Book I

How Search Engines Work


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Contents at a Glance

  1. Chapter 1: Putting Search Engines in Context
    1. Identifying Search Engine Users
    2. Figuring Out Why People Use Search Engines
    3. Discovering the Necessary Elements for Getting High Keyword Rankings
    4. Understanding the Search Engines: They're a Community
  2. Chapter 2: Meeting the Search Engines
    1. Finding the Common Threads among the Engines
    2. Getting to Know the Major Engines
    3. Checking Out the Rest of the Field:AOL and
    4. Finding Your Niche: Vertical Engines
    5. Discovering Internal Site Search
    6. Understanding Metasearch Engines
  3. Chapter 3: Recognizing and Reading Search Results
    1. Reading the Search Engine Results Page
    2. Understanding How People Look at Search Results
    3. Identifying Mobile Users’ Search Patterns
    4. Discovering the Features of a Search Results Page
  4. Chapter 4: Getting Your Site to Appear in the Right Results
    1. Seeking Traffic, Not Ranking
    2. Avoiding Spam
    3. Understanding Personalized Search’s Impact on Ranking
    4. Using News, Images, Books, and Other Search Verticals to Rank
    5. Showing Up in Local Search Results
    6. Making the Most of Paid Search Results
  5. Chapter 5: Knowing What Drives Search Results
    1. Using Advanced Search Operators
    2. Understanding Long-Tail Queries
    3. Using Predictive Search as a Research Assistant
  6. Chapter 6: Spam Issues: When Search Engines Get Fooled
    1. Understanding What Spam Is
    2. Discovering the Types of Spam
    3. Reporting Spam
    4. Avoiding Being Evil: Ethical Search Marketing
    5. Realizing That There Are No Promises or Guarantees
    6. Following the SEO Code of Ethics
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