244 Resonate
motivations, of audience members, 65
movie making, collaborative process of, 226
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 232
case study, 222–225
sonata sparkline, 224225
Mugabe, Robert, 154
Muhammad Ali, 153
Mutually Exclusive and Collectively
Exhaustive, 120
mythology, hero’s journey in, 32, 33
negative organizational systems, 183
Neumeier, Marty, 196
new bliss, in presentations, 36, 37
new world skills, developing, 93
New York Philharmonic, 186, 187, 189
noise, 170
minimizing, 170
role of, in communication, 171
No Thanks (Cummings), 228
Now You See It (Few), 117
Obama, Barack, 152, 204
obscurity, as enemy of persuasion, 10
obstacles, refusal of the call and, 87
Olson, Randy, four organs of
communication, 102
Omnivore’s Dilemma, The (Pollan), 151
Onizuka, Ellison, 62
opposing ideas, 104–105
oppositional content, familiar content and,
ordinary world
crossing the threshold and, 34
hero’s journey and, 32, 33
organizational change, template for story
about, 111
organizational structures, types of, 129
organizations, change in, 6
Ortberg, John
case study: emotive storytelling, 156–159
as great communicator, 3
sparkline of, 158–159
Otelini, Paul, 117
outcomes, stories in presentations and effect
on, 53
outlines, 128
overlap, communicating from, 7071
Pascal, Blaise, 101
transforming your world and, 216
unleashing, 93
Pausch, Randy, 203
PC World, 163
personal conviction, 14
personal values, connection and, 68
emotions and, 14
as enemy of obscurity, 10
power of, 2
physical needs, rewards and appeal to, 88
pictures, words turned into, 141
Pioneer Award, 184
plot points
defined, 30
for Shawshank Redemption, 31
polarity, in stories, 40
politics, refusal of the call and, 87
Pollan, Michael, memorable dramatization
by, 150151
polyphony, 222
PowerPoint, 26
audience as hero in, 20
bad, samples from, 19
boring, 8
call to action in, 42
change and, 6
changing the world with, 196
collaborative efforts behind, 226
common and unified language in, 174
content types for, 136–137
contour of communication and, 36–37
contrast in middle of, 40
contrast in sonatas and in, 222
crossing threshold in, 34, 35
defining audience for, 59
destination for, 76, 77
emotion in, 14
emotions balanced in, 180–181
end of, 44
Enron scandal and, 199, 200
holistic look at structure of, 128
bindex.indd 244bindex.indd 244 8/16/10 8:02:54 PM8/16/10 8:02:54 PM
Index 245
inherent structure in, 144
insights from myths and movies in, 32
leveraging power of story in, 52
meeting the hero in, 64
organizational structures for, 129
process recap, 142–144
real, 12
recall stories for, 108–109
screenplays and, 30
self-centered content in, 18
social media and, 203
sparklines and, 46–47
S.T.A.R. moments in, 148–151
strategic value of, 197
structure, activities, result, and delivery
of, 26
structure established for, 126–127
unlocking story potential in, 26
without humanness, 13
Presentation Zen (Reynolds), 173
presenter, as wise storyteller, 22
presenter preparation, audience interest
proportionate to, 191
press releases, repeatable sound bites and,
prizes, rewards and, 88
problem-solution structure, 129
process segmentation, in mapping out
audience journey, 83
products, presentations and life cycle of, 196
protagonist, inciting incident and, 39
qualifications, connection and, 69
Quiller-Couch, Arthur, 119
rally cry, repeatable sound bites and, 152
Rauch Foundation: shocking statistics,
Reagan, Ronald, 153
as great communicator, 2
Space Shuttle Challenger address to the
nation by, 6063
reality, imagination and creation of, 233
real presentations, 12
recalling stories, 108–109
recapitulation (end)
in Mozart’s Eine kleine Nachtmusik, 225
in sonata form, 222
receiver, 170, 171
recency principle, 44
reception, 170, 171
recognition, rewards and, 88
recollection of experiences, 106
refusal of the call, addressing resistance
and, 86–87
rehearsals, Bernstein and Young People’s
Concerts, 187–190
relationships, rewards and, 88
repeatable sound bites, 153
rhetorical devices for, 152
by Steve Jobs, 163
reports, stories vs., 26–27
harnessing, 76, 77
refusal of the call and, 86–87
source of, 84
Resnik, Judith, 62
resolution, in story pattern, 29
resonance, change caused by, 4, 23
resonant frequency, big idea and, 123
respect, for audience members, 65
identifying, 89
making it worthwhile, 88
Reynolds, Garr, 173
acknowledging, 84
creative results and, 12
empathizing with audience’s feelings
of, 85
empathizing with sacrifice and, 85
taking, 92
Rosling, Hans, TED talk by, 116
defined, 84
empathizing with audience’s feelings
of, 85
rewards proportional to, 88
Saint Paul (Apostle of the Corinthians), 152
salt patterns, sound waves and, 4, 5
“save the cat” scene, 64
savings, rewards and, 88
bindex.indd 245bindex.indd 245 8/16/10 8:02:54 PM8/16/10 8:02:54 PM
246 Resonate
Schlesinger, Leonard A., 86
Scobee, Dick, 62
screenings, hosting with honest critics,
Screenplay (Field), 30
character arc in, 80
presentations and, 30
security, rewards and, 88
segmentation, audience and, 58–59
self-centered content, in presentations, 18
self-fulfillment needs, rewards and appeal
to, 88
semantic noise, 171
sender, 170, 171
sequential structure, 129
shared experiences, connection and, 69
Shaw, George Bernard, 7
Shawshank Redemption, acts and plot points
for, 30–31
shocking statistics
in iPhone launch presentation by Steve
Jobs, 163
in Rauch Foundation case study, 160–161
short story template, 110
signal, amplifying, 170
signal-to-noise ratio, 170
situation, in story pattern, 29
sketching memories, 108
Skilling, Jeff, 198, 199, 200, 201
clear, minimalist design for, 185
overuse of, 138
storyboarding, 140–141
weaning self from, 178–179
Smith, Michael, 62
Snow White, 29
Snyder, Blake, 64
social media
presentations viewed through, 203
repeatable sound bites and, 152
social movements, great communication and,
203, 204209
sparkline, 224–225
structure of, 222
sound bites, repeatable, 152–153
sound waves, salt patterns and, 4, 5
Space Shuttle Challenger disaster
Feynman’s O-ring explanation about, 149
Reagan’s address to the nation about, 6063
sparklines, 46–47
Benjamin Zander, 50–51
John Ortberg, 158–159
Martin Luther King, Jr. “I Have a Dream
speech, 206–209
Mozart sonata, 224–225
Richard Feynman, 132–133
Steve Jobs, 164–165
spatial structure, 129
special world
crossing the threshold and, 34
in hero’s journey, 32, 33
sphere of influence, rewards and, 89
S.T.A.R. moments
Bill Gates, 149
creating, 148
emotive storytelling, 148, 156–159
evocative visuals, 148, 154–155
memorable dramatizations, 148, 150–151
repeatable sound bites, 148, 152–153
Richard Feynman, 149
shocking statistics, 148, 160–161
Steve Jobs, 149, 163
types of, 148
Star Wars: Episode VI, hero’s journey in,
statistics, shocking, 160–161, 163
in Cisco Systems case study, 112–115
as currency of human relationships, 107
desire at heart of, 26
information turned into, 110–111
leveraging power of, 52
meaning in, 16
polarity in, 40
power of, xix
recalling, 108–109
reports vs., 26–27
on the silver screen, 140–141
structure, activities, result, and delivery
of, 26
story analyst, 80
storyboarding, for slides, 140–141
story pattern, 29
emotive, 156–159
unforgettable, 12
story templates, structure created by, 30
bindex.indd 246bindex.indd 246 8/16/10 8:02:54 PM8/16/10 8:02:54 PM
Index 247
structural contrast, in Zander’s TED talk, 48
demotivating, 134
establishing, 126–127
of Feynman’s gravity lecture, 130–133
as greater than sum of its parts, 145
making sense with, 128
motivating, 135
organizational, 129
in sonata form, 222
story templates and creation of, 30
superheroes, in audience, 56, 57
suppliers, in audience, 43
supporting points, adding, 128–129, 143
Syd Field Paradigm, 30, 31
Tale of Two Cities, A (Dickens), 152
teacup, meaning of, 107
teams, empowering, 93
technical vocabulary, 174
TED.com, 203
TED (Technology, Entertainment,
Design) talks
by Benjamin Zander, 48–52
by Bill Gates, 149
by Hans Rosling, 116
teleprompter, computer as, 179
tension, resolving through contrast, 40
textural contrast, in music, 222
threshold, crossing, 34, 35
tonal contrast, in music, 222
tools, given by mentor, 67
transformation of audience, metamorphosis
of butterfly and, 84
transforming your world, 216
transmission, 170, 171
transparency, seeing ideas and, 214–215
Truffaut, Francois, 226
turning points, 30, 32, 39
first, in presentations, 38
strengthening, 38–39, 42–45, 143
in structure of presentation, 36
uncompromising approach, transparency
and, 214
unforgettable ideas, being true to yourself
and, 214–215
uniqueness, transparency and, 214
values, of audience members, 65
visual aids, 179
message, 140–141, 143
from writing to, 109
visual relationships, types of, 141
visuals, evocative, 154–155
Vogler, Christopher, 32, 40
vulnerabilities, refusal of the call and, 87
WaterPartner.org, 2008 animation, 117
Watkins, Sherron, 201
Welch, Jack, 91
Wilson, Woodrow, 176
words, turning into pictures, 141
Wozniak, Steve, 165
Writer’s Journey, The (Vogler), 32
writing, from visualizing to, 109
x-axis in movement, 187
x-height for font, 142
Young People’s Concerts case study, 187–189
YouTube, 203
Zander, Benjamin, 222
as great communicator, 2
sparkline of, 50–51
TED talk by, 4849
Zimbabwe, intimidated voters in, 154, 155
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