154 Resonate
Images can evoke the full range of emotion, from pain
to pleasure. While using eloquent, descriptive words is
one way to create an image, a photograph or illustra-
tion can frequently leave a more vivid imprint in the
audience’s hearts and minds. When the human mind
recalls an image, it also recalls the emotion associated
with the image.
Your presentation can use one large full-screen image
to convey a point, or pair images together to create
conflicted emotions like the examples on the right.
Two recent occasions were publicized on an interna-
tional scale through images of ink-stained fingers. In
one, fingers were stained to prevent double voting. In
the other, fingers were stained to tyrannically enforce
voting. Each evoked very different emotions.
Evocative Visuals
Conservation International uses
dreamlike images of the ocean
juxtaposed to rubbish washed up on
the beach. The contrast is jarring and
compels the audience to understand
why the oceans are so important, be
ready to take action to improve policy,
change business practices, and make
better choices in their daily lives.
January 30, 2005: Iraqis voted for the first time since the
fall of Saddam Hussein. Militants tried to stop the voting
by setting off dozens of explosives that shook Baghdad.
Proud citizens raised their purple digits (showing they
had voted) as gestures of support for democracy and in
defiance of terrorist threats.
June 27, 2008: After Robert Mugabe was defeated in
Zimbabwe’s presidential elections, he mandated a run-
off ballot on which he was the only candidate and
resolved to hold onto power through fraud, corruption,
and intimidation. Voters in Zimbabwe were required to
show their ink-stained fingers to prove they had voted.
If they didn’t, they could be beaten and forced to vote,
and they would face severe consequences at the hands
of government agents.
It’s effective to recall real events like the stories above,
but using images often conveys emotional force that
words cannot match—particularly when abstract issues
like democracy and tyranny are involved.
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Deliver Something They’ll Always Remember 155
The gesture and ink
are similar but have
entirely different
emotional meanings.
Zimbabwe woman
feeling scared, intimi-
dated, and defeated.
Iraqi women feeling
joyful, free, and defiant.
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