
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


Access, Entering Project Properties
Accrual method, Entering Fixed Costs
Actual cost, Examining Project Costs, Tracking Actual and Remaining Values for Tasks and Assignments, Examining Task Costs
Actual cost of work performed (ACWP), Viewing Earned Value Schedule Indicators, Viewing Earned Value Cost Indicators, Generating an Earned Value Visual Report
Actual duration, Entering a Task’s Completion Percentage
Actual finish date, Entering a Task’s Completion Percentage
Actual start date, Entering a Task’s Completion Percentage
Actual values
collecting, from resources, Tracking Timephased Actual Work for Tasks and Assignments
entering, for tasks, Entering a Task’s Completion Percentage
manually entering, Tracking Actual and Remaining Values for Tasks and Assignments
tracking, Tracking Progress on Tasks, Tracking Actual and Remaining Values for Tasks and Assignments
tracking timephased, Tracking Progress on Tasks and Assignments
Actuals, Tracking Progress on Tasks and Assignments, Handling Actuals from Resources
ACWP (see )
Ad hoc filtering, Grouping Project Details
Aggregate sums, track, Entering Deadline Dates
ALAP (see )
Alerts, Managing Risks, Managing Risks, Managing Issues, Managing Documents
Allocations, Fine-Tuning the Project Plan
(see also )
defined, Fine-Tuning the Project Plan
examining resources over time, Fine-Tuning the Project Plan
fully allocated resource, Examining Resource Allocations over Time, Consolidating Projects and Resources
overallocated resource, Examining Resource Allocations over Time
states of, Fine-Tuning the Project Plan
underallocated resource, Fine-Tuning the Project Plan, Consolidating Projects and Resources
Ampersand (&) code, Grouping Project Details
Analyze Timescaled Data in Excel, Generating an Earned Value Visual Report
Arrow, two-headed, Tracking Actual and Remaining Values for Tasks and Assignments
As Late As Possible (ALAP), Setting Task Constraints, Setting Task Constraints
As Soon As Possible (ASAP), Adjusting Task Relationships, Setting Task Constraints, Changing Task Types
ASAP (see )
Assign Resources dialog box, Assigning Work Resources to Tasks, Assigning Work Resources to Tasks, Staffing an Enterprise Project with Resources
Assignment details, Generating a Project Summary Report for Word, PowerPoint, or Visio, Creating a Resource Pool
Assignment-level, Tracking Actual and Remaining Values for Tasks and Assignments
Assignment-level actual costs, Tracking Actual and Remaining Values for Tasks and Assignments
applying contours to, Applying Contours to Assignments
applying different cost rates to, Applying Different Cost Rates to Assignments
defined, Assigning Resources to Tasks
delaying start of, Delaying the Start of Assignments
note about, Linking Tasks
tracking, Tracking Actual and Remaining Values for Tasks and Assignments
updating, in sharer plan, Viewing Assignment Details in a Resource Pool
viewing details of, in resource pool, Creating a Resource Pool
Assignments Reports dialog box, Formatting and Printing Reports
Asterisk (*), Formatting a Gantt Chart View
AutoFilter, Grouping Project Details
Automatic cost calculation, Tracking Actual and Remaining Values for Tasks and Assignments
Automatic leveling, Manually Resolving Resource Overallocations, Leveling Overallocated Resources
Availability, Setting Up Resources


base, Updating All Plans’ Working Times in a Resource Pool
as element in global template, Sharing Custom Views and Other Elements Between Project Plans
setting nonworking days, Setting Nonworking Days
Calendar view, Exploring Views, Formatting the Network Diagram View
(see also )
Cell, Filtering Project Details
Change Highlighting, Linking Tasks, Setting Task Constraints
Change Working Time dialog box
resource calendar in, Adjusting Working Time for Individual Resources, Updating a Resource’s Information in a Resource Pool
setting nonworking days, Setting Nonworking Days
Chart sheet, Exploring Reports
Clear Leveling Values Before Leveling check box, Leveling Overallocated Resources
Column Definition dialog box, Creating a Custom Gantt Chart View
COM add-in, Reporting Actual Work Through Outlook
Comma-delimited text, Saving to Other File Formats from Project
Completion percentage, Entering a Task’s Completion Percentage
Consolidated project plan, Consolidating Project Plans
Constraints, Adjusting Task Relationships
(see also specific constraints)
categories of, Adjusting Task Relationships
defined, Setting Up Resources, Adjusting Task Relationships
setting tasks, Adjusting Task Relationships
Consumption rates, entering material resource, Applying Different Cost Rates to Assignments
Contours, applying, to assignments, Applying Contours to Assignments
Copy Cell command, Sharing Project Information with Other Programs
Copy Picture command, Sharing Project Information with Other Programs
Copy Picture feature, Saving to Other File Formats from Project
Copy Picture To Office Wizard, Saving to Other File Formats from Project
Copying, Sharing Project Information with Other Programs
Cost and timephased cost task field, Saving a Project Baseline
Cost Overbudget filter, Examining Task Costs
Cost per use, Setting Up Pay Rates to Apply at Different Times
Cost performance index (CPI), Viewing Earned Value Schedule Indicators, Viewing Earned Value Cost Indicators
Cost rate table, Entering Multiple Pay Rates for a Resource, Entering Multiple Pay Rates for a Resource
Cost Rate Table field, Applying Different Cost Rates to Assignments
Cost rates, applying different, to assignments, Applying Different Cost Rates to Assignments
Cost resource cost, Assigning Cost Resources to Tasks
Cost resources
assigning, to tasks, Assigning Material Resources to Tasks
defined, Setting Up Material Resources
obtaining information about, Entering Resource Pay Rates
setting up, Setting Up Material Resources
types of, Setting Up Material Resources
Cost variance (CV), Identifying Tasks that Have Slipped
defined, Viewing Earned Value Cost Indicators
reporting, with spotlight view, Reporting Project Cost Variance with a Stoplight View
troubleshooting, problems, Troubleshooting Time and Schedule Problems
Cost(s), Leveling Overallocated Resources
(see also ; specific cost types)
current (or scheduled), Leveling Overallocated Resources
defined, Setting Up Resources
examining project, Leveling Overallocated Resources
manually entering actual, Tracking Actual and Remaining Values for Tasks and Assignments
in project triangle model, Getting Your Project Back on Track
tips for working with, Examining Task Costs
types of, Leveling Overallocated Resources
CPI (see )
“Crashing,”, Setting Task Constraints
Critical path, Setting Task Constraints, Examining Project Costs, Identifying Tasks that Have Slipped
Critical Task filter, Grouping Project Details
Critical tasks, Viewing the Project’s Critical Path, Examining Project Costs
Cross-project link (see )
Current (or scheduled) costs, Leveling Overallocated Resources
Current cost value, Examining Task Costs
Custom AutoFilter dialog box, Filtering Project Details
Custom filed, Reporting Project Cost Variance with a Stoplight View
Custom Reports dialog box, Exploring Views, Printing Your Project Plan, Printing Reports
Custom views, sharing, between Project plans, Sharing Custom Views and Other Elements Between Project Plans
CV (see )
CV% (see )


E-mail message, include GIF image in, Sharing Project Information with Other Programs
E-mail notification, Managing Risks, Managing Risks, Managing Documents
EAC (see )
Earned value (EV), Examining Project Costs, Viewing Earned Value Schedule Indicators, Viewing Earned Value Schedule Indicators
Earned value analysis, Measuring Performance with Earned Value Analysis
Earned Value Cost Indicators, Viewing Earned Value Schedule Indicators, Viewing Earned Value Schedule Indicators
Earned value management (EVM), Measuring Performance with Earned Value Analysis
Earned value numbers, changing how Project calculates, Viewing Earned Value Cost Indicators
Earned Value Over Time Report, Generating an Earned Value Visual Report
Earned Value Schedule Indicators, Measuring Performance with Earned Value Analysis
Earned value visual report, Generating an Earned Value Visual Report
Edit menu, Sharing Project Information with Other Programs
Editing macros, Editing Macros
Effort-driven scheduling, Assigning Work Resources to Tasks, Changing Task Types, Troubleshooting Time and Schedule Problems
Elapsed duration, Estimating Durations
Enterprise Custom Fields, Checking the Plan’s Duration
Enterprise project management (EPM) functionality, Managing Your Projects with Project
(see also )
additional items in Resource Information dialog box, Setting Up Resource Availability to Apply at Different Times
consolidating projects and resources, Consolidating Projects and Resources
entering actual values directly in Project, Tracking Progress on Tasks and Assignments
enterprise-level resources management, Setting Up Resources
global template, Sharing Custom Views and Other Elements Between Project Plans
intranet-based solution for reporting, Formatting and Printing Reports
Level Resource With The Proposed Booking Type, Leveling Overallocated Resources
printing project information, Printing Project Information
and Project Information dialog box, Checking the Plan’s Duration
Project Information dialog box, Examining Project Costs
reporting project status, Viewing and Reporting Project Status
sharing information between Project and other applications, Sharing Project Information with Other Programs
Enterprise resource pool, Building a New Plan from an Enterprise Template
Enterprise template, Understanding the Key Pieces of Enterprise Project Management
Equipment resources, Setting Up Resources, Setting Up People Resources
(see also )
Estimate at completion (EAC), Viewing Earned Value Cost Indicators
EV (see )
EVM (see )
generating Visual reports with, Generating a Project Summary Report for Word, PowerPoint, or Visio
Paste Special feature, Sharing Project Information with Other Programs
PivotChart, Generating a Project Summary Report for Word, PowerPoint, or Visio
PivotTable, Exploring Reports, Generating a Project Summary Report for Word, PowerPoint, or Visio, Generating Visual Reports with Excel and Visio, Generating an Earned Value Visual Report
view report in, Exploring Views
Visual Reports dialog box, Generating an Earned Value Visual Report
Excel template, Opening Other File Formats in Project
Excel workbook, Saving to Other File Formats from Project
Executive Summary view, Keeping Stakeholders Informed
Export Wizard, Saving to Other File Formats from Project
Extensible Markup Language (XML) format, Opening Other File Formats in Project


Field, Filtering Project Details
File formats
opening, in Project, Copying and Pasting with Project
saving other, from Project, Opening Other File Formats in Project
working with Project, Saving to Other File Formats from Project
Files Of Type box, Opening Other File Formats in Project
Filter, Identifying Tasks that Have Slipped, Sharing Custom Views and Other Elements Between Project Plans
Filter Definition dialog box, Identifying Tasks that Have Slipped
Filtering, Grouping Project Details
Financial costs, Entering Deadline Dates
(see also )
Fine-tuning task details, Fine-Tuning Task Details
Finish date, checking, Examining Project Costs
Finish No Earlier Than (FNET), Setting Task Constraints, Setting Task Constraints
Finish No Later Than (FNLT), Setting Task Constraints
Finish task field, Saving a Project Baseline
Finish-to-finish (FF) relationship, Linking Tasks, Adjusting Task Relationships
Finish-to-start (FS) relationship, Linking Tasks, Linking Tasks, Adjusting Task Relationships, Setting Task Constraints
Fixed consumption rate, Applying Different Cost Rates to Assignments
Fixed cost
and accrual method, Entering Fixed Costs
defined, Entering Deadline Dates
entering, Entering Deadline Dates
(see also )
Fixed units, Changing Task Types
Fixed-duration task, Changing Task Types, Changing Task Types, Applying Contours to Assignments
Fixed-unit quantity, Assigning Additional Resources to a Task
Fixed-work task, Changing Task Types
Flexible constraints, Adjusting Task Relationships
Float, Viewing the Project’s Critical Path
(see also )
Floating toolbar, Customizing a Toolbar
Flowchart, defined, Formatting a Gantt Chart View
(see also )
FNET (see )
Font command, Formatting Text in a View
Footer, Formatting and Printing Reports, Printing Your Project Plan
(see also )
Forecast, Viewing and Reporting Project Status
(see also )
Forms, Sharing Custom Views and Other Elements Between Project Plans
Formula dialog box, Reporting Project Cost Variance with a Stoplight View
Free slack, Viewing the Project’s Critical Path
Fully allocated resource, Examining Resource Allocations over Time, Consolidating Projects and Resources


Gantt bar
formatting, Formatting and Printing Your Plan, Creating a Custom Gantt Chart View, Applying Advanced Formatting
and Gantt Chart view, Formatting and Printing Your Plan
for recurring task, Setting Up a Recurring Task
viewing details, Identifying Tasks that Have Slipped
ways to format, Formatting and Printing Your Plan
Gantt Chart view, Formatting Text in a View
(see also )
create custom, Formatting and Printing Your Plan
as default view, Exploring Views
formatting, Applying Advanced Formatting
graphical portion of, Copying and Pasting with Project
items in, Updating a Baseline
task relationships appear in, Linking Tasks
types of, Formatting a Gantt Chart View
viewing details about any bar or other item in, Identifying Tasks that Have Slipped
Gantt Chart Wizard, Formatting and Printing Your Plan, Creating a Custom Gantt Chart View, Applying Advanced Formatting
Gantt Chart, drawing on, Creating a Custom Gantt Chart View
Gantt, Henry, Formatting and Printing Your Plan
Generic resource, Building a New Plan from an Enterprise Template
Ghost tasks, Creating Dependencies Between Projects
GIF image file, Sharing Project Information with Other Programs, Saving to Other File Formats from Project
Global template, Sharing Custom Views and Other Elements Between Project Plans
Graphic image, Sharing Project Information with Other Programs
Graphical Indicators dialog box, Reporting Project Cost Variance with a Stoplight View
Gridlines dialog box, Formatting a Gantt Chart View
Group field, Sorting Project Details
Grouping, Sorting Project Details
Groups, Printing Your Project Plan, Sharing Custom Views and Other Elements Between Project Plans


Macros, Customizing Project
(see also )
defined, Sharing Custom Views and Other Elements Between Project Plans
editing, Editing Macros
as element in global template, Sharing Custom Views and Other Elements Between Project Plans
names for, Recording Macros
recording, Sharing Custom Views and Other Elements Between Project Plans
security-level setting and running, Recording Macros
stored in project plan, Recording Macros
Main menu bar, Starting Project Standard, Starting Project Professional
MAPI (see )
Maps, Opening Other File Formats in Project, Sharing Custom Views and Other Elements Between Project Plans
Master project, Consolidating Project Plans
(see also )
Material resource consumption costs, Assigning Cost Resources to Tasks
Material resource consumption rate, Applying Different Cost Rates to Assignments
Material resources
assigning, to tasks, Assigning Additional Resources to a Task
defined, Setting Up Equipment Resources
setting up, Setting Up Equipment Resources
Max Units, Setting Up People Resources, Assigning Resources to Tasks, Setting Up Resource Availability to Apply at Different Times, Examining Resource Allocations over Time
MDB format, Opening Other File Formats in Project
Menus and toolbars, Sharing Custom Views and Other Elements Between Project Plans
Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI), Setting Up Equipment Resources
MFO (see )
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0, Understanding the Key Pieces of Enterprise Project Management
Microsoft Office Enterprise Project Management (EPM) Solution, Planning Work with Project Server
(see also )
Microsoft Office Project Portfolio Server 2007, Managing Your Projects with Project
Microsoft Office Project Professional 2007, Managing Your Projects with Project
(see also )
interface elements, Starting Project Professional
overview, Managing Your Projects with Project
starting, Starting Project Professional
templates installation, Starting Project Professional
Microsoft Office Project Server 2007, Managing Your Projects with Project
Microsoft Office Project Standard 2007
interface elements in, Starting Project Standard
overview, Managing Your Projects with Project
starting, Managing Your Projects with Project
templates installation, Starting Project Standard
Microsoft Project 2000, Saving to Other File Formats from Project
Microsoft Project 2002, Saving to Other File Formats from Project
Microsoft Project 2003, Saving to Other File Formats from Project
Microsoft Project 98, Saving to Other File Formats from Project
Microsoft Project Exchange format (MPX) format, Opening Other File Formats in Project, Saving to Other File Formats from Project
Microsoft Project Plan (MPP) file, Entering Project Properties
Microsoft Project Plan Import Export Template, Opening Other File Formats in Project
Microsoft Project Task List Import Template, Entering Tasks, Opening Other File Formats in Project
Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), Customizing Project, Sharing Custom Views and Other Elements Between Project Plans, Editing Macros
(see also )
Microsoft WordPad, Copying and Pasting with Project
Milestone, Entering a Milestone, Formatting Text in a View
Mitigation, Managing Risks
Moderate constraint, Adjusting Task Relationships
Modules (VBA) macros, Sharing Custom Views and Other Elements Between Project Plans
More Filters dialog box, Identifying Tasks that Have Slipped, Examining Task Costs
More Groups dialog box, Grouping Project Details
More Tables dialog box, Sorting Project Details, Viewing Earned Value Schedule Indicators
More Views dialog box, Exploring Views, Creating a Custom Gantt Chart View, Printing Your Project Plan
MPD, Opening Other File Formats in Project
MPP file (see )
MPX (see )
MSO (see )
Multiple Baselines Gantt chart view, Formatting a Gantt Chart View
Must Finish On (MFO), Setting Task Constraints, Changing Task Types
Must Start On (MSO), Setting Task Constraints, Setting Task Constraints


entering resource, Setting Up People Resources
for macros, Recording Macros
Negative slack, Setting Task Constraints
Network Diagram view, Exploring Views, Grouping Project Details
defined, Formatting a Gantt Chart View
formatting, Formatting a Gantt Chart View
task relationships appearing in, Linking Tasks
Visio visual reports, Formatting the Network Diagram View
New Workbook dialog box, Opening Other File Formats in Project
Noncritical tasks, Viewing the Project’s Critical Path
Nonworking days, setting, Setting Nonworking Days
Note, Linking Tasks


Page Setup dialog box, Examining Project Costs, Printing Your Project Plan, Printing Your Project Plan, Printing Views
Paste command, Sharing Project Information with Other Programs
Paste Special command, Sharing Project Information with Other Programs
Pasting, Sharing Project Information with Other Programs
Pay rate
entering multiple, for resource, Entering Multiple Pay Rates for a Resource
entering resource, Entering Resource Pay Rates
setting up, to apply at different times, Entering Multiple Pay Rates for a Resource
People resources, Setting Up Resources
(see also )
Permanently renumber resources check box, Sorting Project Details
PERT analysis (see )
Phases, Entering a Milestone
Physical percent complete, Viewing Earned Value Cost Indicators
PivotChart, Generating a Project Summary Report for Word, PowerPoint, or Visio
PivotDiagram, Generating a Project Summary Report for Word, PowerPoint, or Visio, Formatting the Network Diagram View
PivotTable, Exploring Reports, Generating a Project Summary Report for Word, PowerPoint, or Visio, Generating Visual Reports with Excel and Visio
PivotTable Field List, Generating an Earned Value Visual Report
Planned value (PV), Viewing Earned Value Schedule Indicators
Planning, Tracking Progress on Tasks, Tracking Progress on Tasks and Assignments
(see also )
Portfolio, Handling Actuals from Resources
Portfolio management, Consolidating Projects and Resources
(see also )
PowerPoint, generating Summary report for, Saving to Other File Formats from Project
Predecessor, Linking Tasks, Setting Task Constraints
Predefined contours, Applying Contours to Assignments
Predefined or custom filter, Grouping Project Details
Predefined views, Exploring Reports
Print command, Creating a Custom Gantt Chart View
Print Date Range check box, Examining Project Costs
Print dialog box, Printing Your Project Plan
Print Preview window
Custom Gantt Chart view in, Creating a Custom Gantt Chart View
formatting and printing reports, Formatting Text in a View
options, Printing Views
view project plan, Printing Your Project Plan
view report in, Formatting Text in a View
view reports in, Exploring Views
Print Row Totals For Values Within Print Date Range check box, Examining Project Costs
Printing, Formatting Text in a View, Printing Your Project Plan
Printing usage views, Examining Project Costs
Product scope, Entering Tasks
Program, Handling Actuals from Resources
Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) analysis, Estimating Durations
Program office, Updating Assignments in a Sharer Plan
Progress, Examining Task Costs
(see also )
tracking, on tasks and assignments, Tracking Progress on Tasks and Assignments
viewing and reporting on, Viewing and Reporting Project Status
Progress ScreenTip, Entering a Task’s Completion Percentage
Project baseline, saving, Tracking Progress on Tasks
Project calendar, Setting Nonworking Days, Entering Tasks
Project Center, Handling Actuals from Resources, Managing Documents
Project costs, examining, Leveling Overallocated Resources
Project details
assignment, Generating a Project Summary Report for Word, PowerPoint, or Visio, Creating a Resource Pool
filtering, Grouping Project Details
fine-tuning task, Fine-Tuning Task Details
grouping, Sorting Project Details
resource, Generating a Project Summary Report for Word, PowerPoint, or Visio, Creating a Resource Pool
sorting, Sorting Project Details
of tasks, Fine-Tuning Task Details, Generating a Project Summary Report for Word, PowerPoint, or Visio
Project document library, Managing Documents
Project Document Object (OLE object), Sharing Project Information with Other Programs
Project duration (see )
Project Guide, Starting Project Standard, Starting Project Professional
Project Information dialog box, Creating a New Project Plan, Checking the Plan’s Duration, Examining Project Costs
Project management, defined, Getting Started with Project
Project plan window, Starting Project Standard, Starting Project Professional
Project plan(s)
consolidating, Consolidating Project Plans
create new, Creating a New Project Plan
linking new, to resource pool, Linking New Project Plans to a Resource Pool
macros stored in, Recording Macros
printing, Printing Your Project Plan
Project Professional 2007, Understanding the Key Pieces of Enterprise Project Management
Project properties, entering, Setting Nonworking Days
Project Server 2007, Understanding the Key Pieces of Enterprise Project Management
building new plan for enterprise template, Understanding the Key Pieces of Enterprise Project Management
defined, Staffing an Enterprise Project with Resources
key pieces of enterprise project management, Planning Work with Project Server
publishing plan to, Staffing an Enterprise Project with Resources
Risks functionality in, Managing Risks
staffing enterprise project with resources, Staffing an Enterprise Project with Resources
Project Server-based enterprise project management (EPM) system, Managing Your Projects with Project, Managing Risks, Issues, and Documents with Project Server
(see also )
benefits of, Planning Work with Project Server
key pieces of, Planning Work with Project Server
resources for evaluation, planning, and deployment of, Understanding the Key Pieces of Enterprise Project Management
toolset of, Understanding the Key Pieces of Enterprise Project Management
tracking work with, Tracking Work with Project Server
Project Server–WSS integration, Managing Documents
Project Statistics dialog box, Checking the Project’s Finish Date, Troubleshooting Time and Schedule Problems
Project Summary report
defined, Formatting and Printing Reports
generating, for PowerPoint or Visio, Saving to Other File Formats from Project
generating, for Word, Saving to Other File Formats from Project
Project summary task, Creating a Custom Gantt Chart View
Project triangle, Getting Your Project Back on Track
Project Web Access (PWA), Managing Your Projects with Project, Understanding the Key Pieces of Enterprise Project Management, Tracking Work with Project Server, Managing Risks, Issues, and Documents with Project Server
Project Center in, Handling Actuals from Resources
reporting actual work through, Reporting Actual Work Through Project Web Access
reporting actual work through Outlook, Reporting Actual Work Through Outlook
copying and pasting with, Sharing Project Information with Other Programs
creating dependencies between, Creating Dependencies Between Projects
customizing, Customizing Project
managing projects with, Managing Your Projects with Project
sharing information with previous versions of, Saving to Other File Formats from Project
tracking project as scheduled, Saving a Project Baseline
vs. ongoing operations, Getting Started with Project
Public document library, Managing Documents
PV (see )
PWA (see )


Range filter, Grouping Project Details
Ratio of cost variance to Budgeted cost of work schedule (CV%), Viewing Earned Value Cost Indicators
Ratio of the schedule variance (SV%), Viewing Earned Value Schedule Indicators
Recording macros, Sharing Custom Views and Other Elements Between Project Plans
Recurring task, Entering Fixed Costs, Examining Resource Allocations over Time
Relationship Diagram, Printing Your Project Plan
Relationships, Linking Tasks, Formatting and Printing Your Plan
(see also ; and entries for individual relationships)
Remaining cost, Examining Project Costs, Examining Task Costs
Reporting project status, Examining Task Costs
(see also )
examining resource costs, Examining Task Costs
examining task costs, Identifying Tasks that Have Slipped
identifying slipped tasks, Viewing and Reporting Project Status
key to properly communicating status, Viewing and Reporting Project Status
reporting cost variance with spotlight view, Reporting Project Cost Variance with a Stoplight View
Reports, Formatting Text in a View
(see also ; and entries for specific reports)
defined, Formatting Text in a View, Printing Reports
exploring, Exploring Views
formatting and printing, Formatting Text in a View
formatting and printing plan, Formatting and Printing Your Plan
in global template, Sharing Custom Views and Other Elements Between Project Plans
printing, Printing Reports
Reports dialog box, Exploring Views, Formatting Text in a View
Rescheduling incomplete work, Tracking Timephased Actual Work for Tasks and Assignments
Resource Allocation view, Examining Resource Allocations over Time, Examining Resource Allocations over Time
Resource allocations
evaluating, Examining Resource Allocations over Time
examining, over time, Fine-Tuning the Project Plan
leveling overallocated resources, Manually Resolving Resource Overallocations
Resource calendar, Adjusting Working Time for Individual Resources
Resource cost information, Entering Resource Pay Rates
(see also )
Resource costs, Identifying Tasks that Have Slipped, Examining Task Costs
(see also , )
Resource details, Generating a Project Summary Report for Word, PowerPoint, or Visio
Resource Graph command, Examining Resource Allocations over Time
Resource Graph view, Examining Resource Allocations over Time
Resource Information dialog box, Setting Up Equipment Resources, Entering Multiple Pay Rates for a Resource, Setting Up Resource Availability to Apply at Different Times
Resource leveling, Manually Resolving Resource Overallocations
Resource Leveling dialog box, Leveling Overallocated Resources
Resource Management toolbar, Examining Resource Allocations over Time
Resource manager, Examining Task Costs
Resource Name field, Setting Up People Resources, Setting Up a Recurring Task
Resource names, enter, Setting Up People Resources
Resource note, Linking Tasks
Resource overallocations
leveling, Manually Resolving Resource Overallocations
manually resolving, Examining Resource Allocations over Time
Resource pay rates, entering, Entering Resource Pay Rates
Resource pool
benefits of, Creating a Resource Pool
creating, Consolidating Projects and Resources
creating dedicated, Creating a Resource Pool
defined, Consolidating Projects and Resources
linking new project plans to, Linking New Project Plans to a Resource Pool
opening sharer plan and updating, Linking New Project Plans to a Resource Pool
updating all plans’ working times in, Updating All Plans’ Working Times in a Resource Pool
updating resource’s information in, Updating Assignments in a Sharer Plan
viewing assignment details in, Creating a Resource Pool
working with sharer plans and, Updating All Plans’ Working Times in a Resource Pool
Resource Sheet view, Exploring Views, Exploring Reports, Adjusting Working Time for Individual Resources, Sorting Project Details
Resource Substitution Wizard, Staffing an Enterprise Project with Resources
Resource Summary sheet, Exploring Reports
Resource Usage view
and assignment notes, Applying Contours to Assignments
defined, Exploring Views
display Cost Rate Table field, Applying Different Cost Rates to Assignments, Tracking Actual and Remaining Values for Tasks and Assignments
Resource Allocation view, Examining Resource Allocations over Time
timephased grid, Tracking Timephased Actual Work for Tasks and Assignments, Troubleshooting Cost and Resource Problems
work values in timescaled grid, Examining Resource Allocations over Time
Resource variance, troubleshooting, problems, Troubleshooting Time and Schedule Problems
Resource(s), Getting Your Project Back on Track
(see also ; and entries for specific resources)
adjusting working time for individual, Adjusting Working Time for Individual Resources
aspects of, Setting Up Resources
assigning, to task, Assigning Work Resources to Tasks
assigning, to tasks, Assigning Resources to Tasks
defined, Setting Up Resources
documenting, Documenting Resources
entering multiple pay rates for, Entering Multiple Pay Rates for a Resource
handling actual from, Handling Actuals from Resources
leveling overallocated, Manually Resolving Resource Overallocations
setting up, Setting Up Resources, Setting Up Resource Availability to Apply at Different Times
staffing enterprise project with, Staffing an Enterprise Project with Resources
Risks, Managing Risks, Managing Documents
Roll Up Baseline, Updating a Baseline


S-curve line chart, Generating an Earned Value Visual Report
Save, automatic, Creating a New Project Plan
Saving file formats, Opening Other File Formats in Project
Schedule performance index (SPI), Viewing Earned Value Schedule Indicators
Schedule variance (SV), Viewing Earned Value Schedule Indicators
Scheduling engine, benefits of, Managing Your Projects with Project
Scheduling formula, Changing Task Types
Scope, Getting Your Project Back on Track, Troubleshooting Cost and Resource Problems
with date of assignment, Examining Resource Allocations over Time
describing type of contour applied to assignment, Applying Contours to Assignments
details about ghost task, Creating Dependencies Between Projects
graphical indicator’s numeric value in, Reporting Project Cost Variance with a Stoplight View
notes appearing in, Documenting Tasks, Documenting Resources
Progress, Entering a Task’s Completion Percentage
for splitting tasks, Interrupting Work on a Task
viewing details about any bar or items in Gantt Chart view, Identifying Tasks that Have Slipped
Security-level setting, and running macros, Recording Macros
Semi-flexible constraints, Adjusting Task Relationships, Setting Task Constraints
Sequence, Linking Tasks
Set Baseline dialog box, Saving a Project Baseline
Sharer plan, Creating a Resource Pool
(see also )
defined, Consolidating Projects and Resources
delete, Consolidating Project Plans
opening, Linking New Project Plans to a Resource Pool
updating assignments in, Viewing Assignment Details in a Resource Pool
working with, and resource pool, Updating All Plans’ Working Times in a Resource Pool
Sharing Project information
with other applications, Sharing Project Information with Other Programs
with previous versions of Project, Saving to Other File Formats from Project
Shortcut menu, Starting Project Standard, Starting Project Professional
Simple variance analysis, Measuring Performance with Earned Value Analysis
Slack, Setting Task Constraints, Entering Deadline Dates
(see also )
Slipped tasks, Identifying Tasks that Have Slipped
(see also )
identifying, Viewing and Reporting Project Status
tips and suggestions for viewing, Identifying Tasks that Have Slipped
Slipped/Late Progress filter, Identifying Tasks that Have Slipped
Slipping Tasks filter, Identifying Tasks that Have Slipped
Slipping tasks report, Identifying Tasks that Have Slipped
Smart tag, Assigning Additional Resources to a Task
Smart Tag, Changing Task Types, Manually Resolving Resource Overallocations
Snapshot, Sharing Custom Views and Other Elements Between Project Plans
SNET (see )
SNLT (see )
Soft constraints, Adjusting Task Relationships
Sort dialog box, Sorting Project Details, Examining Resource Costs
Source program, defined, Sharing Project Information with Other Programs
SPI (see )
Split task, Interrupting Work on a Task
Sponsor, Formatting and Printing Reports, Tracking Progress on Tasks, Getting Your Project Back on Track
Spotlight report, Reporting Project Cost Variance with a Stoplight View
Spotlight view, Reporting Project Cost Variance with a Stoplight View, Keeping Stakeholders Informed
Spreadsheet Solutions tab, Opening Other File Formats in Project
SQL Server 2000, Understanding the Key Pieces of Enterprise Project Management
Standard base calendar, Adjusting Working Time for Individual Resources, Interrupting Work on a Task
Standard toolbar, Sharing Project Information with Other Programs
Start date, Creating a New Project Plan
Start No Earlier Than (SNET), Setting Task Constraints, Setting Task Constraints
Start No Later Than (SNLT), Setting Task Constraints
Start task field, Saving a Project Baseline
Start-to-finish (SF) relationship, Linking Tasks, Adjusting Task Relationships
Start-to-start (SS) relationship, Linking Tasks, Adjusting Task Relationships
Status reports, Viewing and Reporting Project Status
(see also , )
Subproject, Consolidating Project Plans
(see also )
Subtask, Entering a Milestone
Successor task, Linking Tasks, Setting Task Constraints
Summary table, Sorting Project Details
Summary tasks, Entering a Milestone, Linking Tasks, Formatting and Printing Your Plan, Formatting Text in a View, Changing Task Types
SV (see )


Tab-delimited text, Saving to Other File Formats from Project
Tabbed dialog box, Formatting a Gantt Chart View
(see also specific types of dialog boxes)
Table, Formatting Text in a View
(see also , )
customizing, Filtering Project Details
defined, Exploring Views
and earned value analysis, Viewing Earned Value Schedule Indicators
in global template, Sharing Custom Views and Other Elements Between Project Plans
as part of Gantt Chart view, Formatting and Printing Your Plan
Tabular report, Exploring Views, Formatting Text in a View
Task calendar, Interrupting Work on a Task, Adjusting Working Time for Individual Tasks
Task constraints, setting, Adjusting Task Relationships
Task costs, examining, Identifying Tasks that Have Slipped
Task Dependency dialog box, Adjusting Task Relationships
Task details, Fine-Tuning Task Details, Generating a Project Summary Report for Word, PowerPoint, or Visio
Task Driver’s pane, Adjusting Task Relationships
Task durations, general rules when estimating, Estimating Durations
(see also )
Task Entry view, Exploring Views
Task Form, Changing Task Types
Task Information dialog box, Linking Tasks, Adjusting Task Relationships, Adjusting Task Relationships, Adjusting Working Time for Individual Tasks
Task lists, Entering Tasks
Task Mapping page, Opening Other File Formats in Project
Task note, Linking Tasks
Task priority, Leveling Overallocated Resources
Task relationships, adjusting, Fine-Tuning Task Details
(see also )
Task Report dialog box, Printing Reports
Task Sheet view, Formatting Text in a View
Task type
changing, Changing Task Types
defined, Changing Task Types
and effort-driven schedule, Changing Task Types
scheduling formula, Changing Task Types
Task Usage view, Exploring Views, Applying Contours to Assignments, Applying Different Cost Rates to Assignments, Tracking Actual and Remaining Values for Tasks and Assignments, Tracking Actual and Remaining Values for Tasks and Assignments, Identifying Tasks that Have Slipped
Task-level actuals, Tracking Actual and Remaining Values for Tasks and Assignments
Tasks, Applying Contours to Assignments
(see also ; individual task types)
adjusting working time for individual, Interrupting Work on a Task
apply Start No Earlier Than (SNET) constraint to, Setting Task Constraints
assigning additional resources to, Assigning Work Resources to Tasks
assigning cost resources to, Assigning Material Resources to Tasks
assigning material resources to, Assigning Additional Resources to a Task
assigning resources to, Assigning Resources to Tasks
assigning work resources to, Assigning Resources to Tasks
change types, Changing Task Types
defined, Creating a Task List
documenting, Linking Tasks
entering, Creating a Task List
entering actual values for, Entering a Task’s Completion Percentage
entering completion percentage of, Entering a Task’s Completion Percentage
fine-tuning details of, Fine-Tuning Task Details
identifying slipped, Viewing and Reporting Project Status
interrupting work on, Interrupting Work on a Task
linking, Linking Tasks
mark, of any duration as milestone, Entering a Milestone
organizing, into phases, Entering a Milestone
relationships, Linking Tasks
remove task calendar from, Adjusting Working Time for Individual Tasks
setting up recurring, Entering Fixed Costs
tracking, Tracking Actual and Remaining Values for Tasks and Assignments
types, Changing Task Types
Tasks Center, Managing Documents
Tasks Will Always Honor Their Constraint Dates, Setting Task Constraints
TCPI (see )
Templates, Sharing Custom Views and Other Elements Between Project Plans
(see also )
Excel and Visio report, Generating a Project Summary Report for Word, PowerPoint, or Visio
installation, Starting Project Standard, Starting Project Professional
in Network Diagram view, Formatting the Network Diagram View
Templates dialog box, Spreadsheet Solutions tab of, Opening Other File Formats in Project
comma-delimited, Saving to Other File Formats from Project
copy, Sharing Project Information with Other Programs
formatting, in view, Formatting Text in a View
paste, Copying and Pasting with Project
tab-delimited, Saving to Other File Formats from Project
Text styles, Formatting a Gantt Chart View
Text Styles dialog box, Formatting Text in a View
Time, Getting Your Project Back on Track
Time and schedule problems, troubleshooting, Getting Your Project Back on Track
Timephased, Tracking Progress on Tasks and Assignments
Timephased actual work, tracking, Tracking Actual and Remaining Values for Tasks and Assignments
Timephased field, Saving a Project Baseline
Timephased grid, Tracking Actual and Remaining Values for Tasks and Assignments, Tracking Actual and Remaining Values for Tasks and Assignments, Troubleshooting Cost and Resource Problems
Timescale, Formatting and Printing Your Plan
(see also )
Timescale command, Examining Resource Allocations over Time
Timescale dialog box, Examining Resource Allocations over Time
Timescaled view, Formatting a Gantt Chart View
(see also )
To complete performance index (TCPI), Viewing Earned Value Cost Indicators
customizing, Customizing a Toolbar
and global template, Sharing Custom Views and Other Elements Between Project Plans
placement of, Customizing a Toolbar
in Project window, Starting Project Standard, Starting Project Professional
Top-down planning, Organizing Tasks into Phases
Total slack, Viewing the Project’s Critical Path
Tracking, Tracking Progress on Tasks and Assignments
(see also )
defined, Tracking Progress on Tasks
identifying variance, Tracking Progress on Tasks and Assignments
importance of, Entering Actual Values for Tasks
project as scheduled, Saving a Project Baseline
with Project Server-based Enterprise Project Management (EPM) system, Tracking Work with Project Server
Tracking actuals, Tracking Progress on Tasks, Tracking Progress on Tasks and Assignments
Tracking Gantt chart view, Updating a Baseline, Identifying Tasks that Have Slipped, Identifying Tasks that Have Slipped, Formatting a Gantt Chart View
Tracking progress on tasks and assignments, Tracking Progress on Tasks and Assignments
Tracking timephased actuals, Tracking Progress on Tasks and Assignments
Trigger, Managing Risks
cost variance and resource variance problems, Troubleshooting Time and Schedule Problems
scope-of-work problems, Troubleshooting Cost and Resource Problems
time and schedule problems, Getting Your Project Back on Track
Two-arrow symbols, Sharing Custom Views and Other Elements Between Project Plans
Two-headed arrow, Tracking Actual and Remaining Values for Tasks and Assignments
Type a question for help, Starting Project Standard, Starting Project Professional


VAC (see )
Variable consumption rate, Applying Different Cost Rates to Assignments
Variable-rate quantity, Assigning Additional Resources to a Task
Variance, Examining Task Costs
(see also , , ; and entries for individual variance types)
benefits of, Identifying Tasks that Have Slipped
getting project back on track, Getting Your Project Back on Track
measurement of, Viewing and Reporting Project Status
see, in Work table, Examining Task Costs
tracking, Tracking Progress on Tasks and Assignments
Variance at completion (VAC), Viewing Earned Value Cost Indicators
Variance table, Saving a Project Baseline, Identifying Tasks that Have Slipped
VBA (see )
VBA language, Editing Macros
(see also )
View Definitions dialog box, Creating a Custom Gantt Chart View, Customizing Views
View tab, Printing Your Project Plan
View(s), Customizing Tables
(see also entries for individual views)
customizing, Customizing Tables
defined, Exploring Views, Filtering Project Details, Customizing Tables
exploring, Exploring Views
formatting text in, Formatting Text in a View
in global template, Sharing Custom Views and Other Elements Between Project Plans
printing, Printing Your Project Plan
printing project’s plan data, Formatting and Printing Your Plan
printing usage, Examining Project Costs
sharing custom, Sharing Custom Views and Other Elements Between Project Plans
tables applied in, Filtering Project Details
Visio 2007
generating Summary report for, Saving to Other File Formats from Project
generating Visual reports with, Generating a Project Summary Report for Word, PowerPoint, or Visio
view report in, Exploring Views
working in Network Diagram view, Formatting the Network Diagram View
Visual Basic Environment, Editing Macros
Visual report
defined, Printing Your Project Plan, Generating a Project Summary Report for Word, PowerPoint, or Visio
and earned value analysis, Generating an Earned Value Visual Report
formatting and printing reports, Formatting Text in a View
generating, with Excel and Visio, Generating a Project Summary Report for Word, PowerPoint, or Visio
Visual Reports dialog box, Exploring Reports, Generating Visual Reports with Excel and Visio, Generating an Earned Value Visual Report


WBS process (see )
Windows Clipboard, Saving to Other File Formats from Project
Windows SharePoint Services (WSS), Managing Risks, Issues, and Documents with Project Server
Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, Understanding the Key Pieces of Enterprise Project Management
Word document, include GIF image in, Sharing Project Information with Other Programs
Word, generating Project Summary Report for, Saving to Other File Formats from Project
interrupting, on task, Interrupting Work on a Task
reporting, through Outlook, Reporting Actual Work Through Outlook
reporting, through Project Web Access (PWA), Reporting Actual Work Through Project Web Access
in scheduling formula, Assigning Work Resources to Tasks
Work and timephased work task field, Saving a Project Baseline
Work breakdown structure (WBS) process, Organizing Tasks into Phases
Work resource costs, Assigning Material Resources to Tasks
Work resources, Getting Your Project Back on Track
(see also )
assigning, to tasks, Assigning Resources to Tasks
defined, Setting Up Resources
examples of, Setting Up Resources
Work table, Examining Task Costs
Working time, Adjusting Working Time for Individual Resources
(see also )
adjusting, for individual resources, Adjusting Working Time for Individual Resources
adjusting, for individual tasks, Interrupting Work on a Task
updating, in resource pool, Updating All Plans’ Working Times in a Resource Pool
Working time settings, Setting Up Resource Availability to Apply at Different Times
WSS (see )
WSS subweb, Managing Risks, Issues, and Documents with Project Server
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