Create Meaningful Content 103
People are more conditioned to generate content from
their heads, because institutions encourage and reward
employees who spend most of their time in their ana-
lytical region (head), so most people avoid the emo-
tional region (heart, gut, and groin). Yet it’s from this
more emotional region that hunches, hypotheses, and
passions are generated—big ideas need those too.
Whatever your natural communication tendency is, you
need to learn skills in the other regions to appeal to a
broad audience. If you speak solely from the analytical
region, move a bit lower; many decisions are made from
emotion. In fact, your next investor might make financial
decisions by following his heart. But if you communicate
only from the emotional region, an analytical-driven
audience won’t buy into your lack of proof, which could
ruin your credibility.
Don’t Be So Cerebral
What is it like to create presentations from your whole
self—both analytical and emotional?
Ideas generated from lower regions are more innova-
tive; they’re bolder and riskier, but also more interesting.
Abandon the spreadsheets and matrices and imagine
what could be. Let your lower regions guide idea genera-
tion, and venture into more exciting adventures. Imagine
the unknown without feeling silly about it. After you’ve
exhausted these yet-unfamiliar places, turn to your head
to analyze them. Make an intentional attempt to move
back and forth from the head to the gut to ensure that
you’re using integrative thinking.
“Emotions and beliefs are masters, reason their servant.
Ignore emotion, and reason slumbers; trigger emotion,
and reason comes rushing to help.”
Henry M. Boettinger
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