Time for action — customizing the application

  1. Open the file ch9_Car_Showroom.html using your favorite code editor.
  2. We will assign a different home for the camera when we load the Ford Mustang. To do so, please check the cameraHome, cameraAzimuth, and cameraElevation global variables. We set up the camera home position by using this variable inside the configure function like this:

    Let's use this code to configure the default pose for the camera when we load the Ford Mustang. Go to the loadMustang function and append these lines:

    cameraHome = [0,0,10];
    cameraAzimuth = -25;
    cameraElevation = -15;
  3. Now save your work and load the page in your web browser. Check that the camera appears in the indicated position when you load the Ford Mustang.
  4. We can also set up the lighting scheme on a car-per-car basis. For instance, while low-diffusive, high-specular lights work well for the BMW I8, these configurations are not as good for the Audi R8. Let's take for example light1 in the configure function. First we set the light attributes like this:

    Then, we add light1 to the Lights object:


    Finally, we map the light arrays contained in the Lights object to the respective uniform arrays in our shaders:

    gl.uniform3fv(Program.uLightPosition, Lights.getArray('position'));
    gl.uniform3fv(Program.uLa , Lights.getArray('ambient'));
    gl.uniform3fv(Program.uLd, Lights.getArray('diffuse'));
    gl.uniform3fv(Program.uLs, Lights.getArray('specular'));

    Notice though that we need to add light1 to Lights only once. Now check the code for the one in the updateLightProperty function at the bottom of the page:

    function updateLightProperty(index,property){
    var v = $('#slider-l'+property+''+index).slider('value'),
    var light;
    case 1: light = light1; break;
    case 2: light = light2; break;
    case 3: light = light3; break;
    case 4: light = light4; break;
    case 'a':light.setAmbient([v,v,v]);
    gl.uniform3fv(Program.uLa, Lights.getArray('ambient'));
    case 'd':light.setDiffuse([v,v,v]);
    gl.uniform3fv(Program.uLd, Lights.getArray('diffuse'));
    case 's':light.setSpecular([v,v,v]);
    gl.uniform3fv(Program.uLs, Lights.getArray('specular'));

    Here we are detecting what slider changed and we are updating the correspondent light. Notice that we refer to light1, light2, light3, or light4 directly as these are global variables. We update the light that corresponds to the slider that changed and then we map the Lights object arrays to the correspondent uniform arrays. Notice that here we are not adding light1 or any other light again to the Lights object. The reason we do not need to do this is that the Lights object keeps a reference to light1 and the other lights. This saves us from having to clear the Lights object and mapping all the lights again every time we want to update one of them.

    Using the same mechanism described in updateLightProperty, update the loadAudi function to set the diffuse terms of all four lights to [0.7,0.7,0.7] and the specular terms to [0.4,0.4,0.4].

    Time for action — customizing the application
  5. Save your work and reload the page on your web browser. Try different lighting schemes for different cars.

What just happened?

We have built a demo that uses many of the elements that we have discussed in the book. For that purpose, we have used the infrastructure code writing three main functions: configure, load, and render. These functions define the lifecycle of our application.

On each of these functions, we have used the objects defined by the architecture of the examples in the book. For example, we have used a camera object, several light objects, the program, and the scene object among others.

Have a go hero — flying through the scene

We want to animate the camera to produce a fly-through effect. You will need to consider three variables to be interpolated: the camera position, elevation, and azimuth. Start by defining the key frames, these are the intermediate poses that you want the camera to have. One could start for instance by looking at the car in the front view and then flying by one of the sides. You could also try a fly-through starting from a 45 degree angle in the back view. In both cases, you want to make sure that the camera follows the car. To achieve that effect, you need to make sure to update the azimuth and elevation on each key frame so the car keeps in focus.

Hint: Take a look at the code for the animCamera function and the functions that we have defined for the click events on the Camera buttons:

Have a go hero — flying through the scene
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