

Authentication twitterAuth = new OAuth1(myKey, mySecret, myToken,
BasicClient twitterClient = new ClientBuilder() 
        .name("Twitter client") 
        .processor(new StringDelimitedProcessor(statusQueue)) 

Next, we create two ArrayLists, list to hold our TweetHandler objects and twitterList to hold the JSON data streamed from Twitter. We will discuss the TweetHandler object in the next section. We use the drainTo method in place of the poll method demonstrated in Chapter 2, Data Acquisition, because it can be more efficient for large amounts of data:

List<TweetHandler> list = new ArrayList(); 
List<String> twitterList = new ArrayList(); 

Next we loop through our retrieved messages. We call the take method to remove each string message from the BlockingQueue instance. We then create a new TweetHandler object using the message and place it in our list. After we have handled all of our messages and the for loop completes, we stop the HTTP client, display the number of messages, and return our stream of TweetHandler objects:

for(int i=0; i<numberOfTweets; i++) { 
    String message; 
    try { 
        message = statusQueue.take(); 
        list.add(new TweetHandler(message)); 
    } catch (InterruptedException ex) { 
out.printf("%d messages processed!

We are now ready to clean and analyze our data.

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