Book VII

Optimizing the Foundations


webextra You have other options for domains than just .com and .net! Find out more at

Contents at a Glance

  1. Chapter 1: Server Issues: Why Your Server Matters
    1. Meeting the Servers
    2. Making Sure That Your Server Is Healthy, Happy, and Fast
    3. Excluding Pages and Sites from the Search Engines
    4. Creating Custom 404 Error Pages
    5. Fixing Dirty IPs and Other “Bad Neighborhood” Issues
    6. Serving Your Site to Different Devices
  2. Chapter 2: Domain Names: What Your URL Says about You
    1. Selecting Your Domain Name
    2. Registering Your Domain Name
    3. Covering All Your Bases
    4. Pointing Multiple Domains to a Single Site Correctly
    5. Choosing the Right Hosting Provider
    6. Understanding Subdomains
  3. Chapter 3: Using Redirects for SEO
    1. Discovering the Types of Redirects
    2. Reconciling Your www and Non-www URLs
  4. Chapter 4: Implementing 301 Redirects
    1. Getting the Details on How 301 Redirects Work
    2. Implementing a 301 Redirect in Apache .htaccess Files
    3. Implementing a 301 Redirect on an NGINX Server
    4. Implementing a 301 Redirect on a Microsoft IIS Server
    5. Using Alternate Ways to Redirect a Page
  5. Chapter 5: Watching Your Backend: Content Management System Troubles
    1. Avoiding SEO Problems Caused by Content Management Systems
    2. Choosing the Right Content Management System
    3. Customizing Your CMS for SEO
    4. Optimizing Your Hosted E-Commerce Site
    5. Avoiding Problems with JavaScript Frameworks
  6. Chapter 6: Solving SEO Roadblocks
    1. Inviting Spiders to Your Site
    2. Avoiding 302 Hijacks
    3. Handling Secure Server Problems
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