6 Resonate
Change Is Healthy
are healthier than those that don’t. Many times the
future cannot be quantified with statistics, facts, or
proofs. Sometimes leaders have to let their gut lead
them into uncharted territories where statistics haven’t
yet been generated.
An organization should make continual shifts and
improvements to stay healthy. That makes even simple
presentations at staff meetings a platform for persua-
sion. You need to persuade your team to self-organize
at a distinct place in the future or it could bring the
demise of the organization.
Getting ahead of the next curve requires courage and
communication: Courage to determine the next bold
move, and communication to keep the troops commit-
ted to the value of moving forward.
Rallying stakeholders to move together in a common
course of action is all part of the innovation and survival
process. Leaders at every level in an organization need
to be skillful at creating resonance if that organization
is to control its own destiny.
Presentations are about change. Businesses, and
indeed all professions, have to change and adapt in
order to stay alive.
Organizations go through a life cycle of starting up,
growing, maturing, and eventually declining—that is,
unless they reinvent themselves. A business is usu-
ally founded because someone came up with a clear
vision of the world in the future as an improved place.
But that improved world quickly becomes an ordinary
world. Once an organization arrives at maturity, it
can’t get too comfortable. To avoid potential decline,
it must alter and adapt its strategy so it’s at the right
place at the right time in the future. If an organiza-
tion doesn’t take a new path, it will eventually wither.
Communicating each move carefully to all stakehold-
ers and clients becomes critical.
It takes gutsy intuitive skills to move toward an
unknown future that involves unfamiliar risks and
rewards, yet businesses must make these moves to
survive. Companies that learn to thrive in the chronic
flux and tension between what is and what could be
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Why Resonate? 7
Progress is impossible without change;
and those who cannot change their minds
cannot change anything.”
George Bernard Shaw
Business Transformation
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