Time for action—adding additional images for Reebok shoe

The more images we add for a certain shoe, the better they help a customer to decide about their final buying decision.

  1. Let's open the newly added shoe model in the Products listings page and browse to the Image tab. Then, let's click on the Add Image button.
    Time for action—adding additional images for Reebok shoe
  2. We can add as many images as we want by using the small icon. After adding some sample images, click on the Save button to complete this process.
    Time for action—adding additional images for Reebok shoe
  3. We can see the other images of the shoe when we browse to the item details page and click on the Additional Images tab.
    Time for action—adding additional images for Reebok shoe

What just happened?

We have seen how easy it is to add additional images for a product. Generally, it is a better experience for customers browsing more images on an online shoe store and it increases the overall quality of the store.

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