Time for action—adding purchase options for customers

Now, let's learn how we can define different color purchase options for our Reebok Fuego shoe model.

  1. Browse to Catalog|Products listings and click on the Edit button near the listed shoe model.
    Time for action—adding purchase options for customers
  2. Let's open the Option tab and click on the Add Option button. As soon as we do this, a new section will appear under this button. We write Color for the Option field. Finally, let's click on the Add Option Value button.
    Time for action—adding purchase options for customers
  3. A new section will be added under the Color option. Now we can add different color options. Let's add Black for Option Value and define that we have 10 of them in the stock by filling the Quantity field. As the shoes with the black color option are sold, the total stock amount will be decreased accordingly, since we have chosen Subtract Stock field as Yes by default. Then, let's click on the Color option in the list on the left-hand side.
    Time for action—adding purchase options for customers
  4. Let's define another color option, Blue, similar to the previous one. Finally, let's add a Special Design option value. Note that for the last option value, we have filled the Price field as 15. Notice the + in the Prefix field. Its purpose is to add this price to base price of the product if this option value is selected. So, if the Black shoe is sold for 45, the Special Design shoe will be sold for 45 + 15 = 60. This is the power of option values.
    Time for action—adding purchase options for customers

    Notice that we can remove any Option or Option Value using the Remove button. Let's click on the Save button to complete adding the Color option with three option values (Black, Blue, Special Design).

  5. Let's open the product details for this shoe again. Notice that we now Color in the Available Options list. Visitors had to choose one from the listed section. The Black color was selected by default because it is the first option we had added.


    We could use Sort Order to arrange orders of the options and option values.

    Time for action—adding purchase options for customers
  6. Let's choose the Special Design option from the list and click on the Add to Cart button.
    Time for action—adding purchase options for customers
  7. As you can see from the updated shopping cart, the final sub-total price for the shoe has increased to 60 because of additional +15 price coming from Special Design option. The shopping cart also put Color Special Design as a note under the product name in a format of Option + Option value.
    Time for action—adding purchase options for customers

What just happened?

We have learnt how to add more features to a product by using options and option values. This way, we can add as many features as we want for an item. The more such options we add, the more flexible customers will be to choose the item with the features they want.

Pop quiz—understanding option values

Suppose that we have a boots shoe model with anti-slippery feature by default. It is priced at 40. What should we do to sell the same boots shoe model without anti-slippery feature at 30.

  1. We should add the same product twice, with the same photos, name them accordingly, and set the prices separately.
  2. We should name the product as Boots Shoe Model with a price at 30. Then we should add thr Anti-Slippery feature as an option with +10 price.

Have a go hero—adding size option and its option values

A feature to select shoe size is essential for any online shoe store. So, it is now your turn to add a size option with several sample size option values, such as 8, 8.5, 9, and 9.5. Then, do not forget to browse the final shoe details page to see how it will look and check the added functionality for customers.

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