Turning space orientation into controls

Onscreen controls are quite good, but they can be considered as a compromise, a way to reconcile two worlds: the one with physical buttons and a brand new one with some new principles where traditional controls are not an option anymore. But what about the truly new approaches that are written from scratch? Is it possible? Sure! Moreover, iOS devices have interesting tiny sensors that might be useful: the accelerometer and the gyroscope. As a rule, beginners are a little bit confused about the exact functions and difference between these sensors. By a general description, they might look pretty similar. They are tiny instruments that measure some orientation parameters of a mobile device. In reality, each sensor has its own features. The accelerometer is a traditional part of the iOS platform. It can gauge the acceleration registering values of forces that disturb the device. Because the sensor has three axes of sensitivity, the orientation relative to the ground surface can be calculated. The simplest example of using an accelerometer is switching between landscape and portrait screen modes while a device is rotating. But the sensor also has a drawback. It is efficient for stationary objects rather than the moving ones. To overcome this point, a backup system should be used. This is why in iPhone 4, the gyroscope was introduced. It is a tiny device that is capable of measuring the exact rotation degree around the roll axis. It is created to be independent of the movement of the system. It is placed inside, playing the role of a constant criterion. It is funny to think that there are tiny rotors, gimbals, and other elements that a traditional mechanical gyroscope has, but that is not true; otherwise, all these mechanical parts would take too much space. In reality, as a rule, some other technological approaches are used in electronic devices, for example, vibrating structure gyroscopes. They are based on principles that are close to the orientation-measuring system that some flying insects have. These creatures use specially modified hind wings known as halters as mechanical constants. They are vibrating permanently during flight (making the distinctive high-pitch noise that humans can perceive). When some force is trying to change a rotation angle of the insect's body, the halters resist (it is hard to change the plane of vibration) involuntarily by pressing some special sensors; thus, the angle is measured by the insect. Microscopic vibrating gyroscopes inside electronic devices have their own halters. They look like solid-state elements of a specific shape. They vibrate with a special frequency.

The idea of a working partnership between the accelerometer and the gyroscope comes from such complex systems such as the orientation device in aircrafts. Working together, they complement each other and provide an accurate measurement of movement within the space of the mobile device in which they are built.

Turning space orientation into controls

The orientation-based controls try to intercept the angle at which the screen was tilted in a specific direction, and interpret it into commands for characters or other objects. Such an approach became very popular for various arcade simulators; here, players have to control flying vehicles, cars, and so on. The principle is very obvious and natural for the audience. Once the device is turned to the left like a wheel, a vehicle on the screen turns left as well. There is no need for any virtual buttons other than the ones for special actions.

Astronaut is Gone can use such a system too. By rotating a device to the right or left (the first axis), the player defines the horizontal movement of the astronaut. But tilting it forward or backward (the second axis) gives the hero a vertical acceleration. To control weapons and the throttle slider, thumbs are used. The only tricky part is the harsh turn of the device. To exclude unshapely twitches in the trajectory of motion, it is a good practice to provide a special buffer inside the game that would smooth the peaks.

One of the ways to simplify the controls is to automate some operations by shifting the responsibility to the game's Artificial Intelligence (AI). For example, the game may accelerate the character by itself; players only need to rotate the wheel, forgetting about the pedals. Such tactics work fine, but only as simulators for speedy games. It takes away the pauses in a game; so, it is not a walk with a right to stop anywhere, but a rush.

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