
In this chapter, we've looked at how roadmaps play an essential part in creating alignment with our organization's purpose and strategic intent.

We discussed the Product Discovery phase, which we use to ascertain which direction our product is going to take. 

We looked at two techniques for Product Discovery: User Story Mapping and Impact Mapping. These methods are both centered on user outcomes and help us determine how we'll solve the business problem with our customer in mind. 

Next, we looked at why it's important to include the development team and stakeholders in the product discovery phase. Each group will have a valuable contribution regarding what we should build; one group represents the problem (business) domain and the other represents the solution (technical) domain. Most importantly, having both groups present will hopefully bring to the surface any assumptions and align them in terms of expectations.

We also looked at using a technique for discovery called a Spike, a sort of mini-hackathon that allows us to be better informed in our business and technical decision-making. Sometimes when we get stuck, the simplest thing is just to experiment and see what works. 

In the final section, we introduced a continuous planning technique called Rolling Wave Planning. It fits well with Product Backlog management and allows us to make adjustments to our roadmap as we incrementally build, measure, and learn.

In the next chapter, we're going to look at how we can take our team performance from average to high-performing by understanding what makes great teams work well together. 

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