Stage 4 – performing

There is a much greater sense of satisfaction among the team at this stage as they start to make significant progress on their mission. They feel like they understand each other's abilities and the process that they all follow. They will feel comfortable in making profound changes to the way they work, suggesting the introduction of new approaches for the team to experiment with.

As we'll discuss in Chapter 12, Baking Quality into Our Software Delivery, the boundaries between roles will start to blur and the hand-offs between team members are minimized by close collaboration such as pair and mob programming. Our team will start to exhibit the hallmarks of skill cross-pollination, where they will be able to pick up elements of each others' specializations. Team members will know what each other is capable of and will play to these strengths. A feeling of invincibility will start to develop among our team as their confidence in their team's ability grows.

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