
A Hackathon is an informal gathering of people with a related interest in the goal of creating usable software. A Hackathon will usually have a theme, of which some examples include:

  • A specific item of technology such as an API or a programming language or framework.
  • A specific subject matter, for example, open government.
  • Sometimes it's about the demographics of the programmers. Personally, I like the grey-haired C programmers' Hackathons the best.
  • Or it may just be about a group of developers getting together to share ideas and show each other some cool stuff.

As well as a theme, Hackathons will usually have categories and there are usually prizes for the entry judged best in each category. For example, here are a few of the categories for a recent open government Hackathon in New Zealand called GovHack NZ 2017:

  • Re:Invention (International)
  • Tourism Hack
  • Geospatial (Location) Hack
  • Most innovative hack using Stats NZ data
  • Data Journalism
  • Making Donations Easy
  • Search and Rescue Comms
  • Sustainable New Zealand

So yes, you will need a judging panel. If you're doing an internal Hackathon, you can ask for ideas for categories from around your organization. You can then ask those who suggest a category that is used if they could be on the judging panel for that category.

The number of days dedicated to a Hackathon really depends on what you're trying to achieve. For public Hackathons, they usually require a single day or an entire weekend. It's an opportunity for teams to learn how to work together.

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