Importing Unity packages into your project

The packages provided by Unity can save you a lot of development time. They usually contain resources (such as texture maps, materials, and so on) and fully implemented features ready to go into your project. When creating a new project, Unity offers to install those packages into the Assets folder. However, if you've missed it at first, you can still import them into your project at any time.

How to do it...

To import a Unity package, follow these steps:

  1. Inside the Unity editor, access the Assets menu.
  2. Enter the Import Package sub-menu and choose a package from the list.
  3. Make sure every needed component is selected and click Import.
  4. Package contents should be ready and listed in the Project view.
    How to do it...

How it works...

Unity installation files include a number of packages that can be imported into your project as ready-to-use resources. Inside those packages are all the assets needed to implement a specific feature or functionality. Once imported, new features can be accessed through the Project view (and dragged and dropped into your level) or through newly added menu items (the Tree Creator package, for instance, adds the Tree option into the Create Other sub-menu of the GameObject menu).

There's more...

Importing Unity packages can also be done through the Project Wizard. When starting a new project, check the boxes of the packages you want to import.

See also

  • The Importing custom packages into your project recipe.
  • The Exporting custom packages from your project recipe.
  • The Adding custom packages to Unity's quick list recipe.
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