88 Resonate
Whether it’s based on altruism or ego, people like to
make a difference with their lives. That difference could
be something as modest as “make this a great place to
work” or as lofty as “save lives in Ethiopia.”
No matter how stimulating you make your plea, an
audience will not act unless you describe a reward that
makes it worthwhile. The ultimate gain must be clear,
whether it relates to their extended sphere of influence
or possibly even all of mankind. If they are sacrificing
their time, money, or opinion for your call to action,
make it obvious what the payoff will be.
Rewards should appeal to physical, relational, or self-
fulfillment needs:
Basic needs: The human body has basic needs like food,
water, shelter, and rest. When any of those are threat-
ened, people will risk life and limb to secure them—even
for someone else. People don’t like to see others’ basic
needs go unmet, and this prompts generosity.
Security: People want to feel secure and safe at home,
at work, and at play. Physical, financial, or even tech-
nological security assures them that they are safe.
Savings: Time and money are two precious commodi-
ties. Your presentation’s reward might be saving
the audience time or creating a generous return on
their investment.
Make the Reward Worth It
Prize: This can be anything from a personal financial
reward to gaining market share. It is the privilege of
taking possession of something.
Recognition: People relish being honored for their
individual or collective efforts. Being seen in a new light,
receiving a promotion, or gaining admission into some-
thing exclusive are all giving recognition.
Relationship: People will endure a lot for the promise
of community with a group of folks who make a differ-
ence. A reward can be as simple as a victory celebra-
tion with those they love.
Destiny: Guiding the audience toward a lifelong dream
fulfills the need to be valued. Offer the audience a
chance to live up to their full potential.
In light of these categories, ask yourself the following:
What is it that the audience gets in exchange for
changing? What is in it for them? What do they gain
by adopting your perspective or buying your product?
What value does it bring to them?
As you’ve learned from The Hero’s Journey, the hero
leaves the ordinary world, enters a special world, and
returns not only changed as a human being but bearing
an Elixir—a reward for having taken the journey. The
reward for your audience should be proportional to the
sacrifice they have made.
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Define the Journey 89
Identify the Reward
(new bliss)
How will they personally
benefit from adopting
your idea? What’s in it
for them materially
or emotionally?
How will this help their
sphere of influence such
as friends, peers, students,
and direct reports? How can
they use it to their benefit
with those they influence?
How will this help the
humans or the planet?
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