About the Reviewers

Manuel Bua is a software and solutions architect from Trento, Italy. He has over 17 years' experience and has been involved in many small and large-scale software projects, at both the design and implementation levels.

His background and experience range from software development to reverse engineering, embracing both the desktop and the mobile platform; multithreading, parallel, and massively-parallel computing architectures also pique his interest greatly, as well as computational photography and games development.

In 2007, he joined Jooce's Research and Development division in Paris, France, holding the position of Chief Architect, engineering and optimizing their in-house, Actionscript-based virtual desktop platform connecting millions of people worldwide; during his staying, he also designed and implemented the compositing window manager governing windows transitions and effects, such as the well-known "Wobbly Windows," first introduced by Compiz on the (rocking!) Linux desktop.

He loves open standards and the open source culture. His desire to learn and to share his knowledge has led him to contribute to various projects, such as Ogre itself; he designed and programmed the original out-of-core implementation of what is known today as the "Compositor Framework," providing both the initial insight and the high-level concepts, laying the foundations for further research, work, and improvements.

He is currently employed at F4F Creative Factory, a design-inspired web and advertising agency based in Arco, Trento, in the roles of solutions architect, software engineer, and systems administrator.

Gregory Junker is the author of the APress book "Pro Ogre 3D Programming."

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