Time for action — adding animation

Our model can move but it isn't animated yet, let's change this.

  1. The FrameListener needs two animation states:
    Ogre::AnimationState* _aniState;
    Ogre::AnimationState* _aniStateTop;
  2. To get the animation states in the constructor, we need a pointer to the entity:
    MyFrameListener(Ogre::RenderWindow* win,Ogre::Camera* cam,Ogre::Viewport* viewport,Ogre::SceneNode* node,Ogre::Entity* ent)
  3. With this pointer we can retrieve the AnimationState and save them for later use:
    _aniState = ent->getAnimationState("RunBase");
    _aniStateTop = ent->getAnimationState(«RunTop»);
  4. Now that we have the AnimationState, we need to have a flag in the frameStarted function, which tells us whether or not the entity walked this frame. We add this flag into the if conditions that query the keyboard state:
    bool walked = false;
    SinbadTranslate += Ogre::Vector3(0,0,-1);
    _rotation = 3.14f;
    walked = true;
    SinbadTranslate += Ogre::Vector3(0,0,1);
    _rotation = 0.0f;
    walked = true;
    SinbadTranslate += Ogre::Vector3(-1,0,0);
    _rotation = -1.57f;
    walked = true;
    SinbadTranslate += Ogre::Vector3(1,0,0);
    _rotation = 1.57f;
    walked = true;
  5. If the model moves, we enable the animation; if the animation has ended, we loop it:
  6. If the model didn't move, we disable the animation and set it to the start position:
  7. In each frame, we need to add the passed time to the animation; otherwise, it wouldn't move:
  8. The application now also needs a pointer to the entity:
    Ogre::Entity* _SinbadEnt;
  9. We use this pointer while instantiating the FrameListener:
    _listener = new MyFrameListener(window,camera,viewport,_SinbadNode,_SinbadEnt);
  10. And, of course, while creating the entity:
    _SinbadEnt = _sceneManager->createEntity("Sinbad.mesh");
  11. Compile and run the application. Now the model should be animated when it moves:
    Time for action — adding animation

What just happened?

We added animation to our model, which is only enabled when the model is moved.

Have a go hero — looking up what we used

Look up the chapters where we discussed the techniques we used for the last examples.

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