Saving and loading player data – using PlayerPrefs

While the previous recipe illustrates how static properties allow a game to "remember" values between different scenes, those values are "forgotten" once the game application has quit. Unity provides the PlayerPrefs feature to allow a game to store and retrieve data between different game-playing sessions.

Getting ready

This recipe builds upon the previous recipe. In case you haven't completed the previous recipe, we have included a complete project named BlueSpheres-static in the 0423_07_05 folder. In order to follow this recipe, make a copy of that folder as your starting point.

How to do it...

To save and load player data, follow these steps:

  1. Open the BlueSpheres-static project and delete the Player C# script.
  2. Edit the MenuStart C# script by replacing the OnGUI() method with the following code (the if statement is to be changed):
    private void OnGUI() {
    string rules = "Easiest Game Ever -- Click the blue spheres to add points and advance levels.";
  3. Edit the MenuStart C# script by replacing the ResetGameData() method with the following code:
    private void ResetGameData() {
      playerNameField = DEFAULT_PLAYER_NAME;
  4. Edit the MenuStart C# script by replacing the first line of the WelcomeGUI() method with the following:
    string welcomeMessage = "Welcome, " + PlayerPrefs.GetString("username") + ". You currently have " + PlayerPrefs.GetInt("score") + " points.";
  5. Also, locate the lines:
    Player.username = playerNameField;
    Player.score = 0;

    And replace them with:

    PlayerPrefs.SetString("username", playerNameField);
    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("score", 0);
  6. Now edit the SphereClick C# script by replacing the ONGUI() and OnMouseDown() methods with the following code:
    private void OnGUI(){
      GUILayout.Label( "Score: " + PlayerPrefs.GetInt("score") );
    private void OnMouseDown() {
      if( gameObject.CompareTag("blue") ){
        int newScore = 50 + PlayerPrefs.GetInt("score");
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("score", newScore);
  7. Edit the MenuEnd C# script by replacing the first two lines of the OnGUI() method with the following:
    GUILayout.Label("Congratulations " + PlayerPrefs.GetString("username"));
    GUILayout.Label("You have finished the game, score = " + PlayerPrefs.GetInt("score"));
  8. Save your scripts and play the game. Close Unity and then restart the application. You should find that the player's name, level, and score are now kept between game sessions.

How it works...

All we needed to do was to change our code to take advantage of Unity's PlayerPrefs Runtime class. This class is capable of storing and accessing information (String, Int, and Float variables) in the user's machine. Values are stored in a "plist" file (Mac) or the registry (Windows), in a similar way to web browser "cookies", and therefore "remembered" between game application sessions.


For more information on PlayerPrefs, see Unity's online documentation at

See also

  • The Saving and loading player data – using static properties recipe.
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