The Big Agile board

The Big Agile board is used by upper management to track the execution of their vision. Making it visible increases the level of transparency, which is probably the most crucial aspect of this. At the very least, make sure there are no surprises along the lines of: "How's that very important thing I asked you to work on coming along?" and "Erm, yes, been meaning to tell you about that."

This is the nature of a planning-driven culture. What we've learned is not to sweep things under the carpet. All news is just news; there will be good and bad. Sometimes the bad is more important than the good; don't delay presenting it. Better still, make it visible so that you can actively do something about it and prevent it becoming much worse.

How we set the board up will differ from context to context. It may be that you have your teams and the executive team in one location, in which case this could be as simple as making each of the roadmaps visible: a war room style wall, which incorporates updates from the teams as they progress.

The key to any Agile/Lean endeavor is to expose the system to itself so that people within the system can identify problem areas and make continuous improvements. Without first making the problems visible—especially if we keep seeing information piecemeal—it's impossible to actually spot what is happening and how to unpick it.

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