• Cafeteria benefits, 363

  • Canada, 362

  • Card check, 482

  • Career anchors, 268, 283284

  • Career counseling, 271

  • Career development

    • advancement suggestions for, 279280

    • assessment phase of, 266270

    • degree of emphasis on, 265

    • development phase of, 276277

    • development suggestions, 279

    • direction phase of, 270275

    • for diverse workforce, 265

    • domains and balance point, 277278

    • for expatriates, 546548

    • explanation of, 262263

    • job analysis and, 59

    • managerial perspective on, 261262

    • responsibility for, 263

    • self-development, 277280

    • with technology/social media, 283

  • Career paths

    • explanation of, 272

    • information forms, 273274

    • social media as a skill and a tool, 275, 283

  • Career-planning workshops, 266267

  • Career resource center, 275

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), 515

  • Cases

  • Cash balance plans, 384

  • Catastrophic health plan, 379

  • Cease and desist orders, 467

  • Central tendency error, 216

  • CEOs. See Chief executive officers (CEOs)

  • Certification elections, 467, 481482

  • Change

    • coping with rapid, 34, 24

    • resistance to, 125

  • Chief executive officers (CEOs). See also Executives

  • Child-care benefits, 396397

  • China

    • HIV/AIDS in, 510

    • labor relations, 473474

    • overtake by Mexico, 532533

    • toxic factories, 558

  • Cigarette smoking, 438

  • CIT. See Critical incident technique (CIT)

  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

  • Civil Rights Act of 1991, 9495, 173

  • Civil service rules, 434

  • Classification system, 306

  • Classroom instruction, 248

  • Clinical selection strategy, 171

  • Cliques, 412

  • Closed shops, 469

  • Coaching

    • for career development, 276

    • by managers, 225

  • COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act) of 1985, 374

  • Codetermination, 475

  • Cognitive ability tests, 165

  • Coinsurance, 363, 376

  • COLAs (cost-of-living adjustments), 492, 493

  • Collective bargaining. See also Labor relations; Labor unions

  • College interns, 72

  • College/university recruitment, 161

  • Combustible dust, 506

  • Communication

  • Communication methods

  • Communication programs

    • employee assistance, 415418

    • employee feedback, 413415

    • employee recognition, 419420

    • information dissemination, 403404

  • Communication standards, 141

  • Comparability, 216

  • Comparable worth, 314

  • Compensable factors, 304

  • Compensation. See also Employee benefits; Pay-for-performance plans

    • base, 287

    • board of director, 349350

    • choices related to, 26

    • employee perception of, 456

    • executive, 344350

    • for expatriates, 548549

    • explanation of, 287288

    • job analysis and, 59

    • managerial perspective on, 287

    • performance appraisal interview discussion of, 221

    • total, 287

    • in unionized companies, 492493

    • for women, 136

  • Compensation plans

    • job-based, 300

    • job evaluation as, 302

    • market surveys as, 306

    • within-pay-range positioning criteria as, 308

    • skills-based, 300, 311

    • in small businesses, 311312

  • Compensation systems

    • below-market vs. above-market, 288, 296297

    • centralization vs. decentralization, 288, 299300

    • elitist vs. egalitarian, 288, 296

    • Equal Pay Act and, 314315

    • Fair Labor Standards Act and, 312314

    • fixed vs. variable pay, 288, 291293

    • Internal Revenue Code and, 315

    • internal vs. external equity, 288, 289290

    • job vs. individual pay, 288, 294300

    • monetary vs. nonmonetary, 288, 297298

    • open vs. secret pay, 288, 299

    • performance vs. membership, 288, 293

  • Compensatory damages, 9495

  • Competencies

    • career development and, 269270

    • examples of, 207

    • explanation of, 207

  • Competency model, 207

  • Competitive advantage

    • cost and quality control and, 1011

    • during recession, 1

    • strategies to maintain, 22

  • Complaint resolution process, 105

  • Compressed workweeks, 72

  • Computer-based training, 246

  • Conciliation, 99

  • Concurrent validity, 164

  • Conflict, 125

  • Conflict resolution, 486488

  • Conscientiousness, 166

  • Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) of 1985, 374

  • Consultants, 71

  • Contamination error, 163

  • Content tasks, 249

  • Content validity, 164

  • Contingent workers

    • college interns as, 72

    • contract workers as, 7172

    • explanation of, 67

    • outsourcing as, 6869

    • part-time employees as, 6869

    • temporary employees as, 68

  • Contract interpretation grievance, 490

  • Contracts

  • Contractual rights, 430431

  • Contract workers, 7172

  • Contributions, 363

  • Control, lack of, 327

  • Copayment, 363

  • Core-plus options plans, 389

  • Core time, 72

  • Core workers, 67

  • Corporate strategy, 28

  • Corporatewide pay-for-performance plans

  • Cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs), 492, 493

  • Creativity, 123, 250

  • Creativity training, 250

  • Credibility gap, 329

  • Credit checks, 439440

  • Crisis training, 251

  • Critical incident technique (CIT)

  • Critical thinking, 21

  • Cross-cultural training, 539

  • Cross-functional training, 249

  • Crow, Jim, laws, 87

  • CTDs (cumulative trauma disorders), 515

  • Cultural competency, 229

  • Cultural determinism, 142

  • Cultural relativity concept of management, 125

  • Culture. See also Diversity; Employee diversity; Employee diversity management; Organizational culture

    • characteristics of, 553555

    • dimensions of, 553556

    • stereotypes and, 553

  • Culture shock

    • explanation of, 539

    • reverse, 542

  • Cumulative trauma disorders (CTDs), 515

  • Customer-driven HR cases

    • building employee strengths, 232

    • career strategy, 282

    • compensation, 322323

    • fun as a job requirement, 424

    • IBM’s 401(k), 397398

    • incivility in the workplace, 458459

    • union teams, 497498

    • women in the workforce, 176177

    • workplace safety, 527528

    • workplace training, 258259

    • writing a job description, 81

  • Customer service employees, 350351

  • Customer service training, 252253

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