
Mostly, when moving from a waterfall-style delivery to an iterative/incremental delivery style, we struggle with a couple of things:

  • Breaking the work down into small chunks: As a rule of thumb, a full-size Scrum team is aiming to deliver around five User Stories per Sprint. Most will struggle with delivering one in their first iteration.
  • Having the appropriate mechanisms for delivery setup: If coming from a waterfall-style delivery background, most people will be used to work being carried out in separate phases. Unfortunately, we can apply this thinking to Scrum too, expecting development to be done in one sprint, integration and testing to be done in another, and deployment to be done in yet another. This isn't Agile thinking, we should avoid this approach at all cost.

In this chapter we've looked at ways to slice up our product into features that we can then prioritize and deliver in a way that provides value for our customer sooner. Why wait for the product to be complete before we start to share its usefulness?

We also discussed shifting left some of the technical practices, which gives us confidence that we can deliver—quickly and reliably—each vertical slice of a new feature. In this way, we rapidly increase our delivery capability, hopefully flooding our customer with regular feature updates. 

With Scrum and other Agile frameworks, we make our customer part of our team and include the broader stakeholder group. We regularly seek their feedback based on the demonstration of each working increment of our product.

In the last section, we looked at Lean Startup and its approach to incremental delivery. It aims to build the earliest testable product, a product with a minimal feature set, known as the MVP (Minimum Viable Product). We used this to confirm, with our customer, and in a real-world setting, that it's what they need. The aim was to seek the highest value from our product and deliver something that our customer would truly be delighted with.

In the next chapter, we'll look at methods for seeking out value sooner so that we can first focus on the ideas we think our customer will need the most. 

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