Step 3 – The product vision

The Product Owner in Scrum is the person responsible for holding the product vision; this is a view of the product overall and what problem, or problems, it solves for your customer. Our Product Owner maintains the bigger picture and shares relevant information so that our team can tie back any decisions they make while on a mission.

There are several ways that the product purpose can be defined; it's usually in the form of a business case. For example, a Lean Start-up would use a Lean Business Canvas. The product vision differs from the product purpose in that it is a shorter, punchier version, something that gets people excited and engaged. Many activities will help us create a product vision and make a business case a little more dynamic; these include the product box, the press release, or an elevator pitch.

The elevator pitch is the most straightforward and can be crafted by the Product Owner. Use the following as a guide to creating one: 

Imagine you're the owner of a start-up company with an idea for an exciting new product that is going to change the world. Like all new start-ups, you just need money and are hoping that you can persuade a seed investor or venture capitalist to fund you. One morning, just after buying your coffee, you jump into an elevator on the way to your shared office space and who should be in there but Jeff Bezos (Amazon). He's just pushed the eighth-floor button; you realize you've only got eight floors to persuade him to invest; what do you say?

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